Posts tagged without

Make one talk


I feel my husband is not transparent with me sometimes. Yes, he hides so many things from me.

However, he is not going in any wrong way. Still it’s painful for me. If I go ahead and talk to him about this, we end up in fight and the day is so painful.


Chant “AGRIMONY, CHESTNUT BUD” over a glass of water and drink it daily.


The negative Agrimony person will not reveal his feelings. He will be hiding, what he does. When questioned, he will say “nothing” to avoid being exposed.

Avoidance is the negative aspect of Chestnut Bud.

To know the truth from the person, both are given. Then the person will open up.

Thus, AGRIMONY and CHESTNUT BUD will help them to open up and share their inner turmoil.

This combination is good for patients who go for a psychotherapy session. Without any difficulty they will share their feelings.

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Face any interview bravely


I have an interview on Saturday. I want to get selected in the interview process. I should speak bravely, clearly, without hesitation, without fear in the interview.




The Bach Flower Remedies Water Violet, Larch, Gentian and Wild Rose is the best combination for any type of interview.

The flower Mimulus will create a friendly atmosphere.

Fixing Machines is No Problem Whatsoever

Fixing TV

R Mohan

My Samsung TV has stopped working. I had been using it for nearly four years. Until now, it hasn’t given me any problems at all. I consulted few technicians, who couldn’t fix the problem at all.


Write “OAK” in a piece of paper and paste it on the TV.

When you try something many times and if the solution is not found then “OAK” is the remedy. Oak will make you a smart worker. It will find the right tools to solve the problem.

R Mohan

Within 10 minutes of pasting the paper, my sister called me and said she has a spare TV. I could keep it for a while until I buy a new one. Funny thing is she knew the problem all along and never got this idea.

Fixing Laptop

R Mohan

After 3 long years of working, the display screen of my laptop started flickering. Sometimes, the keyboard got stuck. I guess I have to buy a new laptop.


When you fall sick, you try to fix your problem.

You have used the laptop for several years and it has served you well, by all means. Try to fix it, even if there are no chances of fixing it. In addition, you offer your thanks to it.

Chant “BEECH, OAK”.

The Bach Flower Remedy BEECH is like the universe working in perfect precision.

R Mohan

I chanted the same and after a couple of days figured out that if I stopped using it continuously and shut it off after using it for an hour or two, for a period of 10-20 minutes, then it works without any problem.

Last five months, the problem never happened again.

Fixing Gas Regulator

R Mohan

Bought a new gas stove. The new regulator couldn’t be fixed properly. A couple of technicians tried, failed and asked me to contact the gas authorities.

Then the third one came. While he was about to fix it, I chanted “OAK” few times. And he was able to fix it without any trouble.

Think of different ways to spend money

Instead of worrying about sources for money…


Kannan had 15 lakhs rupees of loan. He didn’t have any sources of income to repay the loan.

He contacted me on telephone. As it would be difficult to explain to him on the phone, on how to do the meditation, “Meeting with Mahalakshmi”, I gave him a simple technique.

  1. Mentally list out today’s expenses, say buying a tea from the local shop
  2. Visualize paying money to the tea shop owner
  3. Likewise, do the same for all the expenses that have to be met out for the day
  4. And don’t worry at all how those expenses can be met – meaning don’t anyway try to figure out how money required for those expenses can be acquired.

Initially, he found it difficult to visualize without worrying about the sources

I convinced him, that divine is the provider of money and somehow, it will provide him with money.

He did the exercise every day for the last 15 days.

Today, he called me and said that somehow he was able to meet out the expenses.

In fact, he has become so convinced about this technique that he is not worried in any sense and he feels a sense of calmness in himself.

Now he is confident, that divine will take care of wiping out his entire loan eventually without cause of any concern to those who gave him money and himself included.

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A child had a twin in the form of a tumour


A pregnant lady was found to have a tumor growing inside, which would restrict the child’s growth.

She was living in US. She was told that the operation to remove the tumor was out of question.

I asked her to chant “BLUE SAPPHIRE” by holding a glass of water and drink it. She had a normal delivery. The child was normal too.


How come the chanting restricted the growth of the tumour, but not that of the child?

It is because the chanting of the Blue Sapphire restricted the tumour, while the intention of the mother to have a normal child, helped the child to grow.

Today, they are treating the tumour with some homeopathy pills, without resorting to a surgical operation.

Doing Well in the Examination Hall


During the examination, a student makes silly and careless mistakes. Probably due to lack of time, he is writing answers without any thinking.

While going through the question paper, he may find a question, for which he doesn’t know the answer.

He will become restless suddenly and will start writing the exam hastily. So his answers will tend to be wrong.

He may also go into a negative HORNBEAM state. Starting problem leads to mental weariness.

Immediately a crisis of confidence may occur – ELM.

A sudden regression may lead to sudden loss of memory – state of GENTIAN, and nothing seems to be remembered.

To avoid all these possible negative states in the examination hall, one can take the following flower remedies:

  • Impatiens: not to do anything in a hurry
  • Hornbeam: overcome mental weariness
  • Elm: overcome any sudden crisis of confidence
  • Gentian: prevents any regression and
  • Wild Rose: when you try to speed up doing something, your mind has to be calm. Wild rose gives that to you and will liven up your enthusiasm throughout the examination. Also, you will have plenty of time to complete the exam!

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Avoid cancer


Chant the mantras “OM YUM NAMAHA, OM RUM NAMAHA”.

These are bija mantras. They work on our chakras and make oxygen available. Lack of oxygen is the problem behind diseases like cancer. Our body cells need oxygen.

If a cell is not able to receive oxygen for 36 hrs they will turn cancerous.

Why a cell is not receiving its oxygen content?

When there is stress the cells get closed. Therefore, there is no inflow of oxygen into body cells.

Stress constricts our cells. On the other hand, oxygen will expand them.

These are the mantras for increasing the availability of oxygen to the cells.

Om Yum Namaha will remove unwanted thoughts too, which might be cycling in a constant manner.

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Messages from God


God gives us messages through nature. Every day god is with us and sends messages continuously. When you get the messages, don’t consider the whole line, but consider the words.

Condition the mind by thinking about god, read stories, and meditate. They will make you realize that god is everything.

Listen dispassionately without judgment for example in a busy place like a railway station. Watch what is happening around you and listen.

Maintain a journal and then after a week all the messages will make sense to you.

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Renew the love lost


Met a guy on matrimony site and we started dating for 2 years. We liked each other.

Then all of a sudden he lost interest. I want to know the switch words to get his love back.



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The Bach Flower Remedy Chicory

Key words

Possessiveness, Self-Love, Self-Pity, Always Demanding, Noticeable, Attracting Attention


  • They try to attract others attention: for example, infants attract attention by crying when you leave them alone or we try to impress others sometimes by flattery.
  • Will be overeager to help.
  • They get angry, if they find no gratitude from the person benefited by them.
  • Their possessive nature can make the opposite person as a Centaury. Please note here, fear of rejection indicates a Centaury, while the person who instils a fear of rejection on others is Chicory.
  • Chicory will not give anything free – there is a hidden agenda behind every transaction he makes.
  • A Chicory person always attracts the attention of others.
  • Always demanding and expects a great deal from others.
  • He is possessive, extremely interfering, secretly manipulating and easily hurt.
  • He has a feeling of unwanted.
  • Over protection and too much parenting.
  • Constantly concerned with the affairs of the family, always interfering.
  • Behind all Chicory type, there lies a deep lack of fulfilment, often a feeling of not being loved.
  • Desires for company for his selfish ends.
  • He is a stingy person.
  • Easily offended or hurt – self-pity.
  • Pretending illness to attract others pity.
  • Always speaks about what others owe her.
  • Extremely nagging – the in-laws remedy.
  • Thinks, feels that everyone is there for his help.
  • Goes to the extent of weeping or pretending to be ill to get his things done.
  • There is constant fear of loss.
  • Emotional demanding always.
  • Behind the Chicory state, an internal emptiness is more.
  • Watching over the needs, wishes and progress of family and friends.
  • Always ready to comment, to correct others or to advise others.
  • The emotional control is subtle, making others dependent.
  • He will manipulate to impose his will.
  • The Chicory finds it hard to let go, feels easily offended or hurt; becomes ill to gain sympathy, always expecting others to live in the feeling of gratitude to her.
  • Chicory children throw temper tantrums.
  • The Chicory child will weep and get things done.
  • If weeping doesn’t pay, he will indulge in flattery or helps you in house hold work.
  • Always demanding, tries to seek attention.
  • The Chicory baby always wants her to be held in the lap all the time.
  • The Chicory child likes to be carried always.
  • Would weep if said anything.
  • Over care and over concern for hurt feelings.
  • Always seeks company.
  • Heart Chakra is closed for Chicory people.  Pray to Chicory to be active in the Heart Chakra.

Chicory says

  • Threatening: “I will do homework, but I will not go to the music class.  If you agree for my condition, then I will finish up all my homework now”.
  • “I am angry at his ingratitude, and he cheated me. I have done so much to him” – Chicory + Chestnut bud.
  • Chicory person makes others feel guilty by saying, “You have just used me.”
  • “After all that I have done for you, this is how you treat me”.
  • “I have given her a sari on her birthday and all that I get from her on my birth day is a card.”
  • Emotional black mailing – “How can I live without you?”
  • “Think of what I have done for you” and then bursting in to tears.
  • “My dear son, I miss you so much, the house is vacant.”
  • He sometimes become ill, he may resort to black mail. “I will study after this, if you allow me to browse the Internet.”
  • “People should respect me.”


  • Eating disorders
  • Hysterical Neurosis  – convulsion type
  • Histrionic personality disorder


  • “Live and let live” is the positive Chicory.
  • Chicory + Walnut – when the child starts schooling
  • Chicory + Walnut – for a second wife
  • Chicory + Star of Bethlehem – if a person whom you love is dead
  • Chicory – for separation.
  • Chicory: I want love and attention
  • Chicory: I feel that nobody recognises my importance
  • Chicory: I have a fear of loneliness
  • Chicory: I feel I am neglected
  • Chicory: I feel unloved by my loved ones
  • Chicory: Others say that I am of a highly interfering type
  • Chicory: I can’t be alone; I always need company
  • Chicory: I often enjoy giving my opinions and advice to others; but I feel hurt/offended when they reject my advice
  • Mimulus, Chicory: My child stays close to my side; rarely goes alone; does nothing alone
  • Chicory: Cries a lot when starting for the school
  • Chicory, Mimulus: The child becomes upset even if mildly criticized
  • Mimulus, Chicory: Burst into tears for no apparent reason
  • Chicory: The child clings to mother
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