Posts tagged impact

Using past-life healing on a daily basis


Whenever we go to a new place, heal the people who had previously occupied the place.

Either you go to a rented place or to a hotel, heal the stay of the previous occupant. Make it whole and complete. Then only your stay will be fulfilled.

Otherwise, it might have an impact on you. We don’t know who the previous occupant was and what happened to them.

Whenever you sit for dining in a hotel, heal the person who used the table previously before you order for the food.

Or before entering the hotel, you might heal all the people who had taken food there. Do a prayer for them.

In an interview, whoever was interviewed previously, heal their mental states. This way, you don’t need to heal the future as it is taken care of it automatically.

Whenever you join the company, heal the person who was working previously in your place.

When you go to a clinic, heal the patient(s) who had seen the doctor just before you. If a new case comes, heal the previous case.

Every day morning, heal the previous day happenings. See that every past is healed.

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Introduction to Power Life Symbols


Power of Kanji Symbols

Kanji symbols are not like letters found in other languages, which can be strung together to form words.

In fact, every Kanji symbol depicts an idea (or word).  Kanji symbols are basically pictograms or ideograms.

Because they are pictograms, they can convey the idea to the subconscious mind easily.

Stability can be found easily – Case History

One day a client of Naran phoned up and said his company is sending out most of the people. However, he wanted to continue working there.

He wanted his management to retain him because at his age he cannot find another job easily.

From his expressions, Naran found that he wanted stability. He gave him a stability symbol (48) and asked him to paste it on the chair that he sits in the office.

Till now the client is continuing in the same company, even after retrenchment of so many of his colleagues.

When he kept the stability symbol under his pillow, he found extraordinary feeling of stability. Probably that changed attitude of him has helped him to save his job.

Refer the link to know and use the stability symbol:


Researching on Symbols with Switch Words

This encouraged Naran to collect and experiment with various symbols for different life situations.

While doing this research, he found out that symbols can be combined with the most popular switch words too. He found this increased the power of switch words in multiples.

He feels using these symbols along with the chanting of switch words can help so many of us in so many of life situations.

Combining switch words with symbols

Switch words with Power Life Symbols is a unique, unknown and untried healing method introduced by Naran. Both the symbols and the switch words can impact our sub-conscious mind.

All of us know how switch words can be used for various life situations. Sometimes, we get 100% and sometimes we don’t.

In those areas where it is not working, we can complement them by energizing them with symbols.

Thus, the Symbols – Kanji (Chinese and Japanese) compliment, and supplement the power of switch words.

The features of this method

  • It is a simple technique that even a 10-year-old child can learn it.
  • No need to learn, practice or remember the symbols.
  • One can use them by simply looking at, by keeping it under the pillow or carry it in their pocket. You can energise the symbols by placing the crystals on them.

Help to get out of debts

Aja Jackson

I am asking for a money miracle fast. I need a large sum of money to get out of debt and move into a beautiful home before December of 2012.

The family members around me are also in need of a money miracle. In this sense, I hope to be the conduit to help them.

It really does pain me to see them suffer financially. I would like to be the one to help them out of their debts in the most inspiring and empowering way.

Please give me the Bach remedy for this. Can you tell me how to use the liquid form as well to make the chant more powerful?

Thank you so much for all of your global impact on the world!!


Take the flower remedies CENTAURY and GORSE, two drops of each in 200 ml water and sip over the day.

Chant “BASKARAM PRABODHAM” as many times as possible.


Person who thinks he need to help and care for others: CENTAURY

No hope to organize the money: GORSE

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