Posts tagged Crab Apple

Why and How to Release Emotions and Expectations

Based on discussion with Naran

Financial worries and other such stuff takes up our mind. So we become a 24/7 worrier. Our energy stuck up in our heads and faces.

The Switch Word CANCEL removes this thought pattern, just like the Bach Flower Remedy WHITE CHESTNUT or better WWC (WHITE CHESTNUT, WALNUT and CRAB APPLE).

When you RELEASE or CANCEL the thought pattern associated with our goal and desires, then the desire manifests for the good of everybody concerned in the manner you require.

We need to RELEASE our past – the unwanted luggage that we are carrying.

We had to RELEASE our anger against others and the associated expectations about them.

Let us say you are about to leave for an opportunity abroad. Immediately your mind starts dreaming, expecting things and making lots of plans. Thus, you go into a CLEMATIS state.

This interferes with the flow of things, stopping them happening in the right way, and sometimes disrupting the situation.

Therefore, we have to RELEASE our dreams and expectations.

If we take (Bach Flower Remedy) CLEMATIS, we stay in here and now, enjoying the present. This helps us to handle the future better.

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In a glass of water, drop three pills of WHITE CHESTNUT, AGRIMONY, CRAB APPLE and WALNUT each. Sip the water after every 10 minutes.

This combination is a good mental relaxant too.

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Take the Bach Flower Remedies WALNUT and CRAB APPLE.

As this is a Sun-related issue (affected by environment), we need WALNUT. For any skin-related problems one has to take CRAB APPLE.

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Handling side effects of medicines


Please advise Bach flower remedies to prevent side effects of allopathic tablets that I am taking for high BP, anxiety and depression as prescribed by my doctor?


Take the flower remedies CRAB APPLE and WALNUT.


The Bach Flower Remedy CRAB APPLE is a physical cleanser, and thus it will remove unwanted stuff from the body. The remedy WALNUT will help overcome the side effects.

The Flower BEECH (not suggested here) will correct the disorder created by drugs.

Protection from Pests

Guru Mangala

The hibiscus plants in my garden at Kancheepuram began showing signs of some pests eating the leaves, a white powdery coating appeared on the stems and the leaves were falling.

My gardener sprinkled Neem oil. A week later the pest appeared again. 

I mixed CRAB APPLE and WALNUT in the Neem oil this time.  Since then, the plants are fine and flowering profusely.

Thanks to Naran and to the Power of the Bach Flower Remedies.

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My son is very poor in studies. He is in class 12th and is having boards this year.  He even doesn’t listen to us. Please provide me some mantra which can be done by me and he gets the positive response for it.


  1. Chant the mantra “LALITHAM ACHUDAM, LALITHAM ANANDAM, LALITHAM GOVINDAM”. Take a tumbler of water, hold it in the right hand, chant the mantra 100 times and see that he drinks that water.
  2. He has to take Bach flower remedies: WALNUT, CRAB APPLE, SCLERANTHUS and WILD OAT.
  3. Add the gem remedy CORAL also.


At what time should I chant this mantra? And can he drink this water anytime or immediately after I finish the mantra chants?


Anytime you can chant the mantra. If he takes it immediately, then it is good.


Lalitham Achudam Lalitham Anandam Lalitham Govindam: The mantra will reform him and make him understand the need of the hour.

When one does something other than what is needed: SCLERANTHUS

To choose the right path: WILD OAT

Correct his ways: CRAB APPLE and CORAL

Not to be influenced by peers:  WALNUT

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Asthma will disappear

One old man couldn’t come up stairs to Naran’s clinic, because he has asthma.

Naran enquired what type of healing can be initiated for him.

He commented that one part of the hair in his head is grey.

Interestingly, he is not worried about 20 years of his asthma. Why?

It is because the disease has become part and parcel of him. However, he is conscious about his appearance, and wants to look beautiful as he has the desire for approval in him.

The remedy therefore for Asthma is the Bach Flower Remedy CRAB APPLE.

But, Asthma will disappear and not his grey hair.

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Because the family has diabetes then we think we will get it too, which is a WILD ROSE state.

Thus, Wild Rose is the base remedy for diabetes because such persons say, “My father/mother has diabetes, so I too have it”.

The Bach Flower combination to be prescribed is: WILD ROSE + CRAB APPLE + OAK.

It will reduce sugar and will be especially helpful for diabetes wounds – unhealed wounds.

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Cannot escape cleaning


My house owner is having rooster, hen as pet birds. The problem I am facing is it is doing dirty works in my portion. I am from an orthodox Brahmin family. For some particular reasons I am staying there.

Hearing rooster, hen’s voice is not problem for me because I am a devotee of lord Muruga. But I am getting irritated for the dirty works done by it in my portion.


Pray to Rooster itself.

Don’t think it is dirty.

You are given the work of cleaning the toilet of Rooster by Lord Muruga. Cleaning the dirtiness of the rooster is the service to Lord Muruga. Think like this and do it daily.

When you clean the dirtiness of Rooster, you are cleaned within and you are purified mentally and spiritually. This opportunity is not given to all.

Do it with devotion.

When inner cleaning is over, rooster will stop its SHIT.

While doing the cleaning of shit, chant “CRAB APPLE”.

You can chant “CRAB APPLE, CHANGE DIVINE ORDER” also regularly when you find time. But, you cannot escape cleaning.


The Bach Flower Remedy Crab Apple is a cleanser – both physical and mental cleanser.

Change and Divine Order are switch words. This combination is good for changing our environment.

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Black patches on the face

A Case History for Water Violet

Rani became sensitive to the ultraviolet rays of the sun and started developing black patches on her face.

The doctor asked her not to be exposed to the sun. Her movement is restricted because she goes out either in early mornings or after evening hours.

First time when she met me, she was given Walnut (sensitive to atmosphere). She just took it for four times and reported that she could see some improvement on her face.

I wanted to probe in further.

Naran: What would have caused this de-pigmentation?

Rani: I believe that the heavy make-up I was using might have caused the problem

Naran: Do you think there are other reasons too?

Rani:  I was using lot of turmeric on my face. I used to be called as Yellow Beauty. Probably my usage of turmeric also would have caused this.

Naran: When other people, I mean friends and relatives, enquire about your face, what would be your reply?

Rani: Do you think anybody has the guts to ask me?

Naran: Hmmm was there are any?

Rani: Only two have enquired so far.

Naran: What was your reply then?

Rani: This is the latest make-up.

(Saying this, she laughed loudly, which indicated her superiority complex.)

Naran: Why should anybody have guts to talk to you?

Rani: I am a reserved person. If anybody tries to come near me, I will snub them. Few try to come closer to me. However, I will make sure that they don’t get close to me.

Naran: Do you have any close friends?

Rani: None fits my bill. I have some friends. But I am not close to them.

Naran: How do you select your friends?

Rani: Intelligence is very important. If I say something then they should understand it immediately. If I have to repeat what I say, then they are below my standard. He will be out of my list of friends.

Even in my area, nobody is up to my level. All the houses in my locality are built in small plots. My house is the only one which is built on a two-ground plot. (Laughing loudly)

(This above expressions points to Water Violet – Superiority Complex)


WATER VIOLET: She is not allowing anybody to get close to her. Mentally, she keeps the people at a distance. Physically, by developing dark patches on her face, her body helps her to keep others at a distance.

PINE: The reason she gives for the dark patches on the face is that she had used lots of make-up materials. Blaming oneself for the problem indicates Pine.

CRAB APPLE: Make-up is the word she used often. It means that she is covering up the patches. Covering up is the key word of Crab Apple.

WALNUT: For over-sensitivity to Sun rays

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