Posts tagged come

Stop! Craving for food!!


Give the Bach Flower Remedy CHICORY, as greediness is expressed through food. Add it with ROCK WATER and CHERRY PLUM.

WALNUT should be taken separately.


Rock Water is prescribed for thinking, “I want to be strict with myself. I want to be self-disciplined”.

Cherry plum is for temptation and Chicory to come out of self-gratification (compensatory behavior).

Cherry Plum is added as they will feel, “I want to control my craving”.

Rock Water and Cherry plum go together, because if somebody says, “I want to control”, then they will lose their control”. 

Walnut is given to form a habit of eating properly.

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Love breaks all the hurdles


He got to say yes to the girl as his mother has decided. He knows, I respect his care for his mother, and will not say anything against it.

His engagement ceremony is going to happen in another 3 days. He too loves me a lot and suffering a lot because of this situation. There should be a way to come out of this situation and stop this engagement.

Please guide and bless me, so that both our families will accept our relationship.


Love should break all the hurdles, if it is true.



I can understand there are lots of facts happening in life, which we may feel are wrong. But that can be the Great Lords will, so it should not be questioned too.

May be it’s my destiny, which will decide about me. But, how many times should I need to bend in front of my destiny.

I am feeling really low with these incidents in my life. Earlier I had taken my step back, when it was about my career, and now it’s about my life partner.

Still, I am not succeeded on any part of my life at age of 32!! I have failed over and over again.

I have always been good to people. So why should not I expect the same from my life.


“How many times should I need to bend” is a statement which exposes your anger and resentment at destiny.

A person if voluntarily bends and does the work will not complain.

Take the flower remedies CENTAURY, WILLOW, LARCH and PINE to overcome this feeling, three pills each, and one after the other, for three times a day.


Weak-willed and not assertive enough: CENTUARY

Anger and Resentment: WILLOW

Failure mentality: LARCH

Feeling low: PINE

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Asthma will disappear

One old man couldn’t come up stairs to Naran’s clinic, because he has asthma.

Naran enquired what type of healing can be initiated for him.

He commented that one part of the hair in his head is grey.

Interestingly, he is not worried about 20 years of his asthma. Why?

It is because the disease has become part and parcel of him. However, he is conscious about his appearance, and wants to look beautiful as he has the desire for approval in him.

The remedy therefore for Asthma is the Bach Flower Remedy CRAB APPLE.

But, Asthma will disappear and not his grey hair.

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Proper Functioning of Liver


For sugar, everyone goes after pancreas, but liver is very important. That only manages it.

So, when liver mantra “OM CHI NAMAHA” is chanted, Sugar will get better.

If sugar is there, then liver will definitely be having problems. So, Liver needs to be taken care of.

If liver is functioning properly, then sugar problem won’t come.

If Liver gets better then right solution would be found for the other problems.

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Read the first part of the article here:

Be with your feelings


Focus on the feeling, with Adi Mudra.

Say, “Yes, there is … (mention the feeling here, for example, a feeling of sadness)”

“I welcome this … (feeling)”. But, can I let go this feeling?

If you get the answer “yes”, then just say, “I let go of this … (feeling)”

Is the feeling is still there? Ask the mind, “Can I let go just 10% of the feeling?” If the answer is yes, then proceed further and let go another 10%.

Still you are unable to come out of stagnation.

Now, observe your thoughts.

Can I release this thought?

If the answer is yes then say, “I release … (thought)”

If the answer is “no”, then ask another question, “Is this thought useful to me?”

“No.” means you need to let go of the thoughts. Release all the thoughts one by one.

Find out which desire is behind the emotions.

Is it the desire to control or change the person or event, or the desire for approval or the desire to feel more secure? Ask the mind again.

If there is desire to control or change ask, “Can I release the desire to control?”

Yes means, “I accept my desire to control but I let go this desire to control”.

Is there any desire for approval? (Desiring for praise, recognition)

If yes means, “I just release this desire for approval.”

Is there any desire to feel more secure? or is there is any fear?

If yes means, “I release this desire to feel more secure; or i release my lack of trust ”

After some time, there will not be any feeling or thought. Peace dawns. Now take the required action. 

Read the final part of the article here:

Water, trees and bird droppings

Mr. R

I need some mantra or remedy to cut a tree which is causing a lot of nuisance. Our neighbors are not allowing us to cut it. It is on the road somewhere in between our gate and neighbor’s gate.

The problem is that the dried leaves, branches and many bird droppings fall in our compound. First of all no water in our area and it becomes a problem to clean all these things.


Chant “SWEET CHESTNUT, ROCK ROSE, WILD ROSE” for getting water.

By all means, clean your house of the birds’ excreta, by chanting “WILLOW, CHANGE DIVINE ORDER”.

Don’t fell the tree.

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Come out of shock with ease


I got mugged on my way back from office. I was overtaken by a superhuman calmness. It was very strange.

I am normally a very nervous person during the incident as they kept a knife on my neck. The gangsters also let me go just taking some 400 Rs and an old useless phone.

Later, I wrote to Naran and received a reply in just few hours late at night.

I followed his instructions and in a few days I was able to completely and gracefully come out of the sense of shock with ease. It was amazing.

Many other such incidents!!!

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Fear of punishment

A child aged 10 years old, had a meeting with Naran S. Balakumar, regarding a problem that she could not handle by herself.

Naran: What is going on?

Child: I am afraid that my School Principal will punish me, because my friend is accusing me, that I had stolen her money.

Naran: Did you steal the money?

Child: No, I did not.

Naran: Why cannot you convince your principal that you did not steal the money?

Child: No, I will not be able to that. My fear is that tomorrow my Principal will call me during the prayers, in front of all the school students. Then he will punish me, without doing an enquiry.

Naran: What do you want to happen?

Child: This issue should not come up in the prayer meeting.

Naran, S. Balakumar did tapping on her, until she was 100% relieved from her thoughts and fears.


For some reason, the meeting did not take place! This will not be a surprise, if you are an ardent EFT user. Such surprises and unexpected things happen, when you use EFT!!

Full of physical torture


My cousin is fighting for divorce as her 13 months marriage was full of physical torture. Unnecessary delay in hearing is making it impossible for her to concentrate on studies for a public exam.

Please advise switch words so that she can come out of that marriage and also get back the entire gold and dowry, which is not returned back by her in-laws.

Her father gave huge dowry which was more than 13 lakhs.

At present, she is trying to find a job. Next week she has an interview. Suggest also for getting that job.




Only supreme love can lift one from the seemingly unsolvable problem. With its kindness, it not only lifts but completes it, which is beneficial to both the parties.

Love is lacking here and we call for the supreme love to intervene.

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How to improve one’s health?

Question: Can you please suggest which story to listen to improve one’s health?


Physical health is not separate from mental health.

If one can keep oneself stress-free, it will reflect physically also.

How does our worry, tension, or constant thinking of our physical problem affect the body?

Read the role of oxygen in the article mentioned below, in maintaining one’s own health.

Keep yourself mentally healthy. You will keep good health.

If one has a recurring problem, one has to come out of it mentally. Suffering will come down.

Read the stories that give you peace of mind.

Refer the article, “How to Avoid Getting Cancer”:

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