Posts tagged living

Need to own a home


Need a switch word for my daughter and her boyfriend.

They need a home of their own. She is living with me and her boyfriend is living with his parents. But, they just need a home of their own.

They have looked at one specific flat, but the landlord has said that there are some other couples that are interested.

Is there a Switch Word for helping them getting this flat or anyone else?




Just would like to tell you that I have been chanting the words you gave me. And yesterday they had signed the paper for the flat!

I started chanting it. But yesterday I even put RELEASE RESISTANCE before it and it did helped. Big, big thanks to you.


Searching for a house to suit their needs: CERATO (Bach Flower)

That’s within their budget: MIMULUS (Bach Flower)

To release any resistance within oneself to achieve their goal or objective: RELEASE RESISTANCE

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A child had a twin in the form of a tumor


A pregnant lady was found to have a tumor growing inside, which would restrict the child’s growth.

She was living in US. She was told that even the operation to remove the tumor, was out of question.

I asked her to chant BLUE SAPPHIRE by holding a glass of water and drink it. She had a normal delivery. The child was normal too.

How come the chanting restricted the growth of the tumor, but not that of the child?

It is because the chanting of the Blue Sapphire restricted the tumor, while the intention of the mother to have a normal child, helped the child to grow.

Today they are treating the tumor with some homeopathy pills, without resorting to a surgical operation.

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Restrict Gaining Weight:

No Support to Buy a House


I am living outside India. I planned to buy a house in my hometown or anywhere.

But, I am not getting any support from my parents or relations, as they all are ignoring my requests.

So please help me with switch words so that I can buy a good house without any problems.




Get/acquire something immediately: FIND DIVINE NOW

Come out of the hopeless situation of finding no support: GORSE (Bach Flower Remedy)

How to handle people who are angry?


If someone is angry against you, the FIRE element is more inside you.

To pacify it, you have to react in a different way. If you activate WATER and EARTH elements, then you will become patient and relaxed.

The PRAN MUDRA – little and ring fingers touching the tip on both the hands, will activate your earth and water elements.

When such an unusual response is given – instead of reacting with other person angrily, you treat him in a peaceful manner, then the opposite person don’t have a choice but to react in a different way.

We can also reduce our Anger.


A child had a twin in the form of a tumour


A pregnant lady was found to have a tumor growing inside, which would restrict the child’s growth.

She was living in US. She was told that the operation to remove the tumor was out of question.

I asked her to chant “BLUE SAPPHIRE” by holding a glass of water and drink it. She had a normal delivery. The child was normal too.


How come the chanting restricted the growth of the tumour, but not that of the child?

It is because the chanting of the Blue Sapphire restricted the tumour, while the intention of the mother to have a normal child, helped the child to grow.

Today, they are treating the tumour with some homeopathy pills, without resorting to a surgical operation.

Seek the Help of the Universe – Your Friend

I am jobless and I don’t know who will call me for an interview

  • When you send your CV to a company, imagine the Universe as the postman, who delivers your CV to the concerned person. “Universe I am sending this CV to you. Please deliver to ……(name of the company)
  • Wait for five minutes.
  • You don’t know who will be handling your CV. Imagine yourself as that person. Say within the mind, “I have received this application. I am happy about the qualification of this person. He is the right guy for me” and so on.  He sends a reply back to you through the Universe – the postman, saying, “I would like to meet …….. (Insert your name) on ……. (mention the date)
  • Wait for five minutes. Now switch roles. You become yourself. Imagine that you are receiving letter requesting you to attend the interview. Send a reply back that you will attend the interview. Follow the first step.
  • Wait for five minutes. Now switch roles. Become the person who is going to do the interview. Whatever the next step that will happen in a typical interview, imagine as though that is happening.
  • Do all the necessary steps that will culminate in you getting a job.
  • Go back to your normal day-to-day life, leaving it (your job) to the Universe to make it happen.
  • Till manifestation of what you want, chant “QUIET MIND OPEN HEART RELAX.”

 I am jobless, I was interviewed and waiting for the result

  • You (Ravi) have attended an interview in a company XYX. You were interviewed by let us say by person named James
  • Ask the Universe to convince James that you are the right person for the job.
  • Wait for five minutes. Now switch roles. Take the role of James. Imagine, “Ravi is the right guy for the job. I am going to call him to come tomorrow to give the offer to him”. He passes the message to the Universe to deliver it to you.
  • Wait for five minutes. Now switch roles. You become yourself. Accept the meeting and pass the message through the Universe.
  • Continue the steps needed until it ends in getting you the job, with the salary and the position desired by you.

I am looking for an investor

You have a great business case, but lack money to start the business. Ask the universe to pass your business proposal to the person – who can invest and who is looking for a good business idea. Universe helps you to meet him. Again, use your imagination, figure out the steps and using the Universe, execute one step at a time, by switching to the required role.

How does this work?

Every thought and every word goes to the universe. The Universe is a meeting place of desires, intentions and fulfillment. It is the Main Post Office, where everything is sorted out and delivered to the right person.  It decides what we get, how we get it and when we get it.

That is why one has to quite the mind, open the heart and be relaxed.

Treat Universe as your friend, who helps you to get your desires fulfilled. You don’t need elaborate rules to talk to a friend. Try this simple technique, with your imagination set free, and you are sure to fulfill your dreams.

Some example from ancient Indian literature

In the story of Nalan and Damayandhi, Nalan will ask the Swan to deliver a message to Damayandhi, when they were living in different countries.

In Nutshell

Here, we are asking the Universal mind to reach the concerned person and deliver the required message. In the first case, we don’t know who is going to give us the job, but the universal mind knows. In the second case, we know the person, but we don’t know how to get across the person, for it might be considered as an intrusion.

So, seek the help of the Universe to work for you, be it a job, business or relationship.

My husband stopped drinking


Raji: I am married for 8 years. I have a daughter who is 7yrs old. When I became pregnant, I got separated from my husband.

Naran: Are you still separated?

Raji: No. We are living together for the last one year.

Naran: What is your problem since you had been together?

Raji: My husband is an alcoholic. Once in 3 or 4 days, he gets drunk as well as daily consuming Pan Parag (a tobacco product).

Naran: Since how long he has been an alcoholic?

Raji: According to my in laws he started drinking from his graduation days.

Naran: Explain his behavior after he gets drunk?

Raji: He will get angry at me and my daughter; will shout.

Naran: What does he shout about?

Raji:  He will say, “Nobody respects me. There is no respect for me even in my own house. My daughter does not respect me. My friends, my employees, and my parents don’t respect me either. I will teach all of them a lesson”.  

After the outburst, he will start weeping.

Naran’s Analysis

To be respected is the key word for ROCK WATER.

He is weeping. By losing control of himself, he weeps. Therefore, add CHERRY PLUM.

Rock Water will ultimately turn into either CHESTNUT BUD or VINE.

Discussion (cont…)

Naran: How is his behavior when he is not under the influence of alcohol?

Raji: His behavior is quite normal only. He shows his love for his daughter. In fact he sincerely made efforts for our reunion.

(Naran questioned further about her husband’s profession)

Naran: What is he doing?

Raji: He is running a Screen Printing unit. But it is not doing well.

Naran: How does he manage to pay his workers and take care of the family then?

Raji: He is honest in paying out the dues. Somehow, he will manage to pay the workers first, and then gives me money once a week.

Naran’s Analysis

Honesty – ROCK WATER

When one tries to be honest, in spite of adverse circumstances, self-control is employed to the maximum in one area.

He is so self-controlled in the area of finance that he loses self-control in some other area. Thus when he drinks, he loses his control and starts weeping.

Discussion (cont…)

Naran: Suppose if he can’t pay his dues, then how does he manage?

Raji: Naran, one more thing, I have forgotten to tell you. Every month before paying the rent, he would abscond.

Naran: Why?

Raji: He cannot pay the house rent by first of every month. Therefore, he feels ashamed to meet the house owner. So he would not stay in the house during the first week of the month.

Instead, he would stay with his parents for 4 or 5 days, arrange for the money, and will return back home after paying the rent. He has been doing this for a long time. Though, he would never cheat anybody.

Naran’s Analysis

 Honest and at the same time an escapist. This is the case of a ROCK WATER person turning into CHESTNUT BUD character. On the due date, he would abscond (Chestnut Bud).

Key Words for Rock Water

To be respected:  Ego and pride; self control, honesty.

Self controlled, honest person expects self respect. As a principle, he would never cheat.

Here the husband doesn’t get respect. His ego is hurt when he is insulted. He loses his control when he drinks.

One more interesting point is Rock Water father will face a Cherry Plum daughter.



Put the combination in the common drinking water, so that everybody will get the healing effect.

Feedback after 15 days

Raji: From the second day onwards, he stopped Pan Parag, and after a week he has stopped drinking.

Afraid my family members will hurt me


I am from a joint family. We are living under the same roof.

I had used my extended family’s assets and had failed in the business venture that I had undertaken. I had pledged our ancestral property – which belongs to my extended family.

Now, I am forced to sell it and as one could expect they are not happy and they curse me openly. I am afraid that while sleeping, one of them could hurt me gravely, out of intense anger on me.


Take the flower remedies MIMULUS and HOLLY.


Fear of getting hurt: Mimulus

Not trusting (family members): Holly

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Recreate the Life You Want


I am Helpless and Living In Hell! How can I create my world?

As long as I believe that I and My Mind are one and the same, and accepting whatever mind creates, my life is helpless and hell.

As long as I am not aware that I can RECREATE or REPROGRAM my life, I lose all the power.

Not knowing that I can reprogram my mind and life is ignorance.

Our mind is full of emotions, thoughts, and reactions. As long as they alone make up our mind, we don’t have any choice but to live our lives without any power.


When there is awareness, when we come to know that we are not our mind, a new POWER surges in. 

We will be able to RECREATE our own world to an extent with this little awareness. We can then become POWERFUL and take our lives into our own hands.

Releasing is a self-empowering tool, which changes our outlook about our lives.

What is this technique all about?

It is simply a process of letting go and releasing the emotions and thoughts as and when they arise.

How to implement it?

It is very simple. Whenever we tend to react, just say, “I let go this feeling”.

E.g., “Fear, can you please go? This is not the time for you. For the time being please go out. This is not your place either.”

See what happens. The mind becomes baffled and the emotion flees.

Do not react, but release and act

Reactions destroy our peace of mind. Once our uncontrollable emotions and thoughts are let off, we will find a peace deep inside us.

Releasing is a technique for allowing us to change on the spot.

Releasing allows us to handle any problem by releasing and letting go and thus stops the inner mental struggle.

Reactions intensify the mental struggle. Releasing gives us a new outlook. Reactions repeat the same drama.

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Rude Boss becomes Appreciating Boss


Sometimes things seem to get worse before it gets better. But in getting worse the situation tests us and strengthens us in ways we cannot imagine or know.

All we need to learn is to sit still and watch our mind as the fluid situation morphs, and shifts.

We learn to see our fear, guilt, and our negative tendencies.

We learn to be watchful, not restful. We understand that growth, life, is characterized by changes.

Situations morph rapidly. We realize that there is really no beginning or end, it is our mind that creates the illusion.

We learned these from our own experience detailed below:

One man, thirty machines and endless working hours

Last year, we contacted Naran when my husband was going through lot of challenges at work. He had been in the new job for two years and doing very well.

Then, the supervisor began adding new machines to the lab. It was one man and 15 machines to begin with. It was manageable.

Each machine was specialized and the chemicals cost a lot of money. If experiments failed, it would be difficult to make up for the loss of valuable samples and the wastage of time and money. It was challenging to finish jobs that were lined up on all of the machines.

The lab ended up with 30 machines and one man. Working continuously made my husband tired and unable to think. And he began to work on weekends too. To make the situation worse, his supervisor began to shout at him. 

My husband was threatened that he will be fired

In May last year, the Director called my husband and threatened to remove him. No reasons were given and he was shouted at him for 30 minutes.

My husband was shaken and could not understand what had happened. Naran asked us to chant “I AM A BEING OF VIOLET FIRE. I AM PURITY OF GOD DESIRES.”

Naran also asked us to chant and write— “OM GAM GANAPATHAYE NAMAHA”.

We have continued to do it every day from then on. 

The director apologized

Within a week of this chanting, the Director came and apologized to my husband for his outburst. He told my husband that he hope that my husband would not quit because of the outburst.

We were surprised and grateful at the turn of events. We continued to write the Ganesh mantra and be relaxed.

Surprise became Shock

In June, my husband was called again and the Director said he would put him on probation for the job. This really disturbed my husband and he couldn’t sleep or eat.

Naran advised us to write (the Bach Flower Remedies) – “ELM, WATER VIOLET, HOLLY, VINE, HORNBEAM” in a piece of paper and keep it in my husband’s pocket and do the same in another paper and keep it under the pillow. And Naran asked me to chant (Bach Flower Remedies) “RED CHESTNUT, VINE”.

And to improve the working atmosphere, Naran advised my husband to chant the switch words, “LOVE, THANK, TOGETHER DIVINE”. My husband began to juggle these new responsibilities. His job was reduced to 75% time from 100%. However, he had to work for 100% of the time.

Now comes a big surprise

Six months later, we had a surprise when the administrators asked people to submit their job descriptions and responsibilities for comparing it with what people were getting paid for across the nation.  My husband’s position was also called for reclassification.  Naran asked us to chant:GENTIAN, LARCH, THANK, TOGETHER DIVINE ORDER COUNT NOW DONE”.

Back to square one – problems started again

On December 10th, we returned to the same critical situation when, my husband’s Director called him and made him sign a memorandum saying he would fix all machines within December 20th. My husband had been working with the companies for months and nothing had been resolved. The Director was aware of all this.  

Naran advised us to download a picture of MUSTARD (Bach flower) and PINK TOURMALINE (gem remedy) and paste both on the name of my husband. And also chant the switch words “TOGETHER CHANGE NOW”.

Everything went smoothly like a whistle

Thanks to these divine interventions, the deadline passed off smoothly without an incident.

But the biggest challenge was negotiating the annual review that was due at the end of the month.  The annual review would determine if he would stay or go. In the current economic market, it was very hard to land another job. Living in the US without citizenship meant that we had to show continuous employment status. We continued to chant TOGETHER CHANGE NOW and write the Ganapathi mantra daily.

Annual review came on the right time 

The annual review was postponed to January. It so happened that Divine took care of everything so beautifully. On Thursday, his immediate supervisor completed my husband’s annual review and gave him glowing references. They also discussed about my husband getting more help in the lab, and reinstating his job to 100% from 75% that he is currently on.

Three days later, the Director who was shouting at him all the time, said that there was no need for another review and he had nothing to add or change to the review already performed, and he agreed with everything. Everyone who knows the Director says this is nothing short of a miracle!

 The director accepted his failings openly

Last week, the Director called my husband privately and told him that his personality was that of a person who magnified the negative. From his interactions with my husband he is realizing that he had to appreciate everything positive and not pay so much importance to the negative.

My husband said he politely thanked him and left, but inside he was shouting ‘Together Divine’ in a deafening crescendo. He felt so happy that he didn’t have to say a word for this change to come over! The flowers, gems, the switch words are so beautiful and so powerful!

We successfully sailed through the stressful phase

We are grateful for the divine to have helped us through this difficult and stressful phase. The chants helped us stay focused and positive and not panic. We found time daily to chant ‘Together Divine’ and write ‘Om Gam Ganapathayae Namaha.’

 Lessons learned

We understand and are grateful that our future unfolds in small clear steps.

We have the opportunity to be watchful, present and steer the direction of our life.

Naran taught us patiently and gently to keep our mind open to the gifts that every situation brings in and not be carry our old patterns with us.

We are continuing to learn.


Thank you for sharing. What we need is trust in divinity. Yours has vindicated that. Best of luck!!!

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