Posts tagged Naran S Balakumar
Use this symbol for Stability, Firmness, Strength, and Security
While looking at the symbol, chant the switch words, “TOGETHER DIVINE”
Charity starts at the temple
I keep fasting on a particular day in the week as well as doing a simple charity in a temple, as suggested by an astrologer. Please suggest mantras to recite while giving charity in temple.
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Become a mother through prayers:
Fulfill your desires easier:
Love thy neighbours even if they are a nuisance
My neighbors are very inconsiderate. We live in apartments. The one on next to me filled the corridor with their own stuffs and smelly shoes, make a lot of noise shouting at one end of corridor to the other, openly criticizes us and do damage to our plant tearing the leaves (we only put one pot of plant and door mat at my door and nothing else not even shoes). We only keep quiet, to maintain peace.
The neighbor above us, throw litter into our house and make a lot of noises (such as jumping in wee hours of the night after 12 am), and also hang wet laundry above our laundry. On one case, we even saw a packet of urine caught on our window.
We really don’t know what to do.
Chant “BEECH HOLLY WILLOW IMPATIENS” over a glass of water and drink it.
Download a picture of PISCES and paste it on your flat door.
Do the forgiving exercise for them.
In the morning thank them mentally for not disturbing you.
Pray to The Mother for keeping these elementals away from you.
May I ask how many times do I need to chant the flower remedy each time? Do I have to chant everyday or just once?
Do I do the forgiving exercise and thank them everyday also?
The picture of Pisces can be just the symbols or need to have images of fish?
At the last sentence, you mentioned praying to the mother. ‘The Mother’ refers to?
When the problem comes, you can chant.
Chanting what is given is just an alignment with the divine. Forget your identity. Just merge with the Grace Words which are nothing but divine. Enjoy chanting. Do it any number of times.
These words do not bring about any result. They want you to surrender. Surrender to the divine and start chanting. While chanting do not think about anything.
Download zodiac picture of Pisces, and paste it on the door facing outside.
The mother means Aurobindo mother. That divine mother only knows how to drive out the unwanted elementals. Just say once to her daily.
LLM (after a month)
I can see improvement on the issues with my neighbor next door, no more torn leaves and cleaner corridor.
Aspen, the Bach Flower Remedy
Key words
Fear of unknown origin, vague fears, all types of premonitions and superstitions
- Fears of impending danger
- Cannot differentiate between fantasy and reality
- Fear of invisible, night mares, afraid of dark
- Aspen imagination runs amuck
- Aspen persons have nervous superstitious fears of occult concepts. Belief in a fear of supernatural fears such as ghosts and unkind spirits.
- Fear of approaching doom
- Aspen fears are with anxiety attacks with terrible sweating
- Fear of open places, dark, deep water
- All superstitions: ASPEN + PINE
- Fear of open places, dark deep water: ASPEN + MIMULUS + WALNUT + STAR OF BETHLEHEM
- The child has nightmares: ASPEN, WHITE CHESTNUT
Some of the statements from an Aspen person are…
- I have superstitious fears and fears of premonition
- I have feelings of apprehension uneasiness – but the cause is not known
- I fear something bad will happen but I am not sure what it is.
Hit the Bully’s Eye
Thank you so much for suggesting me to chant cat’s eye, which I did as you advised me to do. Sure enough, teachers confronted the bully and disciplinary action is being taken.
The bully wrote an apology letter to my grandson. The school authorities said this will not be tolerated in the school.
Thank you so much for helping. I don’t know what cat’s eye means. God Bless you a thousand times. You solved our problem.
Cat’s eye – gem remedy is the key to open “the locked”.
The mind is blocked when a person is bullied by somebody and he or she don’t know what to do about the situation.
His mind will be locked about this particular situation and will not think about anything else. Therefore, CAT’S EYE helps the bullied.