Posts tagged positivity
If What is going to happen will happen, Why to chant?
In the past, I have chanted, prayed a lot, with full faith in universal divine force. But, I was always told you can’t change anything. What is going to happen will happen? Nobody can change anything.
I still have faith and trust. However, I always had a question in mind then why do we pray and chant the mantras if they are not going to bring positivity to the concerned situation?
Is it fear of something negative happening to us and our family, which brings us, back again to chanting and praying?
You cannot always get what you want. Sometimes, you can get what you don’t want. These are two life rules, which we have to accept.
It is the mind which plays the game. If something does not happen, we wallow; if something happens, we elate. How long is this elation?
After some time, we need something else and again mental emotional drama begins. It is because we attach importance to the result only and not to the action.
If the action is done, and the result is surrendered, you will remain peaceful always.
Ultimately, what we want in life is either peace or happiness. To get happiness or peace is the aim of all.
Surrendering the result to the hands of Divine only can give you peace or happiness. Chanting or healing aims at changing the mind to accept what is happening.
Best of luck!!
Frame of LOVE
Within a day of using the symbols you told me to use, i.e. Love and Joy (Symbols 66 and 67), I could find a marked difference in my state of mind.
It moved into positivity, calm and loving kindness to all including all who I felt had injured me so much that I felt quite silly about any anger I was holding.
Thank you very much.
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It is truly amazing
Black Tourmaline truly is amazing!
I have just got one for myself and anytime I have aches and pains in the body and I place it on the corresponding Chakra and pain is gone within few minutes!!!
Overall too, I feel more energized with positivity, don’t feel dull especially due to the seasonal change.
Another important thing is I have come to notice is that I feel safer and secure with my Black Tourmaline on me, like when I am driving or working late hours etc., because of its ‘Feel Good’ factor.
Now, I don’t like stepping out anywhere without my Black Tourmaline ‘Angel’. Even if I do forget it, I can immediately sense that something is amiss and I am forgetting something
Thank you Naran for the infinite Divine help!
How to deal with negative energy?
My neighbour is a very good friend of my father. He claims to be very good astrologer with accurate predictions.
Whenever he comes at our home he says that I won’t get married for next one more year, no matter how much efforts we put or good proposals come coz I have debilitated mars and ******.
My parents do not believe much in astrology but that uncle always says something negative regarding my marriage and now whenever any proposal turn down. My parents have also started saying that may be that uncle is right and this in turn affects my thoughts and positivity.
As we have familiar relations with their family, we can’t say directly anything to them. How to deal with this negative energy (thoughts) that he brought as he always discourages me and my parents.
Do the forgiving exercise for 100 times daily: “I Kittu forgive you … (name of the uncle). You please forgive me and release me”.
Everyday morning when you wake up, say three times, “I thank Mars and ****** for keeping this person away from influencing me”.
I am glad to inform you that after doing that forgiving exercise for a week, that uncle have said nothing negative. In fact, he came only twice in this month and both the time I was not at home.
He sent me some sweets and a gift also telling that he treats me like a daughter, so things are at peace.
Should I continue this or anything else?
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