Posts tagged getting

Facing lots of hurdles to get what I want


I am writing this message with lots of depression and tears.

I got an admission into PhD more than 2 years before…yet I haven’t started my research work.

I am fFacing lots of hurdles at my lab and with my teachers and colleagues. I’m a very sincere student from childhood.

But, now I became very useless as no one is allowing me to carry out my work at my lab.

Applied for many scholarships but nothing worked out. People who are of less knowledge, skills and liberal at work are getting selected for stipends.

Even at my home also no one is listening to others so lots of disputes are arising everyday among all family members.

All these issues at home and college are making me more depressive. Even I’m trying for suicide also though I am against to it.


Chant “SWEET CHESTNUT, CHERRY PLUM, 58” over a glass of water 100 times and drink this water daily. Do two times a day.

Write this in a piece of paper and keep it under the pillow.


Desperate situations needs divine intervention: SWEET CHESTNUT

Not to lose control and take one’s own life: CHERRY PLUM

To overcome obstacles: 58

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Marriage Miracle in a Hurry

Client, June14th

We are in love from 3 years; we are aged 30 yrs; finding hurdles in getting married, though we don’t have any restrictions from both of our families.

He is having a sister of 28 yrs of age. She is not getting any proper proposals. He tells that after sister gets committed, we will marry.

I’m having a brother who is also nearing 29yrs.His life must also be settled. He is torturing my parents like anything because of me. 

Naran, June 15th


Client, June 25th

As per your advice, I’m chanting. The pressure from my family is increasing day by day and my brother is torturing my parents.

Pls give me any switch word so that my boy-friend will agree for the marriage immediately. I’m mentally and physically disturbed. I don’t want to get married to anybody other than him.

My kind request is to save my life; bless us for an early marriage.

Naran, 26th June



Thank you, hoping for the miracle to happen.

Client, June30th

Miracle happened today.

Yesterday, I went near his place and adamantly told him that he should marry me. Finally, after nearly 3 hours he agreed to tie the knot.

I told my parents in the morning that he’s agreed for marrying. All arrangements were made in a hurry and finally along with my parents we married in a temple.


From “Ask Naran” on “BEECH, WILLOW, PINE”:

Understand that every event in every person’s life is happening with mathematical precision- SUPREME DIVINE ORDER. Understand Divine is the doer and thank the divine for anything and everything happening in your life. If you accept the life as it unfolds, everything will happen right. To realize this, chant “BEECH WILLOW PINE” and calmness will surround you.

For her boy-friend not to escape: CHESTNUT BUD

Open Save Divine Delight:  I OPEN up to the DIVINE GRACE, so that I am LIBERATED from the present problem miraculously, to my DELIGHT.

Great dharshan in temples


Want a great dharshan in temples … Try “CLEMATIS GORSE” Bach flower combo!

“Clematis Gorse” is an awesome Bach flower combination to have whenever one is visiting temples. This divine Bach flower combination helps in getting great dharshan.

By great dharshan, I mean both the view and the time aspects of the dharshan. Both will be to one’s satisfaction.

There are many ways to access the energy of Bach flowers:

  • Consuming pills is one way.
  • Chanting the Bach flower names is another way.
  • Even carrying their names written in a sheet of paper with you has proven sufficient.

I have used this divine Bach flower combination on many occasions to get a great dharshan of the deity in temples including Tirupati.

On all these occasions, I have accessed the Bach flower energy by chanting the names of these two flowers. I would chant “Clematis Gorse” some 30 minutes before the dharshan time or earlier.

Clematis Gorse combination would work miraculously. The help to get a great dharshan can come in many forms and from unexpected quarters.

  • Someone may push you to a corner, from where the view of the deity is great.
  • No one will push you to move forward or side wards; that way, you have ample time to view the deity
  • The priest may ask you to come forward and it would help you have a great view
  • The rush is not there
  • The priest is willing to do the puja peacefully (not in a hurried manner)
  • There are also instances of even temple doors being opened for dharshan after the doors are closed, thanks to divinity and Gorse Clematis combination.

I recently had an experience in a temple in Kumbakonam when the priest (or poojary or gurukkal) in the temple asked me to wait for a little longer to get the “deepam aarthi” instead of rushing to get out (I started moving since it was getting late for the train).

When we are free from our worries about getting a dharshan in a temple, we can enjoy the divine presence of godliness in temples fully!

Happy Worshipping!!!

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Fearful about nightmares


My mom gets nightmare, while sleeping and shouts with terrible fear.



Put 6 pills of each in a cup of water and ask her to have it before going to sleep.


Nightmares: ASPEN

Terrible fears after getting nightmares: RESCUE REMEDY

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Scared to ride my scooter again


My problem is that 12 years back, I had a scooter and sold it for my financial problems.

Now, one of my friends went to abroad and gave his Scooty to me. Till date, I did not use it.

While taking it I am getting shivering. I put sudden breaks on the middle of the road if I see anyone coming opposite to me.

Pls help me to take out my scare.


Take the flower remedies RESCUE REMEDY and MIMULUS before riding the scooter.


For removing the scare: Mimulus

When you shiver and panic: Rescue Remedy

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Remove obstacles in getting married


There have been many obstacles coming my way in terms of marriage and job. I am very much worried about my marriage. Please suggest me a chant, to get married soon.


Write 58 in a notebook fifty eight times.

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Clear the confusion about marriage


I am in love with a guy since two years and he is confused whether to marry or not and my family members are seeing proposals for me.

Please give me guidance to make his mind firm and avoid confusion for our marriage.


Write “SCLERANTHUS, WALNUT” daily 108 times


Clear the confusion: SCLERANTHUS

Transition from singlehood to getting married: WALNUT

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Afraid of bad news


From beginning of 2013 I am getting so many bad news like anyone sick, death news of relative, neighbor not feeling good.

For this am worried about my father too. As you know my relationship also in trouble. I am feeling little bit lonely and negative.


Take the flower remedies RED CHESTNUT, ASPEN and RESCUE REMEDY.


Fear due to concern for others: RED CHESTNUT

Fears without a specific and valid reason: ASPEN

Getting panic: RESCUE REMEDY

Confused about right answers

Radha Rani

This competitive exam consists of negative marking. It also confuses student. I usually get confused and got low marks.

Within specific time you have to score high. I am unable to complete it in time and got panic and try to guessing at last moment.


On the date of exam, take the flower remedies MIMULUS, LARCH, RESCUE REMEDY and SCLERANTHUS.


Getting panic: RESCUE REMEDY

Not to have confusion: SCLERANTHUS

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Two months without salary


It’s been two months without salary.

Company’s operations are very slow due to unavailable operating cost, shareholders are fighting, though they have assets but to liquidate them is a long process, huge pile of debts in market and nil credibility with banks.

Seems company is going to close down in near future unless DIVINE INTERVENTION takes place. I even heard they are planning to retrench 70% of staff soon.

Please advise any chanting for company’s regular business so salaries are not delayed further…




After I senta mail to you, my senior messaged me that I need to travel to Singapore to look for apartment and school for the kids.  The thing which is worrying me is I relocate and what if reaching there such delays in salary happens! How will I survive?

Sorry Naran, if it’s annoying you but being single parent Ineed to assure financial assurance for me and my kids. Besides chanting the above, do I need to chant anything else?


Continue the same.


Thanks to You and Divine light… New investors are coming in hopefully. Really wish company grows and flourish with these new changes.

Salaries are released and all pending payments are settled… Thank God!

I am so glad that my boss is now allowing me to work couple of days to work from home when he is not in town. This way I can spend more quality time with kids and I pray Divine light to help me getting some tuition for evening, as additional source of income.


Divine order is a switch word, while Sweet Chestnut, Star of Bethlehem and Chestnut Bud are Bach flower remedies.

For divine intervention: Sweet chestnut

Outside, unhelpful environment over which one has no control: Walnut 

Total break-down because of the company: Star of Bethlehem

To get free  from the bad situation: Chestnut bud 

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