Posts tagged verify

Lazy Eye

V. Ramakrishnan

Last Friday, we took my son to an eye hospital to verify for squint. Upon verification the doctor found that he is suffering from Lazy eye (on his right eye) since birth.

His right eye has got -6 and left eye has got -1; after verification and the entire family is totally down on hearing this.

My Son is turning 5 today (May 14) and I humbly request you suggest some mantras to improve my son’s eye power.


Play the VISION IMPROVEMENT CD while he is in the bed.

Office Remedies Part II


Gain Respect in the Office: WILLOW and WATER VIOLET.

Male domination: women resenting it are in WILLOW state. When the resentment vanishes, the domination will vanish too.


MIMULUS is about a third person/entity – for somebody

LARCH is about oneself – no confidence in oneself

Won’t be able to complete – too much to do, a feeling of inadequacy: ELM

First Day in Office: WALNUT – will help us to adjust with the new place and people, WATER VIOLET will get us friends and get the required assistance to get settled down.

Effortless Completion of a Task: WALNUT, OAK and HORNBEAM

Verify some document: BEECH

I am stuck with this management. The management is wrong by all means. I am stuck with this person even though I don’t like him: WILLOW, BEECH and WALNUT.

Friendly with my own group: I will talk only with people from my region – WATER VIOLET.

On the contrary, if one says people from a particular region/group/country are bad then it is WALNUT.

BEECH and WALNUT will help us to build a rapport among colleagues.

Sacking an associate: I have to fire somebody for some valid reasons. I am in CENTAURY state if I don’t want to hurt them. I am in PINE state, if I feel guilty after firing him.

My inquisitive associate: My associate will dig lots of information from us. He will ask numerous questions. But will not answer to any of our questions: HOLLY, WILLOW.

Not to be disturbed by the colleague: WILLOW, AGRIMONY, CRAB APPLE (to get rid of)

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“SURYA NARAYANAM LAKSHMI NARAYANAM” is the mantra for memory, and property.

Mantra for handling financial property

Anything regarding land, selling etc. for example, one person wants to sell the land. It is his own land got it in the right manner and he has not cheated anyone. It is a 40 year old property. When he wanted to sell the same, he observed that his initial is not proper in the document.

That is, his name is R. Rajagopal but in the document it was mentioned as S. Rajagopal. He chanted the mantra.

In the Registrar Office, they did not bother. The registrar office people verified the relevant old documents and gave a letter stating that it is a typographical error.

For buying the property also you can chant this mantra so that you will buy the right property.

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