Posts tagged received
Clients are My Eye Openers
Question: Every time after you finish your consultation with us, you say ‘Thank you’. Having received help from you don’t you think we need to say thanks to you instead?
Let me tell you a case history.
The other day, my eyes were reddish. I was chanting ‘LALITHAM LAMBODARAM’ and yet found no relief.
It was around 6.30 AM and I received a call then. Because it was very early in the morning I thought the matter had to be urgent. So, I picked the call with a sense of apprehension.
It was from my student Sangeetha. She wanted to report me on some healing that happened to her. For last few months, she was finding it difficult to read newspapers.
So, she took a bowel of water, and keeping her eyes opened she cleansed them, while chanting the switch words “CLEAR POINT”. The cleansing method is taught in yoga classes.
She was doing it for last one month. Now, she was able to read better. Saying this she hanged up the phone without adding anything.
I just did the same and my eyes got better. Don’t you agree now my students and clients are my eye openers?
Thank you for asking this question
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I got mugged on my way back from office. I was overtaken by a superhuman calmness. It was very strange.
I am normally a very nervous person during the incident as they kept a knife on my neck. The gangsters also let me go just taking some 400 Rs and an old useless phone.
Later, I wrote to Naran and received a reply in just few hours late at night.
I followed his instructions and in a few days I was able to completely and gracefully come out of the sense of shock with ease. It was amazing.
Many other such incidents!!!
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Written all over the sky
Paresh Bhatt
Referring the article:
One more success story I want to share here.
I read your post and then I went to the verandah. I chanted the Bach flowers’ looking over the sky.
At that time not a single cloud was to be seen and then I came inside. After fifteen minutes, I’m seeing that wind has started blowing and dark clouds have appeared from nowhere.
What I did was I chanted and imagined the sky is covered with Bach flowers names. And after a short-while there was a heavy shower followed by thunder and lightning. The rain was more than expected.
Thank you Naran for giving those Bach flowers name for bringing Rain!
The whole Kolkata received rain just after 15 minutes of just one time chanting the names of the Bach flowers.
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Reach for happy solutions
I want to mention that I got great help with switch word “REACH” which I read in your site during my entrance exam.
It also helped me to find my misplaced certificates.
I always benefit from “CONCEDE CLEAR CENTRE FIND DIVINE LOVE TOGETHER” whenever I have conflict with anyone.
I also want to mention that I got a great help with REACH during my exam.
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