Posts tagged used

Received Documents from Government


I have finalized a deal for my property (Independent house). The buyer is going for a loan.

Some documents and papers requested by his bank are difficult to get. I am trying to get the documents so that he can get his loan and finish this deal.

Pls give me switch words so that I get all the required documents quickly from the government department, he gets the loan quickly and the house registration takes place quickly.




I chanted the switch words and got most of the documents from the government department. Thanks a lot.


MUSTARD, WATER VIOLET and ROCK WATER are Bach Flowers. Here, they are used as switch words.

To find documents easily: Mustard

Water Violet and Rock Water are the remedies required to deal with any government department.

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Master of Recovery:

At an affordable price:

Control Dandruff


Can (Bach Flower Remedy) CRAB APPLE also be used for dandruff control?



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Growth of hair:

Life Goes ON Smoothly


I was introduced to your remedies by one of my aunts. I have been reading your blog and following very closely. I just want to share my experiences with you after reading your blogs.

Travel Smooth

I have been using ‘ON’ Switch Word a lot. Like for e.g., I used ‘Happy, smooth and uninterrupted journey ON’ and I chanted it a number of times on an international travel.

I travel very frequently on work and last few journeys have caused a lot of worry and discomfort, but this time the journey was really smooth.

Chanting these switch words actually shifted my mind to not think negative. I was calm and accepted as is.

There was pilot strike going on this time, and I got routed through a different route. Yet, I reached home in time without any trouble.

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Advantages of Bach Flower Remedies


They can be used in conjunction with any other forms of treatment

There are no side-effects and without any complications.

In doubtful cases, when the selection is difficult, Bach flower remedies can bring out the symptoms and clear the path.

They are easily available (can buy from any local homeopathy shop, for example) and easy to prepare.

The remedies are cost-effective.

These remedies are highly useful in infants, children, during pregnancy, external applications for sprain and injuries, and for plants and animals also.

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How to Use Bach Flower Remedies:

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Remove the Darkness Inside Others


In the ancient days, there were lot of clairvoyants and healers around.

The moment they see other person’s aura, any unwanted black energy in the aura can be found by them.

They used pranic healing to do the necessary cleansing and clearing of that unwanted energy in the auric field.

If you don’t clear this black energy, you will be affected by them. No need to have doubt about that.

The ancient healers said, once you see the black energy (any negative element) then the black energy also sees you. Then there will be a contamination of your energy field.

Is there is any technique to remove that darkness and the black energy inside you?

Yes there is one:

  1. When you see the darkness in an auric field, visualize the sun in the mind of the person, which will burn any possible contamination in the energy field.
  2. Once you see the darkness, there will be an energy reaction from us. Mother Earth can transform us. Direct that energy to the earth. Thank her.
  3. After that visualize a cow.

This is not only for healers but for every one of us. Whenever we see darkness – mother earth and cow can remove our energy reaction.

Do you know how much darkness has been transmuted by Mother Earth so far?

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Doing it the Right Way:

Confrontation No More:

Exam results are great


I am chanting for my son Ambika Mantra and I used the circle technique for him, for the exam.

Exam results are great, with good score, 7 A’s for all the subjects.

I did the same for my daughter. Her score is average, as I can see she didn’t prepare with 100%. She feel restless and laziness. She always complains lazy to go to school.

What should I do for her to do better for the Midterm exam, which will be tougher?


Write “398” and keep it under her pillow.

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Sleeping under the Reiki Net

R Mohan

One day, on a call with Naran, he said I could draw a big Reiki symbol Sei Hey Ki over my bed and visualize myself going under it (something like sleeping inside a mosquito net) and go to sleep.

I could sleep then very deeply and satisfied.

After a week, a friend of mine was admitted for a nose surgery. I saw her the day after the operation was over. She looked tired and unhealthy.

From my home, I visualized a big Sei Hey Ki over her bed. When I met her again after a few days, she looked to be 70% recovered which was totally unexpected.

I got confirmed from Naran that this NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) based Reiki technique that can be used to resolve serious problems in life.

By visualizing a BIG symbol, we are making our brains believe that the symbol is big and powerful (a NLP technique). Therefore, it tends to be very effective.

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Afraid my family members will hurt me


I am from a joint family. We are living under the same roof.

I had used my extended family’s assets and had failed in the business venture that I had undertaken. I had pledged our ancestral property – which belongs to my extended family.

Now, I am forced to sell it and as one could expect they are not happy and they curse me openly. I am afraid that while sleeping, one of them could hurt me gravely, out of intense anger on me.


Take the flower remedies MIMULUS and HOLLY.


Fear of getting hurt: Mimulus

Not trusting (family members): Holly

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Using past-life healing on a daily basis


Whenever we go to a new place, heal the people who had previously occupied the place.

Either you go to a rented place or to a hotel, heal the stay of the previous occupant. Make it whole and complete. Then only your stay will be fulfilled.

Otherwise, it might have an impact on you. We don’t know who the previous occupant was and what happened to them.

Whenever you sit for dining in a hotel, heal the person who used the table previously before you order for the food.

Or before entering the hotel, you might heal all the people who had taken food there. Do a prayer for them.

In an interview, whoever was interviewed previously, heal their mental states. This way, you don’t need to heal the future as it is taken care of it automatically.

Whenever you join the company, heal the person who was working previously in your place.

When you go to a clinic, heal the patient(s) who had seen the doctor just before you. If a new case comes, heal the previous case.

Every day morning, heal the previous day happenings. See that every past is healed.

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The Bach Flower Remedy Chicory

Key words

Possessiveness, Self-Love, Self-Pity, Always Demanding, Noticeable, Attracting Attention


  • They try to attract others attention: for example, infants attract attention by crying when you leave them alone or we try to impress others sometimes by flattery.
  • Will be overeager to help.
  • They get angry, if they find no gratitude from the person benefited by them.
  • Their possessive nature can make the opposite person as a Centaury. Please note here, fear of rejection indicates a Centaury, while the person who instils a fear of rejection on others is Chicory.
  • Chicory will not give anything free – there is a hidden agenda behind every transaction he makes.
  • A Chicory person always attracts the attention of others.
  • Always demanding and expects a great deal from others.
  • He is possessive, extremely interfering, secretly manipulating and easily hurt.
  • He has a feeling of unwanted.
  • Over protection and too much parenting.
  • Constantly concerned with the affairs of the family, always interfering.
  • Behind all Chicory type, there lies a deep lack of fulfilment, often a feeling of not being loved.
  • Desires for company for his selfish ends.
  • He is a stingy person.
  • Easily offended or hurt – self-pity.
  • Pretending illness to attract others pity.
  • Always speaks about what others owe her.
  • Extremely nagging – the in-laws remedy.
  • Thinks, feels that everyone is there for his help.
  • Goes to the extent of weeping or pretending to be ill to get his things done.
  • There is constant fear of loss.
  • Emotional demanding always.
  • Behind the Chicory state, an internal emptiness is more.
  • Watching over the needs, wishes and progress of family and friends.
  • Always ready to comment, to correct others or to advise others.
  • The emotional control is subtle, making others dependent.
  • He will manipulate to impose his will.
  • The Chicory finds it hard to let go, feels easily offended or hurt; becomes ill to gain sympathy, always expecting others to live in the feeling of gratitude to her.
  • Chicory children throw temper tantrums.
  • The Chicory child will weep and get things done.
  • If weeping doesn’t pay, he will indulge in flattery or helps you in house hold work.
  • Always demanding, tries to seek attention.
  • The Chicory baby always wants her to be held in the lap all the time.
  • The Chicory child likes to be carried always.
  • Would weep if said anything.
  • Over care and over concern for hurt feelings.
  • Always seeks company.
  • Heart Chakra is closed for Chicory people.  Pray to Chicory to be active in the Heart Chakra.

Chicory says

  • Threatening: “I will do homework, but I will not go to the music class.  If you agree for my condition, then I will finish up all my homework now”.
  • “I am angry at his ingratitude, and he cheated me. I have done so much to him” – Chicory + Chestnut bud.
  • Chicory person makes others feel guilty by saying, “You have just used me.”
  • “After all that I have done for you, this is how you treat me”.
  • “I have given her a sari on her birthday and all that I get from her on my birth day is a card.”
  • Emotional black mailing – “How can I live without you?”
  • “Think of what I have done for you” and then bursting in to tears.
  • “My dear son, I miss you so much, the house is vacant.”
  • He sometimes become ill, he may resort to black mail. “I will study after this, if you allow me to browse the Internet.”
  • “People should respect me.”


  • Eating disorders
  • Hysterical Neurosis  – convulsion type
  • Histrionic personality disorder


  • “Live and let live” is the positive Chicory.
  • Chicory + Walnut – when the child starts schooling
  • Chicory + Walnut – for a second wife
  • Chicory + Star of Bethlehem – if a person whom you love is dead
  • Chicory – for separation.
  • Chicory: I want love and attention
  • Chicory: I feel that nobody recognises my importance
  • Chicory: I have a fear of loneliness
  • Chicory: I feel I am neglected
  • Chicory: I feel unloved by my loved ones
  • Chicory: Others say that I am of a highly interfering type
  • Chicory: I can’t be alone; I always need company
  • Chicory: I often enjoy giving my opinions and advice to others; but I feel hurt/offended when they reject my advice
  • Mimulus, Chicory: My child stays close to my side; rarely goes alone; does nothing alone
  • Chicory: Cries a lot when starting for the school
  • Chicory, Mimulus: The child becomes upset even if mildly criticized
  • Mimulus, Chicory: Burst into tears for no apparent reason
  • Chicory: The child clings to mother
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