Posts tagged forget
Think about what job you want to have, which you had previously.
The bigger mind or subconscious mind is recording every experience, every emotion.
In the course of time, we forget our own experience and we find it difficult to retrieve what we have achieved.
A person might have been employed before.
To regain it, chant the switch words, while looking at the symbol, “TOGETHER REACH DIVINE JOB COUNT NOW DONE”
If you are doing it for somebody, write their name in the empty circle. Looking at the final picture, chant the switch words.
Love thy neighbours even if they are a nuisance
My neighbors are very inconsiderate. We live in apartments. The one on next to me filled the corridor with their own stuffs and smelly shoes, make a lot of noise shouting at one end of corridor to the other, openly criticizes us and do damage to our plant tearing the leaves (we only put one pot of plant and door mat at my door and nothing else not even shoes). We only keep quiet, to maintain peace.
The neighbor above us, throw litter into our house and make a lot of noises (such as jumping in wee hours of the night after 12 am), and also hang wet laundry above our laundry. On one case, we even saw a packet of urine caught on our window.
We really don’t know what to do.
Chant “BEECH HOLLY WILLOW IMPATIENS” over a glass of water and drink it.
Download a picture of PISCES and paste it on your flat door.
Do the forgiving exercise for them.
In the morning thank them mentally for not disturbing you.
Pray to The Mother for keeping these elementals away from you.
May I ask how many times do I need to chant the flower remedy each time? Do I have to chant everyday or just once?
Do I do the forgiving exercise and thank them everyday also?
The picture of Pisces can be just the symbols or need to have images of fish?
At the last sentence, you mentioned praying to the mother. ‘The Mother’ refers to?
When the problem comes, you can chant.
Chanting what is given is just an alignment with the divine. Forget your identity. Just merge with the Grace Words which are nothing but divine. Enjoy chanting. Do it any number of times.
These words do not bring about any result. They want you to surrender. Surrender to the divine and start chanting. While chanting do not think about anything.
Download zodiac picture of Pisces, and paste it on the door facing outside.
The mother means Aurobindo mother. That divine mother only knows how to drive out the unwanted elementals. Just say once to her daily.
LLM (after a month)
I can see improvement on the issues with my neighbor next door, no more torn leaves and cleaner corridor.
How to love parents who are cruel
My parents have been cruel to each other and to me in various ways. How to love them?
The irony is we know how to get angry or how to blame. Who taught this? How does it come to us so naturally?
While learning to live from childhood, we have been learning wrongly. Unfortunately, there is no teacher. We observe, understand and form a thought, conclusion and start believing.
We should understand that when by being in resentment, resentment only grows.
By being in a state of anger, anger only grows.
In spite of our knowing that anger and resentment cannot achieve what we want, yet we will be in that state.
You may not love them. Can you not help yourself by getting away from resentment?
See what you cannot see. Don’t see what you see.
When you stop judging, you start observing. When you observe, you understand what you have not so far understood.
Any feeling that blocks our progress can be released. Get any feeling that can enhance your life progress.
Thank you for such a complete answer. I am grateful.
I know intellectually that holding on to my judgment of them is causing me problems. I will try to do EFT or something to reduce my resentment (although I never call it that!).
Some part of me thinks it would be wrong to allow them to just be who they are. As if the judgment will save me from becoming like them.
Don’t drag them into your life now.
Unite all the parts.
Forget what happened and treat them as new persons and be neutral first. Even the slightest resentment against them, will bring the same type of persons in your life.
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Want to forget everything now
Jayati Banerjee
I got married in 2006. I loved my husband but he had extra marital. The marriage lasted only two months. I want to forget everything now but cannot.
Please help me. I am going into depression.
Take the flower remedies RESCUE REMEDY, WHITE CHESTNUT, HOLLY, WILLOW, and WALNUT – put 6 pills of each in a bottle of water (200 ml is enough). Have about 5 to 6 sips from that water daily for about a month
Manage this unbearable situation: RESCUE REMEDY
By coming out of the thoughts: WHITE CHESTNUT
Anger: HOLLY
And resentment: WILLOW
Once for all: WALNUT
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It is truly amazing
Black Tourmaline truly is amazing!
I have just got one for myself and anytime I have aches and pains in the body and I place it on the corresponding Chakra and pain is gone within few minutes!!!
Overall too, I feel more energized with positivity, don’t feel dull especially due to the seasonal change.
Another important thing is I have come to notice is that I feel safer and secure with my Black Tourmaline on me, like when I am driving or working late hours etc., because of its ‘Feel Good’ factor.
Now, I don’t like stepping out anywhere without my Black Tourmaline ‘Angel’. Even if I do forget it, I can immediately sense that something is amiss and I am forgetting something
Thank you Naran for the infinite Divine help!
When troubles pass we forget the blessings
Dear Naran,
Today, I visited your website after many days and was pleasantly surprised to see the blog back. I looked at some of old mails to you and the way you have responded in my times of need.
It is amazing!! What all experiences and times you have been there with me!!! I have confided in you at times more than anybody else in the world. How much you have given me!!! I love you!!!
I am so deeply grateful for all love and support in the face of the perpetual troubles – big and small.
Ever since I found your blog, my life has almost invisibly and gently improved for the better. I have had many miracles, many blessings, many glorious experiences and I am so grateful for every one of them until this point.
I look forward by your blessings, the blessings of all compassionate beings, enlightened beings and gods. When troubles pass, we forget the blessings. It’s an eternal human frailty.
So, when I feel a moment of pure gratitude, I want to thank you and not leave in unsaid…god bless you!!
I look forward again to read your blogs. I wish you happiness, health and love.
Do keep your love and blessings on me and my loved ones. LOVE THANKS PRAISE DIVINE