Posts tagged Think

Rude Boss becomes Appreciating Boss


Sometimes things seem to get worse before it gets better. But in getting worse the situation tests us and strengthens us in ways we cannot imagine or know.

All we need to learn is to sit still and watch our mind as the fluid situation morphs, and shifts.

We learn to see our fear, guilt, and our negative tendencies.

We learn to be watchful, not restful. We understand that growth, life, is characterized by changes.

Situations morph rapidly. We realize that there is really no beginning or end, it is our mind that creates the illusion.

We learned these from our own experience detailed below:

One man, thirty machines and endless working hours

Last year, we contacted Naran when my husband was going through lot of challenges at work. He had been in the new job for two years and doing very well.

Then, the supervisor began adding new machines to the lab. It was one man and 15 machines to begin with. It was manageable.

Each machine was specialized and the chemicals cost a lot of money. If experiments failed, it would be difficult to make up for the loss of valuable samples and the wastage of time and money. It was challenging to finish jobs that were lined up on all of the machines.

The lab ended up with 30 machines and one man. Working continuously made my husband tired and unable to think. And he began to work on weekends too. To make the situation worse, his supervisor began to shout at him. 

My husband was threatened that he will be fired

In May last year, the Director called my husband and threatened to remove him. No reasons were given and he was shouted at him for 30 minutes.

My husband was shaken and could not understand what had happened. Naran asked us to chant “I AM A BEING OF VIOLET FIRE. I AM PURITY OF GOD DESIRES.”

Naran also asked us to chant and write— “OM GAM GANAPATHAYE NAMAHA”.

We have continued to do it every day from then on. 

The director apologized

Within a week of this chanting, the Director came and apologized to my husband for his outburst. He told my husband that he hope that my husband would not quit because of the outburst.

We were surprised and grateful at the turn of events. We continued to write the Ganesh mantra and be relaxed.

Surprise became Shock

In June, my husband was called again and the Director said he would put him on probation for the job. This really disturbed my husband and he couldn’t sleep or eat.

Naran advised us to write (the Bach Flower Remedies) – “ELM, WATER VIOLET, HOLLY, VINE, HORNBEAM” in a piece of paper and keep it in my husband’s pocket and do the same in another paper and keep it under the pillow. And Naran asked me to chant (Bach Flower Remedies) “RED CHESTNUT, VINE”.

And to improve the working atmosphere, Naran advised my husband to chant the switch words, “LOVE, THANK, TOGETHER DIVINE”. My husband began to juggle these new responsibilities. His job was reduced to 75% time from 100%. However, he had to work for 100% of the time.

Now comes a big surprise

Six months later, we had a surprise when the administrators asked people to submit their job descriptions and responsibilities for comparing it with what people were getting paid for across the nation.  My husband’s position was also called for reclassification.  Naran asked us to chant:GENTIAN, LARCH, THANK, TOGETHER DIVINE ORDER COUNT NOW DONE”.

Back to square one – problems started again

On December 10th, we returned to the same critical situation when, my husband’s Director called him and made him sign a memorandum saying he would fix all machines within December 20th. My husband had been working with the companies for months and nothing had been resolved. The Director was aware of all this.  

Naran advised us to download a picture of MUSTARD (Bach flower) and PINK TOURMALINE (gem remedy) and paste both on the name of my husband. And also chant the switch words “TOGETHER CHANGE NOW”.

Everything went smoothly like a whistle

Thanks to these divine interventions, the deadline passed off smoothly without an incident.

But the biggest challenge was negotiating the annual review that was due at the end of the month.  The annual review would determine if he would stay or go. In the current economic market, it was very hard to land another job. Living in the US without citizenship meant that we had to show continuous employment status. We continued to chant TOGETHER CHANGE NOW and write the Ganapathi mantra daily.

Annual review came on the right time 

The annual review was postponed to January. It so happened that Divine took care of everything so beautifully. On Thursday, his immediate supervisor completed my husband’s annual review and gave him glowing references. They also discussed about my husband getting more help in the lab, and reinstating his job to 100% from 75% that he is currently on.

Three days later, the Director who was shouting at him all the time, said that there was no need for another review and he had nothing to add or change to the review already performed, and he agreed with everything. Everyone who knows the Director says this is nothing short of a miracle!

 The director accepted his failings openly

Last week, the Director called my husband privately and told him that his personality was that of a person who magnified the negative. From his interactions with my husband he is realizing that he had to appreciate everything positive and not pay so much importance to the negative.

My husband said he politely thanked him and left, but inside he was shouting ‘Together Divine’ in a deafening crescendo. He felt so happy that he didn’t have to say a word for this change to come over! The flowers, gems, the switch words are so beautiful and so powerful!

We successfully sailed through the stressful phase

We are grateful for the divine to have helped us through this difficult and stressful phase. The chants helped us stay focused and positive and not panic. We found time daily to chant ‘Together Divine’ and write ‘Om Gam Ganapathayae Namaha.’

 Lessons learned

We understand and are grateful that our future unfolds in small clear steps.

We have the opportunity to be watchful, present and steer the direction of our life.

Naran taught us patiently and gently to keep our mind open to the gifts that every situation brings in and not be carry our old patterns with us.

We are continuing to learn.


Thank you for sharing. What we need is trust in divinity. Yours has vindicated that. Best of luck!!!

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White Hibiscus


Spirit is always free and in search of truth. When there is confusion, think about WHITE HIBISCUS, become that flower affirming, “LET ME ALIGN WITH THE DIVINE WILL”.

Then take any course of action. After taking the action, do not doubt that.

Doubt and Confusion happen when we deviate from surrender.

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Want to be loved and respected


I have separated from my husband but we are now friends with benefits now and it hurt me. What can I do? Shall I go on?

He says we can have a good relationship in the future but I am not sure. I think I am making things easier for him. I don’t know how to proceed. I admire him a lot!


What do you want?

Karinapach I want to be loved and respected


Give love and love and respect all

From ‘I Love Myself’ Workbook

I am Loved                                         

  • What will I do today towards (gaining) this aspect of my life?

I am Worthy of Love

  • Think about your positive qualities that you have used so far.
  • How will you use them today?

In addition, check the link, to know how to gain respect:

Heal Your Heart Chakra


Our life is ruled by three chakras – Basic, Hara and Solar Plexus Chakras.

Yet, beyond them, we manage to express our love. We get close to people. We offer our thanks to all. All that because of one chakra and that is the Heart Chakra.

Heart Chakra is the fourth in line. It’s closer to Solar Plexus Chakra. On the chest, from breast draw a line. That’s the point where Heart Chakra is situated.

It is responsible for creation of heart and blood circulation.

It’s the reservoir of love. This chakra is reflected when we experience joy and enthusiasm with our friends and relatives.

If love is there, hate will be there too. If hate is filled in a place, then it’s a hell. Love is heaven and it increases our prana.

Heart chakra is mentally connected with love.

When you desire to make profits out of relationships (or anything for that matter with selfish intentions), we lose energy in this chakra.

If there is a relationship without a love, then it’s of no use, says the Heart Chakra.

We love our children and parents. We love somebody and hate somebody.

Hatred and sadness decreases energy and then we feel we can’t love anybody. We fight at office. When we come home, we should show love. Instead we fight.

If there is less energy in heart, we feel there is no love in life. We feel sad and think that nobody is there for us. With Heart Chakra, we need to love. Otherwise, we will deplete it!

Even if nobody loves you, love god, yourself, others and the world is the message from Reiki. If we GO for love, then the energy level of Heart Chakra expands and balances it.

When we get imbalanced due to Basic, Hara and Solar Plexus Chakras, then the energy level in those chakras shrink. But in the case of Heart Chakra, it’s never gets overfull. It can expand to any level.

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Someone needs food from you

Message from Animal Spirit Guide Pigeon

If one hears only sound of pigeons and not see the pigeons it is the call of the ancestors and he has to think of his ancestors and feed somebody.


The pigeon came again. This time it was the very first thing I saw when I woke up. It was very dark and did not move for a while. Made no sound. Is it the same meaning?


Yes. There is someone who needs food from your hand.


You have told me before and I prepared food for my family. I am not sure who to give to now as I live far. I want to do the right thing.


Then invite a friend (who has not visited you) for lunch or dinner.

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Cannot escape cleaning


My house owner is having rooster, hen as pet birds. The problem I am facing is it is doing dirty works in my portion. I am from an orthodox Brahmin family. For some particular reasons I am staying there.

Hearing rooster, hen’s voice is not problem for me because I am a devotee of lord Muruga. But I am getting irritated for the dirty works done by it in my portion.


Pray to Rooster itself.

Don’t think it is dirty.

You are given the work of cleaning the toilet of Rooster by Lord Muruga. Cleaning the dirtiness of the rooster is the service to Lord Muruga. Think like this and do it daily.

When you clean the dirtiness of Rooster, you are cleaned within and you are purified mentally and spiritually. This opportunity is not given to all.

Do it with devotion.

When inner cleaning is over, rooster will stop its SHIT.

While doing the cleaning of shit, chant “CRAB APPLE”.

You can chant “CRAB APPLE, CHANGE DIVINE ORDER” also regularly when you find time. But, you cannot escape cleaning.


The Bach Flower Remedy Crab Apple is a cleanser – both physical and mental cleanser.

Change and Divine Order are switch words. This combination is good for changing our environment.

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Black patches on the face

A Case History for Water Violet

Rani became sensitive to the ultraviolet rays of the sun and started developing black patches on her face.

The doctor asked her not to be exposed to the sun. Her movement is restricted because she goes out either in early mornings or after evening hours.

First time when she met me, she was given Walnut (sensitive to atmosphere). She just took it for four times and reported that she could see some improvement on her face.

I wanted to probe in further.

Naran: What would have caused this de-pigmentation?

Rani: I believe that the heavy make-up I was using might have caused the problem

Naran: Do you think there are other reasons too?

Rani:  I was using lot of turmeric on my face. I used to be called as Yellow Beauty. Probably my usage of turmeric also would have caused this.

Naran: When other people, I mean friends and relatives, enquire about your face, what would be your reply?

Rani: Do you think anybody has the guts to ask me?

Naran: Hmmm was there are any?

Rani: Only two have enquired so far.

Naran: What was your reply then?

Rani: This is the latest make-up.

(Saying this, she laughed loudly, which indicated her superiority complex.)

Naran: Why should anybody have guts to talk to you?

Rani: I am a reserved person. If anybody tries to come near me, I will snub them. Few try to come closer to me. However, I will make sure that they don’t get close to me.

Naran: Do you have any close friends?

Rani: None fits my bill. I have some friends. But I am not close to them.

Naran: How do you select your friends?

Rani: Intelligence is very important. If I say something then they should understand it immediately. If I have to repeat what I say, then they are below my standard. He will be out of my list of friends.

Even in my area, nobody is up to my level. All the houses in my locality are built in small plots. My house is the only one which is built on a two-ground plot. (Laughing loudly)

(This above expressions points to Water Violet – Superiority Complex)


WATER VIOLET: She is not allowing anybody to get close to her. Mentally, she keeps the people at a distance. Physically, by developing dark patches on her face, her body helps her to keep others at a distance.

PINE: The reason she gives for the dark patches on the face is that she had used lots of make-up materials. Blaming oneself for the problem indicates Pine.

CRAB APPLE: Make-up is the word she used often. It means that she is covering up the patches. Covering up is the key word of Crab Apple.

WALNUT: For over-sensitivity to Sun rays

Fulfill your desires easier


I have gone through your blogs. Lalitham mantras are fantastic and working well.

My family’s deity is Lord Muruga. For this can I chant “LALITHAM SUBRAMANYAM LALITHAM KUMAARAM LALITHAM SHANMUGAM”?

M has the power to go in easily, which I read it from your site only. Hence, this idea has aroused to me. Please clarify.


Your coining is wonderful. I think Lord Muruga is suggesting this through your question.

Whenever we want to have anything for us, we also should think in what way it can be useful for others. Through your coining of words, I am asked by the divine to explain.

Lalitham makes us always secured. Kumaaram protects us like Mother. In other words, when our mother is there beside us, we feel safe; we are confident; we are assured to get what we need (it is not “what we want”).

The one beauty with this combination is that you can chant this at anytime and surrender intending “He knows when to fulfill anything (for me) at the right time”.

Shanmugam is strengthening our link with the Mother Earth.

“GAM” is for steady abundance.

When it is coined with “Sha” your receiving capacity will increase. 

“SUBRAMANYAM” (don’t say Maniam, but say Manyam) acts both on our Manipura and Heart chakras, releasing our ego and replacing it with Love.

When all the three “LALITHAM SUBRAMANYAM LALITHAM KUMAARAM LALITHAM SHANMUGAM” is chanted what will happen?

You will get the feeling that you are the child of God. What else we need in this life?

Best of luck

Lead your life with joy and enthusiasm


Every day when you wake up in the morning, do you wake up enthusiastically? We don’t.

That is what is required from us. It is the demand from our Liver.

Start your work always enthusiastically with a child-like joy’ is message of the liver. It also says, ‘Welcome every day as a new day’.

Let go of your failure attitude

Many of us say, “However much I tried I am not able to succeed in my life! There are so many blocks around”.

Be positive and be optimistic’ is another message from the Liver. It says, ‘There are no obstacles. There is less perseverance on your part’.

‘Never say die’ attitude of Liver

Liver contains millions of cells. Out of these cells, even if 90% of the cells die, the liver functions normally. That is the best example of optimism – a ‘Never say die’ attitude.

If you think that you have failed then you are spoiling the liver and de-energizing it.

Sometimes, we also say that while others are progressing, we are not doing well. We say that with resentment and anger. ‘All are doing fine but I am not’ – when you say these words you are killing the liver.

Welcome every day as a new day

Liver represents wood (based on Chinese classification) or air element. Plants look fresh and new every day. They always welcome the day as if it is a new day for the entire life.

Whenever you want new life, you can thank your Liver and give a smile to it. You can also do a ‘Shhhhh’ sound, during your exhale.

Release your anger

All our anger settles at the Liver. When we condemn ourselves or when we have anger and resentment, the toxins gets accumulated at the Liver.

To remove these toxins you have to do the sound healing with sound ‘Shhhhh…..’ during exhaling. Inhaling through and then while exhaling say the mantra.

Completing the job on hand is the key

Do not postpone’ is also the message of the Liver. Once you start the work, you should not stop in the middle. You have to contribute one hundred percent to it.

When you reach the peak level you have all the enthusiasm in life. You will have the joy to do the work and you will be contributing hundred percent to the work.

When you are doing the work with full enthusiasm you will reach the peak. Then you are only in the giving mode and not in the ‘giving and receiving’ cycle.

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Love thy neighbours even if they are a nuisance


My neighbors are very inconsiderate. We live in apartments. The one on next to me filled the corridor with their own stuffs and smelly shoes, make a lot of noise shouting at one end of corridor to the other, openly criticizes us and do damage to our plant tearing the leaves (we only put one pot of plant and door mat at my door and nothing else not even shoes). We only keep quiet, to maintain peace.

The neighbor above us, throw litter into our house and make a lot of noises (such as jumping in wee hours of the night after 12 am), and also hang wet laundry above our laundry. On one case, we even saw a packet of urine caught on our window.

We really don’t know what to do.


Chant “BEECH HOLLY WILLOW IMPATIENS” over a glass of water and drink it.

Download a picture of PISCES and paste it on your flat door.

Do the forgiving exercise for them.

In the morning thank them mentally for not disturbing you.

Pray to The Mother for keeping these elementals away from you.


May I ask how many times do I need to chant the flower remedy each time? Do I have to chant everyday or just once?

Do I do the forgiving exercise and thank them everyday also?

The picture of Pisces can be just the symbols or need to have images of fish?

At the last sentence, you mentioned praying to the mother. ‘The Mother’ refers to?


When the problem comes, you can chant.

Chanting what is given is just an alignment with the divine. Forget your identity. Just merge with the Grace Words which are nothing but divine. Enjoy chanting. Do it any number of times.

These words do not bring about any result. They want you to surrender. Surrender to the divine and start chanting. While chanting do not think about anything.

Download zodiac picture of Pisces, and paste it on the door facing outside.

The mother means Aurobindo mother. That divine mother only knows how to drive out the unwanted elementals. Just say once to her daily.

LLM (after a month)

I can see improvement on the issues with my neighbor next door, no more torn leaves and cleaner corridor.

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