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Suicidal Thoughts


(Bach Flowers) AGRIMONY, CHERRY PLUM, WALNUT, and LARCH is the base remedy.

Only those in CHERRY PLUM and AGRIMONY will have suicidal thoughts

As the patient what are the pre-dominant thoughts?

Impulsive – CHERRY PLUM

They will close the door – AGRIMONY

We have to study the individual thoughts that were mentioned during counselling session and add appropriate remedies.

Divine Marriage Mall


A girl came to see me with her mother. She was trying to get married and nothing fruitful happened.

I told her to lie down and do the following exercise:

  • Close your eyes. Visualize yourself leaving the body through the crown chakra – top of the head. Cross the planets, sun, stars and numerous galaxies of this universe.
  • You are entering the MALL of GOD, where everything you name it is available for free, which we can take it to your liking, you being the child of god.
  • Ask GOD to give you Mangala sutra (sacred thread for marriage) or ring as per your marriage custom. He is giving it you.
  • Next ask him to show the person you are about to get married. He shows some person standing across.
  • Along with him, come back to earth and go to a temple, church or wedding hall and get married to him.

I asked her mother to do the exercise, slightly changing it, in the sense, she leaves the body, god shows her the groom, she brings him along when she comes down to earth, and gets him married to her daughter.

They did the exercise for a month. The girl found a groom from the matrimony site.


The Bach Flower Remedy Chicory

Key words

Possessiveness, Self-Love, Self-Pity, Always Demanding, Noticeable, Attracting Attention


  • They try to attract others attention: for example, infants attract attention by crying when you leave them alone or we try to impress others sometimes by flattery.
  • Will be overeager to help.
  • They get angry, if they find no gratitude from the person benefited by them.
  • Their possessive nature can make the opposite person as a Centaury. Please note here, fear of rejection indicates a Centaury, while the person who instils a fear of rejection on others is Chicory.
  • Chicory will not give anything free – there is a hidden agenda behind every transaction he makes.
  • A Chicory person always attracts the attention of others.
  • Always demanding and expects a great deal from others.
  • He is possessive, extremely interfering, secretly manipulating and easily hurt.
  • He has a feeling of unwanted.
  • Over protection and too much parenting.
  • Constantly concerned with the affairs of the family, always interfering.
  • Behind all Chicory type, there lies a deep lack of fulfilment, often a feeling of not being loved.
  • Desires for company for his selfish ends.
  • He is a stingy person.
  • Easily offended or hurt – self-pity.
  • Pretending illness to attract others pity.
  • Always speaks about what others owe her.
  • Extremely nagging – the in-laws remedy.
  • Thinks, feels that everyone is there for his help.
  • Goes to the extent of weeping or pretending to be ill to get his things done.
  • There is constant fear of loss.
  • Emotional demanding always.
  • Behind the Chicory state, an internal emptiness is more.
  • Watching over the needs, wishes and progress of family and friends.
  • Always ready to comment, to correct others or to advise others.
  • The emotional control is subtle, making others dependent.
  • He will manipulate to impose his will.
  • The Chicory finds it hard to let go, feels easily offended or hurt; becomes ill to gain sympathy, always expecting others to live in the feeling of gratitude to her.
  • Chicory children throw temper tantrums.
  • The Chicory child will weep and get things done.
  • If weeping doesn’t pay, he will indulge in flattery or helps you in house hold work.
  • Always demanding, tries to seek attention.
  • The Chicory baby always wants her to be held in the lap all the time.
  • The Chicory child likes to be carried always.
  • Would weep if said anything.
  • Over care and over concern for hurt feelings.
  • Always seeks company.
  • Heart Chakra is closed for Chicory people.  Pray to Chicory to be active in the Heart Chakra.

Chicory says

  • Threatening: “I will do homework, but I will not go to the music class.  If you agree for my condition, then I will finish up all my homework now”.
  • “I am angry at his ingratitude, and he cheated me. I have done so much to him” – Chicory + Chestnut bud.
  • Chicory person makes others feel guilty by saying, “You have just used me.”
  • “After all that I have done for you, this is how you treat me”.
  • “I have given her a sari on her birthday and all that I get from her on my birth day is a card.”
  • Emotional black mailing – “How can I live without you?”
  • “Think of what I have done for you” and then bursting in to tears.
  • “My dear son, I miss you so much, the house is vacant.”
  • He sometimes become ill, he may resort to black mail. “I will study after this, if you allow me to browse the Internet.”
  • “People should respect me.”


  • Eating disorders
  • Hysterical Neurosis  – convulsion type
  • Histrionic personality disorder


  • “Live and let live” is the positive Chicory.
  • Chicory + Walnut – when the child starts schooling
  • Chicory + Walnut – for a second wife
  • Chicory + Star of Bethlehem – if a person whom you love is dead
  • Chicory – for separation.
  • Chicory: I want love and attention
  • Chicory: I feel that nobody recognises my importance
  • Chicory: I have a fear of loneliness
  • Chicory: I feel I am neglected
  • Chicory: I feel unloved by my loved ones
  • Chicory: Others say that I am of a highly interfering type
  • Chicory: I can’t be alone; I always need company
  • Chicory: I often enjoy giving my opinions and advice to others; but I feel hurt/offended when they reject my advice
  • Mimulus, Chicory: My child stays close to my side; rarely goes alone; does nothing alone
  • Chicory: Cries a lot when starting for the school
  • Chicory, Mimulus: The child becomes upset even if mildly criticized
  • Mimulus, Chicory: Burst into tears for no apparent reason
  • Chicory: The child clings to mother

Heal Your Heart Chakra


Our life is ruled by three chakras – Basic, Hara and Solar Plexus Chakras.

Yet, beyond them, we manage to express our love. We get close to people. We offer our thanks to all. All that because of one chakra and that is the Heart Chakra.

Heart Chakra is the fourth in line. It’s closer to Solar Plexus Chakra. On the chest, from breast draw a line. That’s the point where Heart Chakra is situated.

It is responsible for creation of heart and blood circulation.

It’s the reservoir of love. This chakra is reflected when we experience joy and enthusiasm with our friends and relatives.

If love is there, hate will be there too. If hate is filled in a place, then it’s a hell. Love is heaven and it increases our prana.

Heart chakra is mentally connected with love.

When you desire to make profits out of relationships (or anything for that matter with selfish intentions), we lose energy in this chakra.

If there is a relationship without a love, then it’s of no use, says the Heart Chakra.

We love our children and parents. We love somebody and hate somebody.

Hatred and sadness decreases energy and then we feel we can’t love anybody. We fight at office. When we come home, we should show love. Instead we fight.

If there is less energy in heart, we feel there is no love in life. We feel sad and think that nobody is there for us. With Heart Chakra, we need to love. Otherwise, we will deplete it!

Even if nobody loves you, love god, yourself, others and the world is the message from Reiki. If we GO for love, then the energy level of Heart Chakra expands and balances it.

When we get imbalanced due to Basic, Hara and Solar Plexus Chakras, then the energy level in those chakras shrink. But in the case of Heart Chakra, it’s never gets overfull. It can expand to any level.

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Hindrance to a Peaceful Family Life

Subhayu Sur

There is one unwanted relationship in my life, which I want to ward off. This is a one female colleague of mine, who came close to me.

Now, she is not leaving me and being hindrance in my peaceful family life.


Pray to god to help you come out of this lady.

Daily affirm, “I thank … to have parted from me”.

Thank her (mentally) for what she gave you. At some point she gave what you lacked. Don’t hate her now. Thank her and forgive her as many times as possible.

Write “CHICORY, WALNUT, ROCK ROSE” in a paper and keep it under the pillow.


Break the link: WALNUT

To release the part of you that is still attached to her: CHICORY

To be helped in times of need (similar to Wolf): ROCK ROSE

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Two months without salary


It’s been two months without salary.

Company’s operations are very slow due to unavailable operating cost, shareholders are fighting, though they have assets but to liquidate them is a long process, huge pile of debts in market and nil credibility with banks.

Seems company is going to close down in near future unless DIVINE INTERVENTION takes place. I even heard they are planning to retrench 70% of staff soon.

Please advise any chanting for company’s regular business so salaries are not delayed further…




After I senta mail to you, my senior messaged me that I need to travel to Singapore to look for apartment and school for the kids.  The thing which is worrying me is I relocate and what if reaching there such delays in salary happens! How will I survive?

Sorry Naran, if it’s annoying you but being single parent Ineed to assure financial assurance for me and my kids. Besides chanting the above, do I need to chant anything else?


Continue the same.


Thanks to You and Divine light… New investors are coming in hopefully. Really wish company grows and flourish with these new changes.

Salaries are released and all pending payments are settled… Thank God!

I am so glad that my boss is now allowing me to work couple of days to work from home when he is not in town. This way I can spend more quality time with kids and I pray Divine light to help me getting some tuition for evening, as additional source of income.


Divine order is a switch word, while Sweet Chestnut, Star of Bethlehem and Chestnut Bud are Bach flower remedies.

For divine intervention: Sweet chestnut

Outside, unhelpful environment over which one has no control: Walnut 

Total break-down because of the company: Star of Bethlehem

To get free  from the bad situation: Chestnut bud 

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