Posts tagged cancer

Death Can Be Peaceful


My cousin was dying from cancer.

His sisters chanted the mantra “SHANKARAAYA MAYASKARAYA SHIVAYA SHIVATHARAYA NAMAHA” continuously.

He died peacefully and consciously the day before. His sisters say that they had never seen him looking as radiant as when he died.

Thank you so much.

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Aid to Support Hepatitis Treatment


Could you please tell me the Bach flower remedy for Hepatitis B?


For Hepatitis B, there are good alternative treatments. It has to be monitored by medical profession. It is a condition, where not only liver is affected, but also kidney.

From the mental point of view, I can say that the patient needs AGRIMONY. Liver will be too much affected for a person, who has mental torture inside.

Those persons who mask their sufferings with cheerful faces, or who do not let other people know by sharing their mental status, will have this problem.

Take AGRIMONY 3 pills, three times daily.

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Bach Flower Approach to Cancer Treatment:

Avoid cancer


Chant the mantras “OM YUM NAMAHA, OM RUM NAMAHA”.

These are bija mantras. They work on our chakras and make oxygen available. Lack of oxygen is the problem behind diseases like cancer. Our body cells need oxygen.

If a cell is not able to receive oxygen for 36 hrs they will turn cancerous.

Why a cell is not receiving its oxygen content?

When there is stress the cells get closed. Therefore, there is no inflow of oxygen into body cells.

Stress constricts our cells. On the other hand, oxygen will expand them.

These are the mantras for increasing the availability of oxygen to the cells.

Om Yum Namaha will remove unwanted thoughts too, which might be cycling in a constant manner.

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Question: Can you please suggest which story to listen to improve one’s health?


Physical health is not separate from mental health.

If one can keep oneself stress-free, it will reflect physically also.

How does our worry, tension, or constant thinking of our physical problem affect the body?

Read the role of oxygen in the article mentioned below, in maintaining one’s own health.

Keep yourself mentally healthy. You will keep good health.

If one has a recurring problem, one has to come out of it mentally. Suffering will come down.

Read the stories that give you peace of mind.

Refer the article, “How to Avoid Getting Cancer”:

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I am writing this message with lots of depression and tears.

I got an admission into PhD more than 2 years before…yet I haven’t started my research work.

I am fFacing lots of hurdles at my lab and with my teachers and colleagues. I’m a very sincere student from childhood.

But, now I became very useless as no one is allowing me to carry out my work at my lab.

Applied for many scholarships but nothing worked out. People who are of less knowledge, skills and liberal at work are getting selected for stipends.

Even at my home also no one is listening to others so lots of disputes are arising everyday among all family members.

All these issues at home and college are making me more depressive. Even I’m trying for suicide also though I am against to it.


Chant “SWEET CHESTNUT, CHERRY PLUM, 58” over a glass of water 100 times and drink this water daily. Do two times a day.

Write this in a piece of paper and keep it under the pillow.


Desperate situations needs divine intervention: SWEET CHESTNUT

Not to lose control and take one’s own life: CHERRY PLUM

To overcome obstacles: 58

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Without Reiki I am nowhere


On 14th February 2014 I and my husband successfully celebrated our 20 yrs. of married life.  We need your blessings. 

I am very happy to mention here that because of Reiki and flower remedies only my life had a meaning now. 

Only after I become your student, lot of changes has happened in my life as well as with my family members. 

Even though it was slow, it is good. I experienced lot of good things. 

Every time, I attend your class, good things happen to me and I am able to propagate the power of divine flowers to my friends and relatives who had faith in it. 

I should thank my sister for introducing you as my guru.  I can feel myself that my confidence level is grown and health also. Though I look lean, I am strong. 

According to my wish, my husband got job at Chennai and my daughter got admission in the group she wished for. 

My mother-in-law is not well now but all these years she was taking care of my daughter and me and she is a great moral support to me. 

Her breast cancer also got cured without spending lot of money and now she comes to Chennai for few days and goes to her daughter’s house in Mysore.

My husband is also feeling more responsibilities towards his daughter and takes care of her.

 All these are due to your blessings and being your student.  More than 15 yrs of wonderful spiritual journey I am undergoing. Even though I had ups and downs, they didn’t affect me. 

Without Reiki I am nowhere.  Daily like eating, bathing, I am practicing Reiki and I thank Reiki energy and to flowers and to you.

Whatever problems come to me, I am able to solve them, and even negative people or situation is not touching me and my family. 

I have no words to express my gratitude to you but with my tears I bow to you and respect your spiritual path and I follow you.  You have lot of divinity in you.

I wish you good luck and long healthy life.

Thank you once again. 

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Bach Flower Approach to Cancer Treatment


My husband was recently diagnosed with bowel cancer. So far, the doctor has told us that he needs to do surgery and chemotherapy.

What SW and Bach flower remedy can I chant? I am really scared. We have 3 children. We are worried about our finances as well.


The switch words “CONCEDE CLEAR WITH LOVE old undead cells FIND new cells” can be chanted. 

“SUN DIVINE FORCE” can be chanted over water and be given to the patient.

Cancer is the physical state, where there is nothing but “destruction and annihilation”. SWEET CHESTNUT is the only remedy that can help.

When it is diagnosed, people become panicky, for which ROCK ROSE is the remedy.

Cancer is always hidden – AGRIMONY.

Cancer is called malignant, for which WILLOW is the remedy.

CRAB APPLE will dissolve the undead cells.

The vitality of the patient should be built with CENTAURY and OLIVE.

To heal the deep mental depression, MUSTARD is the remedy.

The mind always wants to deny and escape from the situation, for which AGRIMONY and CHESTNUT BUD are the remedies.

Prescription for Patients


This combination can be given one day; alternating with CENTAURY, OLIVE and MUSTARD on the next day.

RUTILE QUARTZ can be put in water and kept overnight. It can be given in the morning. It will increase the oxygen availability of the cells.

WATER VIOLET can be given to the patient also when going to the hospital. He will be taken care of well by the doctors.

Prescription for Family Members

The situation for the family is a unique and should be handled.

To handle the mental state of the family members, and to manage money: ROCK ROSE (for terror and the thought “Where to go for money”), RED CHESTNUT (worrying about the person who has cancer) and WATER VIOLET to manage the predicament.

Pictures of SQUIRREL and (gem) CITRINE can be kept in the hand bag.

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Chanting for family members


My father is suffering from liver cancer, at an advanced stage. Please suggest something that will help him staying in the best possible condition.



The meaning of the mantra is, “The God will not leave us in the lurch”.


Please clarify me whether I alone should chant it or ask my parents also do chanting.


All of you – family members, relatives and friends, need to chant.

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