Posts tagged work
Your Agenda Vs Divine Agenda
Suri walked into my office with a dejected face. He was worried that he is in trouble, for he hasn’t achieved last month’s sales target due to his own personal commitments.
He is worried that his manager will blast him during their next monthly meeting.
I said his worry is based on his own agenda, while the divine’s agenda might be different, He thinks his manager would question about the dip in sales, while divine mayn’t make the manger raise the topic at all.
Instead of expecting to have problem and keeps on worrying about it, he is overriding the divine agenda and mentally forcing the manager to bring the subject.
So, I asked him to stop thinking about the subject, and prepare his usual monthly report that he normally prepares for the monthly meeting.
I also suggested him to chant the names of the Bach Flower remedies, “ELM, OAK, CHESTNUT BUD”.
I gave Elm and Oak to be ready for any unexpected questions and Chestnut Bud not to repeat the mistake once again.
The monthly meeting happened. His boss never even mentioned about the sale’s target and moved onto other issues.
Let us be silent and allow divine to work its agenda.
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Bach Flower Remedies June 27 2009 Part II:
Too much computer work
Earlier, I had good eyesight.
But, from last 3 years I have got power in my eyes as my job involves too much of computer work. Now, my eyesight is decreasing aggressively.
Is there any remedy/mantra to have normal eyesight?
You can get EYE TONE remedy from the centre.
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Need not be afraid to give presentations
Rama Rao
I want to share my experience and express my gratitude.
On June 20’14 our VP was arriving from Hong Kong to meet us and see how we were performing.
Our manager asked us to prepare individual presentation to show what we have been doing here since we joined and tell him about our contribution towards this business growth.
This was the first time in my service of 12 years I was giving a presentation. I had no good ideas about presentation but I am top performer in my team.
I was afraid I am working in this company for last 5.8 years now and if I do not present well then people might doubt about my ability, I was nervous.
I started reading the blog and found one situation matching with mine and then I call Shobana madam and asked if I can follow the below and she suggested yes its good while attending any meetings.
What I did the before day of the meeting?
Made 2 concentric circles
- One with my name in the centre and WATER VIOLET, LARCH, GENTIAN and WILD ROSE in the outer circles in that order
- Another one with my name in the centre along with the person I was making the presentation to, date and location and ELM, GORSE and HEATHER in the outer circles in that order.
Kept these two papers in my file and started my day chanting Ambika mantra;
Tons of thanks to Naran, this amazingly worked out, sequence of what happened:
- As I got into the office, the VP was just come in car behind me; I was the first to meet him and wished him good morning.
- I was so confident and we went to the meeting room again all the seats we occupied and only one chair next to VP was left. I had no choice but to sit. He started talking to me while other team members were quite nervous, I was not and was very casual with him
- I was the last to share my presentation and it was really amazing that is was not nervous at any point and was able to present well about our team work. Our VP told it is good to see my presentation where I have used some words which no one has used. I was very happy.
The day was very smooth. We had lunch with him and our manager was very happy that we all presented well very on the day.
Once again thank you, we are blessed to have you on earth sent by god to advise how to lead life easily.
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Unable to work due to surgery
I have lot of financial problems due to my husband being unable to work because of 2 surgeries (brain and spinal). The surgeries have left him depleted both physically and mentally.
Kindly give me a solution to my financial problems and also if possible his health.
For your husband, give YELLOW SAPPHIRE and CORAL pills regularly. You can get them from the centre.
For financial problem: write “FIND COUNT DIVINE NOW” for 120 times daily.
Recover lost health: YELLOW SAPPHIRE and CORAL
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Wolf opened the door for me
Last week, one late evening, I went out for shopping, leaving my 10 year old son at home. My husband was out of station. I asked my son to lock the main door and sleep.
It was only when I returned that I realized that I hadn’t taken my home key.
I tried calling landline, his mobile and calling bell continuously for 45 min, but my son didn’t wake up at all. The battery in the calling bell was gone due to continuous usage.
My neighbors came to help me. We tried breaking the lock but it didn’t work out.
Suddenly, I remembered reading in your blog that in such situations wolf will comes to rescue. The idea of calling an animal spirit has always been a bit scary for me.
But getting experimental, I started calling wolf for help, to wake up my son to open the door.
For 3 min with my heart and soul, I begged for wolf’s help. After 3 min, I also chanted “OM GAM GANAPATHAYAE NAMAHA” for 2 to 3 min.
Suddenly, to the amazement of everyone, my son picked up his mobile and opened the door.
I thanked wolf whole-heartedly.
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The Bach Flower Remedy Chicory
Key words
Possessiveness, Self-Love, Self-Pity, Always Demanding, Noticeable, Attracting Attention
Chicory says