Posts tagged Switch words

Crystal clear solutions


I’m writing this mail for my cousin.

I used to go through your blog and all those switch words and angel numbers explained in that blog used to work for me according to the situation till now. Your blog is very much helpful to public who are suffering from different problems. I really thank you for the support you have provided to the public through your blog.

But now, our family is in great trouble. We are having a warehouse rented for storing spices. Due to heavy rain all those spices are destroyed. The company is saying that they are having a loss of three and half crores and my cousin is responsible for that.

Our family can’t afford this huge money and we are very much desperate sir. We all are fully tensed.

Please find me some mantra or some switch words so that I can chant it for my cousin to help him get rid of this situation and my cousin not to be blamed by the company for the losses caused by natural calamity. We don’t have any other way.




I did the chanting.

The company itself called my cousin directly and said that it’s not our problem. Losses caused will be totally claimed from the insurance company and now there’s no problem for my cousin.

We all are really happy due to your grace. Once again thanks a lot. God bless you.


To find a crystal clear solution: CRYSTAL

Grieving and fearing over loss of money: CHICORY

For hopeless situation: GORSE

To REACH for HELP, the animal spirit guide WOLF is sought

Waiting for a Call


When you are waiting for a call from a person, you can be in the Movement Mudra and you can chant, “BETWEEN DIVINE”.

The switch words BETWEEN subconsciously connects you to that person.

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Disharmony in Family and Marriage:

Establishing harmony with a person:

Communication with girlfriend:

Harmony in Family and Office Relationships


Switch words for family and office harmony

When you think problems are unbearable or mounting do the forgiving exercise and chant “THANKS TOGETHER DIVINE”

When this ordeal will change – “ADJUST TOGETHER CHANGE NOW DIVINE”

I am constantly worrying over my state of affairs – “MOVE ON FIND DIVINE ORDER”

I feel unloved; lonely; isolated – “TOGETHER GIVE CIRCULATE ME”

When this problem will end – “TOGETHER HALF WAY DIVINE”

He is not listening to me, if my mother-in-law is not there, we can be happy – “GIVE TOGETHER DIVINE LOVE”


So much frustrated – “OVER / TOGETHER DIVINE”

He is holding a grudge against me – “REVERSE TOGETHER FIND DIVINE LOVE”

What is the solution – “TOGETHER REACH DIVINE ORDER”

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Flowers for Harmony in Relationships and Family:

Establishing harmony with a person:

Hindrance to a Peaceful Family Life:

Get me more clients


I have a clothes boutique. The income I get is just nice to cover most of the expenses. Sometimes it is not enough to cover all.

Can you pls advice on how to improve the earnings and income as well as attract more clients to the shop.

Also, please advise me on a way for me to repay my loans and debts. I am very disturbed at the moment because of these debts.


Call upon the Animal Spirit Guide WOLF by requesting it, “Wolf! Please get me more clients daily”.


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Love breaks all the hurdles


He got to say yes to the girl as his mother has decided. He knows, I respect his care for his mother, and will not say anything against it.

His engagement ceremony is going to happen in another 3 days. He too loves me a lot and suffering a lot because of this situation. There should be a way to come out of this situation and stop this engagement.

Please guide and bless me, so that both our families will accept our relationship.


Love should break all the hurdles, if it is true.



I can understand there are lots of facts happening in life, which we may feel are wrong. But that can be the Great Lords will, so it should not be questioned too.

May be it’s my destiny, which will decide about me. But, how many times should I need to bend in front of my destiny.

I am feeling really low with these incidents in my life. Earlier I had taken my step back, when it was about my career, and now it’s about my life partner.

Still, I am not succeeded on any part of my life at age of 32!! I have failed over and over again.

I have always been good to people. So why should not I expect the same from my life.


“How many times should I need to bend” is a statement which exposes your anger and resentment at destiny.

A person if voluntarily bends and does the work will not complain.

Take the flower remedies CENTAURY, WILLOW, LARCH and PINE to overcome this feeling, three pills each, and one after the other, for three times a day.


Weak-willed and not assertive enough: CENTUARY

Anger and Resentment: WILLOW

Failure mentality: LARCH

Feeling low: PINE

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Water, trees and bird droppings

Mr. R

I need some mantra or remedy to cut a tree which is causing a lot of nuisance. Our neighbors are not allowing us to cut it. It is on the road somewhere in between our gate and neighbor’s gate.

The problem is that the dried leaves, branches and many bird droppings fall in our compound. First of all no water in our area and it becomes a problem to clean all these things.


Chant “SWEET CHESTNUT, ROCK ROSE, WILD ROSE” for getting water.

By all means, clean your house of the birds’ excreta, by chanting “WILLOW, CHANGE DIVINE ORDER”.

Don’t fell the tree.

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Postponing cleaning:

Don’t fell trees, they are our blessings:

Lot of syllabus to cover


I have got exams shortly and lots of syllabus to cover. I am not able to concentrate and study.

Plz advice switch words so that I am able to study hard and clear the exam.


Write 398 in a piece of paper and keep it under the pillow.

Chant “662 SLOW CARE” 50 times over a glass of water and drink this water two times a day.

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Full of physical torture


My cousin is fighting for divorce as her 13 months marriage was full of physical torture. Unnecessary delay in hearing is making it impossible for her to concentrate on studies for a public exam.

Please advise switch words so that she can come out of that marriage and also get back the entire gold and dowry, which is not returned back by her in-laws.

Her father gave huge dowry which was more than 13 lakhs.

At present, she is trying to find a job. Next week she has an interview. Suggest also for getting that job.




Only supreme love can lift one from the seemingly unsolvable problem. With its kindness, it not only lifts but completes it, which is beneficial to both the parties.

Love is lacking here and we call for the supreme love to intervene.

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Doesn’t love me right from marriage:

Increase your love energy:


96 Regain-Employment

Think about what job you want to have, which you had previously.

The bigger mind or subconscious mind is recording every experience, every emotion.

In the course of time, we forget our own experience and we find it difficult to retrieve what we have achieved.

A person might have been employed before.

To regain it, chant the switch words, while looking at the symbol, “TOGETHER REACH DIVINE JOB COUNT NOW DONE

If you are doing it for somebody, write their name in the empty circle. Looking at the final picture, chant the switch words.

Husband not showing any interest


I have visited 2-3 astrologers. I am very scared about their predictions as all of them told me that there are 100% chances of separation/divorce in my marriage within next few days/months.

My situation is actually worst. I am chanting TOGETHER DIVINE but not seeing any changes in my situation.

Now, after visiting astrologers I am very depressed as I just wanted to live my life happily without any such drastic changes.

Though my husband is not at all talking to me, not taking care and not at all showing any interest in me from day one of our marriage.

I still love him very much and wanted to live with him only.


Continue this.

There is one symbol number 47 to unite the broken relationship

Write your husband’s name and your name in the empty circle, and chant the switch words, “TOGETHER DIVINE”.

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