Posts tagged own


96 Regain-Employment

Think about what job you want to have, which you had previously.

The bigger mind or subconscious mind is recording every experience, every emotion.

In the course of time, we forget our own experience and we find it difficult to retrieve what we have achieved.

A person might have been employed before.

To regain it, chant the switch words, while looking at the symbol, “TOGETHER REACH DIVINE JOB COUNT NOW DONE

If you are doing it for somebody, write their name in the empty circle. Looking at the final picture, chant the switch words.

Rude Boss becomes Appreciating Boss


Sometimes things seem to get worse before it gets better. But in getting worse the situation tests us and strengthens us in ways we cannot imagine or know.

All we need to learn is to sit still and watch our mind as the fluid situation morphs, and shifts.

We learn to see our fear, guilt, and our negative tendencies.

We learn to be watchful, not restful. We understand that growth, life, is characterized by changes.

Situations morph rapidly. We realize that there is really no beginning or end, it is our mind that creates the illusion.

We learned these from our own experience detailed below:

One man, thirty machines and endless working hours

Last year, we contacted Naran when my husband was going through lot of challenges at work. He had been in the new job for two years and doing very well.

Then, the supervisor began adding new machines to the lab. It was one man and 15 machines to begin with. It was manageable.

Each machine was specialized and the chemicals cost a lot of money. If experiments failed, it would be difficult to make up for the loss of valuable samples and the wastage of time and money. It was challenging to finish jobs that were lined up on all of the machines.

The lab ended up with 30 machines and one man. Working continuously made my husband tired and unable to think. And he began to work on weekends too. To make the situation worse, his supervisor began to shout at him. 

My husband was threatened that he will be fired

In May last year, the Director called my husband and threatened to remove him. No reasons were given and he was shouted at him for 30 minutes.

My husband was shaken and could not understand what had happened. Naran asked us to chant “I AM A BEING OF VIOLET FIRE. I AM PURITY OF GOD DESIRES.”

Naran also asked us to chant and write— “OM GAM GANAPATHAYE NAMAHA”.

We have continued to do it every day from then on. 

The director apologized

Within a week of this chanting, the Director came and apologized to my husband for his outburst. He told my husband that he hope that my husband would not quit because of the outburst.

We were surprised and grateful at the turn of events. We continued to write the Ganesh mantra and be relaxed.

Surprise became Shock

In June, my husband was called again and the Director said he would put him on probation for the job. This really disturbed my husband and he couldn’t sleep or eat.

Naran advised us to write (the Bach Flower Remedies) – “ELM, WATER VIOLET, HOLLY, VINE, HORNBEAM” in a piece of paper and keep it in my husband’s pocket and do the same in another paper and keep it under the pillow. And Naran asked me to chant (Bach Flower Remedies) “RED CHESTNUT, VINE”.

And to improve the working atmosphere, Naran advised my husband to chant the switch words, “LOVE, THANK, TOGETHER DIVINE”. My husband began to juggle these new responsibilities. His job was reduced to 75% time from 100%. However, he had to work for 100% of the time.

Now comes a big surprise

Six months later, we had a surprise when the administrators asked people to submit their job descriptions and responsibilities for comparing it with what people were getting paid for across the nation.  My husband’s position was also called for reclassification.  Naran asked us to chant:GENTIAN, LARCH, THANK, TOGETHER DIVINE ORDER COUNT NOW DONE”.

Back to square one – problems started again

On December 10th, we returned to the same critical situation when, my husband’s Director called him and made him sign a memorandum saying he would fix all machines within December 20th. My husband had been working with the companies for months and nothing had been resolved. The Director was aware of all this.  

Naran advised us to download a picture of MUSTARD (Bach flower) and PINK TOURMALINE (gem remedy) and paste both on the name of my husband. And also chant the switch words “TOGETHER CHANGE NOW”.

Everything went smoothly like a whistle

Thanks to these divine interventions, the deadline passed off smoothly without an incident.

But the biggest challenge was negotiating the annual review that was due at the end of the month.  The annual review would determine if he would stay or go. In the current economic market, it was very hard to land another job. Living in the US without citizenship meant that we had to show continuous employment status. We continued to chant TOGETHER CHANGE NOW and write the Ganapathi mantra daily.

Annual review came on the right time 

The annual review was postponed to January. It so happened that Divine took care of everything so beautifully. On Thursday, his immediate supervisor completed my husband’s annual review and gave him glowing references. They also discussed about my husband getting more help in the lab, and reinstating his job to 100% from 75% that he is currently on.

Three days later, the Director who was shouting at him all the time, said that there was no need for another review and he had nothing to add or change to the review already performed, and he agreed with everything. Everyone who knows the Director says this is nothing short of a miracle!

 The director accepted his failings openly

Last week, the Director called my husband privately and told him that his personality was that of a person who magnified the negative. From his interactions with my husband he is realizing that he had to appreciate everything positive and not pay so much importance to the negative.

My husband said he politely thanked him and left, but inside he was shouting ‘Together Divine’ in a deafening crescendo. He felt so happy that he didn’t have to say a word for this change to come over! The flowers, gems, the switch words are so beautiful and so powerful!

We successfully sailed through the stressful phase

We are grateful for the divine to have helped us through this difficult and stressful phase. The chants helped us stay focused and positive and not panic. We found time daily to chant ‘Together Divine’ and write ‘Om Gam Ganapathayae Namaha.’

 Lessons learned

We understand and are grateful that our future unfolds in small clear steps.

We have the opportunity to be watchful, present and steer the direction of our life.

Naran taught us patiently and gently to keep our mind open to the gifts that every situation brings in and not be carry our old patterns with us.

We are continuing to learn.


Thank you for sharing. What we need is trust in divinity. Yours has vindicated that. Best of luck!!!

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Nothing is lost – in this world


It was in the month of September 2013 and it was only 1 month since I had moved to Switzerland.

It was a pleasant day in the countryside where I stay. It is not very often this country is blessed with sun’s rays. It was one of those days when sun was out and weather was at its best.

There is a forest at just 15 mins walking distance from my house. The forest is unimaginably beautiful with tall trees and small brooks in between.

Extremely dense, one can rarely see wolves move amongst the trees yet not interfering with some solitary walkers like me. Since it was autumn, all the dried yellow leaves were on the forest floor.

I consider these walks in the forest as a kind of forest meditation. One can walk and amongst the tall trees oblivious of surroundings and absorb the peace from the surroundings.

It is not often I get to enjoy the forest as I am yet to get accustomed to the climate here. Unless the sun is out, I find the weather too harsh for me.

On that day, I sat in quiet meditation amongst some tall trees thinking of my Guru Ramana and crying for my Arunachala.

The house keys were in the pocket of my jacket. (Every member in my house has a house key and the one who goes out should get inside the house on their own!!).

I had walked many miles in the forest before sitting down to meditate. I picked up my mobile phone to switch it off and kept it back in my jacket.

After an hour of tranquility, I got up and walked all the way back through the forest towards my house.

When I reached the end of the forest, I realized the mobile was switched off and I put my hand in the pocket to find to my utter dismay that the house keys were missing.

It had started to become dark. I walked all the way back and since the forest is dense, I stopped when I knew I would reach nowhere in the hunt and started my way back home.

I was exhausted physically and mentally. I knew what was in store for me at home.

It gets dark very early here and when I reached home I rang the bell to get inside. My husband asked me where the keys were. I said I lost it in the forest. He said that I had to get them back, no matter what.

I had to go with him all the way back into the dense forest in the dark with a torch. I was crying as my legs could not take it anymore. But he gave me no choice.

After about 2 kms in the forest, I said a lie that I had walked only till that point but in fact I had gone much much farther.

I could have lost the keys when I had put my hand in the jacket to switch off the mobile.

He was cursing me on the money that would be involved in getting a new pair of keys and the number of keys he would have to duplicate and how irresponsible I was.

It continued and due to exhaustion I could not keep a step further. All this while, I was saying ‘CRYSTAL GORSE WOLF REACH HELP NOW’. I kept chanting like mad.

We had reached the end of the forest when we saw in the dark another couple enjoying a stroll in the forest.

My husband for no reason went up to them and said in German that I had lost the keys and if ever during their strolls during the day or anytime they find it, to inform him, and gave his number.

They agreed and moved on. It was so dark and the forest floor was full of autumn leaves. There was absolutely no hope of getting the keys.

The fury and the exasperated expression on my husband’s face and my exhaustion made me call LOUD – WOLF IF YOU ARE THERE, Please get me the keys…REACH HELP NOW.

Believe me we heard a loud call from behind. The couple whom we had met was running towards us. The lady reached to me hugged me and gave me the key.

I cried loud thanking my wolf and you for the great help I got. It seems, they had walked a little further and then leaned on a tree. Something poked the lady’s back and it was the key.

My husband and that couple said it could be someone else who was taking a stroll had found it and hung it on the branch of the tree.

I did not say anything as I knew clearly that I had not lost it anywhere there. It is the Wolf, my angel spirit and my Master – you, who helped me on that day.

With an attitude of gratitude, I bow with respect to this great teacher and my angel spirit!!!

Goals Achievement through Reiki Part I


How Reiki works in achieving our goal?

All our desires and intentions can be fulfilled with the help of Reiki. It works as per our intention.

As you intend, energy flows towards that direction or goal. Though, it might take its own route.

Why some goals are not achieved?

Some of our intensions are always fulfilled – say for example eating Dosas or going to Mumbai by flight. Though, there are desires that are not fulfilled.

Why? It means the energy of those desires is very low.

Let us say we require X degrees of energy to get the work done. We have only X – 30. Then these desires can’t be fulfilled. So it has to be increased to make our intensions fulfilled.

How to increase the energy level behind the intensions? Give them Reiki. This will boost the energy level of them.

For anything that’s not happening in your life, give it Reiki. Reiki can change anybody’s life. It’s a subtle form of energy, result of which, we may not be able to see immediately.

Affirmations and Reiki

If you say, “I want to be successful in business” then it means that there is a lack of success in business.

This area (business) is not receiving required energy either from body or mind. To make it successful, give Reiki – the universal energy to that area.

Write the goal as if it happened and give Reiki to it.

How Reiki Works Here?

I am not successful in one area of life because there is internal resistance – otherwise known as psychological reversal or internal sabotage mechanism.

When an intention is unfilled, it means it requires some more amount of energy.

Let us say we have 30 no’s of energy, while 70 is required, then the remaining energy can be generated through Reiki.

Reiki channels are successful because they work on the affirmations with lots of perseverance.

When we fail we form a belief, a self-limiting belief. We have to remove that from the mind.

We can remove it through Reiki. None of your intentions will go unfulfilled, I challenge you on this.

Read the part II of the article, “How to create affirmations and form intentions” here:

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Facing lots of hurdles to get what I want


I am writing this message with lots of depression and tears.

I got an admission into PhD more than 2 years before…yet I haven’t started my research work.

I am fFacing lots of hurdles at my lab and with my teachers and colleagues. I’m a very sincere student from childhood.

But, now I became very useless as no one is allowing me to carry out my work at my lab.

Applied for many scholarships but nothing worked out. People who are of less knowledge, skills and liberal at work are getting selected for stipends.

Even at my home also no one is listening to others so lots of disputes are arising everyday among all family members.

All these issues at home and college are making me more depressive. Even I’m trying for suicide also though I am against to it.


Chant “SWEET CHESTNUT, CHERRY PLUM, 58” over a glass of water 100 times and drink this water daily. Do two times a day.

Write this in a piece of paper and keep it under the pillow.


Desperate situations needs divine intervention: SWEET CHESTNUT

Not to lose control and take one’s own life: CHERRY PLUM

To overcome obstacles: 58

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Earn Without Employment


After attending Naran Abundance workshop I did the “ABUNDANCE PROGRAMME”. 

I started it almost after 15- 20 days attending the workshop. 

Here I am listing all things regarding money or somehow related to it.

In the past I was penniless

Before that I like to tell you few words about my situation.

Right now I am not working. I left my job after marriage, due to some family issues.

It was almost 3 years back. And that was hard time for me.

Even though we have enough money in house, I couldn’t spend.

Even for small amount of money or small expenses too, I felt like beggar, jilted and distress as Hubby not used to give me money in hand due to our loans and not even for day-to-day expenses.

Today my situation has changed

In all these days, there was not any single moment of denial or refuse from husband, while giving me money.

And that was the biggest surprising part for me.

In this period I paid all my debts. (It was not very heavy, every time when my husband denied giving me money).

It was with my sister and friend. Now only remaining part is my mother – who helped me in form of money, when we bought a house.

She didn’t ask me to return anything. But still I feel I should give all her money back and other is workshop fees that I attended in Mumbai.

4th day – I got a call from old colleague. He is going to start his own company and he wants me to join there, but this is after few months in this year.

6th day – I wanted to return some money to my friend, which he gave me in my need,(3 months back)  when I was afraid to ask/ demand money from my hubby.

Somehow, I wanted to return it at earliest. But, there was no money source for me. And after writing 5th statement I was crying. Hubby asked me the reason.

And for the first time I had the courage to tell truth to him that I borrowed money from someone and that I was feeling guilty on how I will repay to them.

The person who used to get so furious on such things was completely calm and gave me money to return, without saying a word.

10th day – without applying anywhere, got a call from some job site, that too on my 3-year-old resume.

11th day – surprise shopping for me from hubby.

13th day – been to interview. Same day got another job call.

15th day – 2nd interview.

16th day – got selected in 1st interview, but I was not keen to join. Again hubby gave me some money, without asking.

17th day – got a credit note of almost 25,000 Rupees from Mobile Company.

5 months back my hubby gifted me a smart phone, which suddenly stopped working. Service center people said that it got damaged and un-repairable.

And that same service center gave us a credit note same as the original purchase amount of phone. It will get cleared within a month. Nobody could believe that I am getting money instead of replacement!

27th day – Hubby gave me some money for doctor visit, which was 3 times extra of normal fees. He didn’t even ask me about remaining money, or bills, which he used to ask after every visit.

29th day – 2nd interview, cleared 2nd round. Got selection call in evening.

Again I couldn’t join here, because of family issues. Was little upset, but knew something good might come in future. 30th day- again some surprise money from hubby.

Will keep updating more!!

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Find the right plot of land


We are now living at my in-laws place with 2 children in one bedroom. My husband wants to buy a plot of land to build our own house.

I shall be grateful that you please give mantra and other remedy that I can do, so that we quickly find a plot of land at a good price with no blockages for financing (partly by us) and no obstacle to get a loan at bank to acquire same.




I am very grateful for the mantra given to me. Now, we have found the right plot of land which is bigger than what we were looking for, yet the price is very good.

Part payment is being done and we’ll have only one month to complete payment. However my husband needs to go abroad for 2 weeks for work starting next week.

Kindly give mantra and remedy for me to do, so that our loan request at the bank be accepted without delay before end of May 2014.


The same is to be continued.

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Office Remedies Part II


Gain Respect in the Office: WILLOW and WATER VIOLET.

Male domination: women resenting it are in WILLOW state. When the resentment vanishes, the domination will vanish too.


MIMULUS is about a third person/entity – for somebody

LARCH is about oneself – no confidence in oneself

Won’t be able to complete – too much to do, a feeling of inadequacy: ELM

First Day in Office: WALNUT – will help us to adjust with the new place and people, WATER VIOLET will get us friends and get the required assistance to get settled down.

Effortless Completion of a Task: WALNUT, OAK and HORNBEAM

Verify some document: BEECH

I am stuck with this management. The management is wrong by all means. I am stuck with this person even though I don’t like him: WILLOW, BEECH and WALNUT.

Friendly with my own group: I will talk only with people from my region – WATER VIOLET.

On the contrary, if one says people from a particular region/group/country are bad then it is WALNUT.

BEECH and WALNUT will help us to build a rapport among colleagues.

Sacking an associate: I have to fire somebody for some valid reasons. I am in CENTAURY state if I don’t want to hurt them. I am in PINE state, if I feel guilty after firing him.

My inquisitive associate: My associate will dig lots of information from us. He will ask numerous questions. But will not answer to any of our questions: HOLLY, WILLOW.

Not to be disturbed by the colleague: WILLOW, AGRIMONY, CRAB APPLE (to get rid of)

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Office Remedies Part I:

Flowers @ Work:

The permanent change factor


Life is nothing but adjustment and comprise. The Bach Flower Remedy Walnut – the 21st Century Magic Pill helps you to achieve that effortlessly.

In addition, WALNUT completes any type of healing. It has a place of its own in healing arena.

In this Age of Change, it’s the Elixir of Life.

Keywords: to Change, to Move, Adjust, Circulate

Age of Change

With the key word Change, how many life situations can be addressed? Change means to become a different person based on the hour of need and to Move from one phase to another phase (Transition)

  • I am not able to change my residence. I wanted to Move closer to my office.
  • Change Into means to become.

For example, I want my son to become studious says a mother of a child. Both mother and son should take WALNUT. When we expect the change in some other person, then we are in Walnut state.

  • To change a person thoroughly, for example to come out of addiction, WALNUT is the base remedy.
  • When one is forced to frequently change jobs: WALNUT
  • When you want some diversion, when you feel bored, you need a change: WALNUT

Office Remedies Part I


Convincing about a useless product

I am asked to market a useless product. I don’t know how to convince the customers:

GENTIAN (for being discouraged) and WILLOW (for resentment)

Add LARCH to develop confidence in you to sell

To convince others – especially in selling, VERVAIN

Implement a process change

WALNUT, OAK (he goes in the same path, and so doesn’t look for alternatives) and HORNBEAM

Asking for leave

Asking for leave at the last moment, keep postponing it – because initially “my Boss will say no”

MIMULUS to face the boss

WALNUT for rapport with the boss

CENTAURY to speak your cause assertively

WILLOW: To avoid blaming the boss

No empowerment

My boss will put me in a critical situation giving an impression that why not I do the job myself.

If I do it independently though, she would get upset because I have done the job without consulting her.

WILLOW (blaming) and SCLERANTHUS (for fear of getting confusing instructions)

Getting shouted at

In front of everybody my boss shouts – “I didn’t make any mistake why should I be blamed.”

WILLOW (resentment) and add PINE (for being blamed) and LARCH (losing confidence) CRAB APPLE (what others will think about me)

Not satisfied with her own performance

Even though she has got a very good rating, she is not happy about the job she has done.

Pine for being not satisfied with one’s own work

Develop Creativity

Multimedia: ELM, CLEMATIS

Public Meeting

ELM, GORSE and HEATHER is for public presentation

Managing an incompetent person

I have to manage somebody who is not good. He is related to one of the directors.

WILLOW for resentment

BEECH for criticising

CENTAURY: because of inability to voice one’s opinion

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