Posts tagged Naran S Balakumar

Release the Enemy Within

R Mohan

Whenever I find any overwhelming emotions in the form of anger or hurt, I find saying the switch words, “TOGETHER BOW CONCEDE ADJUST FORGIVE PRAISE THANKS” very useful.

If I simply look at the feeling and say those words, the emotions simply vanish away.


Look at the emotions and say, “I release that part of my mind that is angry. I activate that part of mind that forgives”.

Another example is, “I release that part of me that vomits. I activate that part of mind that stops vomiting”.

You can also do this with whomever you are having problems.

For example, “I release the part which is resisting being harmonious with. I activate the part that brings in harmony, peace and love with so and so”.

This way you can do for any aspect of life. The reason it works is, we have several parts operating– each part taking us in a different direction.

The moment we become aware of it, the healing happens faster.

R Mohan

After employing the technique for a while, one thing I notice however is a sense of fear.


When one skin (emotion) is peeled off, another skin (another emotion) appears. Affirm, “I align the fearing mind with my fearless consciousness”.

Post-Script (R Mohan)

While I was getting help from Naran (for my anger), during the same time, I provided the same suggestions to M (for her hurt):

Naran says that we come across people with the same problems as we are facing then.

So, we should not worry whether we are providing right solutions to them or not as our solutions apply to them as well.

Do you know why she doesn’t appreciate?

Patient: My wife loves me a lot. She is a very considerate person. At the same time, when it comes to my way of doing, she is highly intolerant. Surprisingly, she tolerates others’ mistakes to a greater extent – this includes my parent’s actions too.


One part of her is tolerant, while the other part of her is intolerant – especially to you. It shows, somehow you trigger the other – unwanted part in her.

Do you have a similar behavior in yourself?

Patient: Yeah! In general, I always tend to correct the way of others and not just one person. I believe everything has to be done correctly, with the right people, and at the right time.


I will teach you a simple method here.  

Affirm as many times as possible:

 “I RELEASE the PART of ME that is criticized by me”. 

“I OPEN ALIGN WITH the PART of ME that evokes her tolerance to PRAISE me”.

You can write them too.

The letters in UPPER CASE is fixed. The rest of the statement, you can fill with whatever you want. This way, you are releasing the behavior you don’t want and activating the behavior you want in others.

Irritable bowel syndrome


I have irritable bowel which had gone for a decade and now returned. I am currently on bowel relaxative and want to speed up recovery so I can get back to work rapidly.


Chant IMPATIENS or take this Bach flower remedy 2 pills three times.

In addition, take the Basic remedies for irritable bowel syndrome: WHITE CHESTNUT, MIMULUS and HORNBEAM. This combination will cut the fear of expecting the bowels at any time. 

The fear will be constant – always thinking about it fearfully. For most of the people, when they have to go out, fear develops and they go to the toilet and does not start easily, which is covered by Hornbeam.

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Protection from Pests

Guru Mangala

The hibiscus plants in my garden at Kancheepuram began showing signs of some pests eating the leaves, a white powdery coating appeared on the stems and the leaves were falling.

My gardener sprinkled Neem oil. A week later the pest appeared again. 

I mixed CRAB APPLE and WALNUT in the Neem oil this time.  Since then, the plants are fine and flowering profusely.

Thanks to Naran and to the Power of the Bach Flower Remedies.

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Seek the Help of the Universe – Your Friend

I am jobless and I don’t know who will call me for an interview

  • When you send your CV to a company, imagine the Universe as the postman, who delivers your CV to the concerned person. “Universe I am sending this CV to you. Please deliver to ……(name of the company)
  • Wait for five minutes.
  • You don’t know who will be handling your CV. Imagine yourself as that person. Say within the mind, “I have received this application. I am happy about the qualification of this person. He is the right guy for me” and so on.  He sends a reply back to you through the Universe – the postman, saying, “I would like to meet …….. (Insert your name) on ……. (mention the date)
  • Wait for five minutes. Now switch roles. You become yourself. Imagine that you are receiving letter requesting you to attend the interview. Send a reply back that you will attend the interview. Follow the first step.
  • Wait for five minutes. Now switch roles. Become the person who is going to do the interview. Whatever the next step that will happen in a typical interview, imagine as though that is happening.
  • Do all the necessary steps that will culminate in you getting a job.
  • Go back to your normal day-to-day life, leaving it (your job) to the Universe to make it happen.
  • Till manifestation of what you want, chant “QUIET MIND OPEN HEART RELAX.”

 I am jobless, I was interviewed and waiting for the result

  • You (Ravi) have attended an interview in a company XYX. You were interviewed by let us say by person named James
  • Ask the Universe to convince James that you are the right person for the job.
  • Wait for five minutes. Now switch roles. Take the role of James. Imagine, “Ravi is the right guy for the job. I am going to call him to come tomorrow to give the offer to him”. He passes the message to the Universe to deliver it to you.
  • Wait for five minutes. Now switch roles. You become yourself. Accept the meeting and pass the message through the Universe.
  • Continue the steps needed until it ends in getting you the job, with the salary and the position desired by you.

I am looking for an investor

You have a great business case, but lack money to start the business. Ask the universe to pass your business proposal to the person – who can invest and who is looking for a good business idea. Universe helps you to meet him. Again, use your imagination, figure out the steps and using the Universe, execute one step at a time, by switching to the required role.

How does this work?

Every thought and every word goes to the universe. The Universe is a meeting place of desires, intentions and fulfillment. It is the Main Post Office, where everything is sorted out and delivered to the right person.  It decides what we get, how we get it and when we get it.

That is why one has to quite the mind, open the heart and be relaxed.

Treat Universe as your friend, who helps you to get your desires fulfilled. You don’t need elaborate rules to talk to a friend. Try this simple technique, with your imagination set free, and you are sure to fulfill your dreams.

Some example from ancient Indian literature

In the story of Nalan and Damayandhi, Nalan will ask the Swan to deliver a message to Damayandhi, when they were living in different countries.

In Nutshell

Here, we are asking the Universal mind to reach the concerned person and deliver the required message. In the first case, we don’t know who is going to give us the job, but the universal mind knows. In the second case, we know the person, but we don’t know how to get across the person, for it might be considered as an intrusion.

So, seek the help of the Universe to work for you, be it a job, business or relationship.

Crystal clear solutions


I’m writing this mail for my cousin.

I used to go through your blog and all those switch words and angel numbers explained in that blog used to work for me according to the situation till now. Your blog is very much helpful to public who are suffering from different problems. I really thank you for the support you have provided to the public through your blog.

But now, our family is in great trouble. We are having a warehouse rented for storing spices. Due to heavy rain all those spices are destroyed. The company is saying that they are having a loss of three and half crores and my cousin is responsible for that.

Our family can’t afford this huge money and we are very much desperate sir. We all are fully tensed.

Please find me some mantra or some switch words so that I can chant it for my cousin to help him get rid of this situation and my cousin not to be blamed by the company for the losses caused by natural calamity. We don’t have any other way.




I did the chanting.

The company itself called my cousin directly and said that it’s not our problem. Losses caused will be totally claimed from the insurance company and now there’s no problem for my cousin.

We all are really happy due to your grace. Once again thanks a lot. God bless you.


To find a crystal clear solution: CRYSTAL

Grieving and fearing over loss of money: CHICORY

For hopeless situation: GORSE

To REACH for HELP, the animal spirit guide WOLF is sought

Afraid my family members will hurt me


I am from a joint family. We are living under the same roof.

I had used my extended family’s assets and had failed in the business venture that I had undertaken. I had pledged our ancestral property – which belongs to my extended family.

Now, I am forced to sell it and as one could expect they are not happy and they curse me openly. I am afraid that while sleeping, one of them could hurt me gravely, out of intense anger on me.


Take the flower remedies MIMULUS and HOLLY.


Fear of getting hurt: Mimulus

Not trusting (family members): Holly

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Using past-life healing on a daily basis


Whenever we go to a new place, heal the people who had previously occupied the place.

Either you go to a rented place or to a hotel, heal the stay of the previous occupant. Make it whole and complete. Then only your stay will be fulfilled.

Otherwise, it might have an impact on you. We don’t know who the previous occupant was and what happened to them.

Whenever you sit for dining in a hotel, heal the person who used the table previously before you order for the food.

Or before entering the hotel, you might heal all the people who had taken food there. Do a prayer for them.

In an interview, whoever was interviewed previously, heal their mental states. This way, you don’t need to heal the future as it is taken care of it automatically.

Whenever you join the company, heal the person who was working previously in your place.

When you go to a clinic, heal the patient(s) who had seen the doctor just before you. If a new case comes, heal the previous case.

Every day morning, heal the previous day happenings. See that every past is healed.

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Purpose of Tapping:

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Fear of punishment

A child aged 10 years old, had a meeting with Naran S. Balakumar, regarding a problem that she could not handle by herself.

Naran: What is going on?

Child: I am afraid that my School Principal will punish me, because my friend is accusing me, that I had stolen her money.

Naran: Did you steal the money?

Child: No, I did not.

Naran: Why cannot you convince your principal that you did not steal the money?

Child: No, I will not be able to that. My fear is that tomorrow my Principal will call me during the prayers, in front of all the school students. Then he will punish me, without doing an enquiry.

Naran: What do you want to happen?

Child: This issue should not come up in the prayer meeting.

Naran, S. Balakumar did tapping on her, until she was 100% relieved from her thoughts and fears.


For some reason, the meeting did not take place! This will not be a surprise, if you are an ardent EFT user. Such surprises and unexpected things happen, when you use EFT!!


96 Regain-Employment

Think about what job you want to have, which you had previously.

The bigger mind or subconscious mind is recording every experience, every emotion.

In the course of time, we forget our own experience and we find it difficult to retrieve what we have achieved.

A person might have been employed before.

To regain it, chant the switch words, while looking at the symbol, “TOGETHER REACH DIVINE JOB COUNT NOW DONE

If you are doing it for somebody, write their name in the empty circle. Looking at the final picture, chant the switch words.

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