Posts tagged wrong

Nobody Wants to Steal My Bike

R Mohan

I had kept the anti-theft card (a picture showing certain combination of Bach Flower Remedies that will prevent theft) inside my bike’s front box.

Twice, I had left the bike in a public park where bikes are stolen on a regular basis. However, nothing happened to it,

Twice, I left the bike with keys on it in a mall. Nobody stole it.

A thief came to our house, ignoring my bike, went inside the apartment, lifted some other bike over a parked car and took it away. Neither had he bothered stealing my bike.

I asked my mechanic whether there is something wrong with my bike. He said he has never seen a bike maintained so well. So there is no need to worry about the resale of my bike.

My question to you is, “Why my bike never gets stolen?”

I am not wishing to happen though!!!

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Easy Way to Reach Divine


During last week, I had been diagnosed with ectopic/tubal pregnancy.

Foetus was healthy and well growing, but growing at wrong place. So, as per doctor’s advice, I had to terminate that pregnancy.

I remained sad for one two days and not only me but whole family was sad.

I know everything is happening for the best and according to all merciful supreme lords’ will. I myself have seen so many worst looking events turning into beneficial ones afterwards.

But, during the moments of emotional trauma all this theoretical and practical knowledge disappears from mind.

Is there any method or technique other than meditation to train our minds to happily and calmly accept all such events, which are beyond our control and purely according to divine will?

And how should we perceive such incidents to feel less or no grief?


Feeling less grief is not to be imposed.

Go through the emotions, which naturally surface and bow to them and come out.

When there is great distress over grief or when there is reason for grieving, weep, weep.

Weeping is easy way of reaching the divine.

Let us not feel shy for weeping. Yes, there was expectation in vain. Feel sad and weep to get over that. Weeping intensely will ultimately relieve you from the burden.

A solace is given by weeping. When you think that you can no more weep, just say, “I bow to this weeping and go beyond this state.”

Repeat within after the weeping episode, the Radha’s prayer:

“Krishna, my lord, whether thou chooses for me life or death, happiness or sorrow , pleasure or suffering, all that comes to me from thee, is always welcome”.

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I feel my husband is not transparent with me sometimes. Yes, he hides so many things from me.

However, he is not going in any wrong way. Still it’s painful for me. If I go ahead and talk to him about this, we end up in fight and the day is so painful.


Chant “AGRIMONY, CHESTNUT BUD” over a glass of water and drink it daily.


The negative Agrimony person will not reveal his feelings. He will be hiding, what he does. When questioned, he will say “nothing” to avoid being exposed.

Avoidance is the negative aspect of Chestnut Bud.

To know the truth from the person, both are given. Then the person will open up.

Thus, AGRIMONY and CHESTNUT BUD will help them to open up and share their inner turmoil.

This combination is good for patients who go for a psychotherapy session. Without any difficulty they will share their feelings.

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Solving mathematical problems


What should a student do who gets disturbed if he is not able to solve one sum out of 10 sums in practical papers? He also gets one step wrong in each sum.

Do you have some solutions to deal with practical exam papers?


What for you want remedies? Not to get disturbed? Or for putting sums rightly?


In practical exams like Maths, if 10 sums are asked, the student solves 9 sums but at least one step he does wrong in each sum and then one sum he lefts totally.

Finally, he gets depressed or disturbed by that thinking he has not given 100% in paper.


If one does not understand the basics of Maths MUSTARD flower remedy will help him understand the subject well.

Unable to learn from the mistakes is CHESTNUTBUD.

The combination of Mustard and Chestnut bud will make any one understand and learn the subject well.

Any student will regret the mistakes he committed in the exam. Not to regret, is HONEY SUCKLE.

Doing Well in the Examination Hall


During the examination, a student makes silly and careless mistakes. Probably due to lack of time, he is writing answers without any thinking.

While going through the question paper, he may find a question, for which he doesn’t know the answer.

He will become restless suddenly and will start writing the exam hastily. So his answers will tend to be wrong.

He may also go into a negative HORNBEAM state. Starting problem leads to mental weariness.

Immediately a crisis of confidence may occur – ELM.

A sudden regression may lead to sudden loss of memory – state of GENTIAN, and nothing seems to be remembered.

To avoid all these possible negative states in the examination hall, one can take the following flower remedies:

  • Impatiens: not to do anything in a hurry
  • Hornbeam: overcome mental weariness
  • Elm: overcome any sudden crisis of confidence
  • Gentian: prevents any regression and
  • Wild Rose: when you try to speed up doing something, your mind has to be calm. Wild rose gives that to you and will liven up your enthusiasm throughout the examination. Also, you will have plenty of time to complete the exam!

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Love breaks all the hurdles


He got to say yes to the girl as his mother has decided. He knows, I respect his care for his mother, and will not say anything against it.

His engagement ceremony is going to happen in another 3 days. He too loves me a lot and suffering a lot because of this situation. There should be a way to come out of this situation and stop this engagement.

Please guide and bless me, so that both our families will accept our relationship.


Love should break all the hurdles, if it is true.



I can understand there are lots of facts happening in life, which we may feel are wrong. But that can be the Great Lords will, so it should not be questioned too.

May be it’s my destiny, which will decide about me. But, how many times should I need to bend in front of my destiny.

I am feeling really low with these incidents in my life. Earlier I had taken my step back, when it was about my career, and now it’s about my life partner.

Still, I am not succeeded on any part of my life at age of 32!! I have failed over and over again.

I have always been good to people. So why should not I expect the same from my life.


“How many times should I need to bend” is a statement which exposes your anger and resentment at destiny.

A person if voluntarily bends and does the work will not complain.

Take the flower remedies CENTAURY, WILLOW, LARCH and PINE to overcome this feeling, three pills each, and one after the other, for three times a day.


Weak-willed and not assertive enough: CENTUARY

Anger and Resentment: WILLOW

Failure mentality: LARCH

Feeling low: PINE

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My parents have been cruel to each other and to me in various ways. How to love them?


The irony is we know how to get angry or how to blame. Who taught this? How does it come to us so naturally?

While learning to live from childhood, we have been learning wrongly. Unfortunately, there is no teacher. We observe, understand and form a thought, conclusion and start believing.

We should understand that when by being in resentment, resentment only grows.

By being in a state of anger, anger only grows.

In spite of our knowing that anger and resentment cannot achieve what we want, yet we will be in that state.

You may not love them. Can you not help yourself by getting away from resentment?

See what you cannot see. Don’t see what you see.

When you stop judging, you start observing. When you observe, you understand what you have not so far understood.

Any feeling that blocks our progress can be released. Get any feeling that can enhance your life progress.


Thank you for such a complete answer. I am grateful.

I know intellectually that holding on to my judgment of them is causing me problems. I will try to do EFT or something to reduce my resentment (although I never call it that!).

Some part of me thinks it would be wrong to allow them to just be who they are. As if the judgment will save me from becoming like them.


Don’t drag them into your life now.

Unite all the parts.

Forget what happened and treat them as new persons and be neutral first. Even the slightest resentment against them, will bring the same type of persons in your life.

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Ravi Kiran Ruchi Karan Paripooranan

Like Sun, Shine, and Stay at the Top

Ravi means Sun in Sanskrit.

This mantra heals Tamo Guna (type of characteristic or personality), which stands for laziness, lethargy, and procrastination.

For stability (of life) also, this mantra will work.

When you are not sure of the position in the office, or when you are afraid you will be transferred, this mantra will help.

To open one’s eyes of those who is going on wrong path, this mantra can be used.

This mantra is also for abundance. That is, it will stop the loss. Any loss making business if we keep chanting this mantra will help us to handle it.

I would not say loss would be wiped out completely but first loss will be stopped; then profitability would start coming. Business will also become stable soon after.

Question – When someone is going on wrong path, can we chant for the person – to open their eyes? Can we just say their name and chant this mantra for them?

Answer – Yes, that is right. That is all we can do. Or you can also chant over a glass of water and give it to that person. Any mantra can be chanted over a tumbler of water and given daily.

This mantra is based on Bhagavat Geeta, 16th chapter, 23rd Sloka. Though, in that, these words would not be there. To make one person to go on right path this is the mantra.

No motive to do something

Commenting on:


I also have an issue, although the article is insightful, when we say that divine is the doer, I am not the doer. It does give a freedom from all the burdens.

But, in this case are we not being deprived of the motive to do something, which comes when we accept that we are totally responsible for the entire situation in which we are.

Would the human being not loose motive to move ahead in life, if he believes that divine is the doer.

I am not, then why should he care if he is doing something right or wrong because then also divine is responsible.

Can you please throw some light on this confusion?

I know I am sounding vague here, but I do loose motive to do something right and become lazy when I remember of this statement.


When one fully accepts the divine doer concept, one aligns with the higher mind – totally submitting oneself to the will of the divine.

When you do the work on hand as given by the divine, you will do reverentially. Your total concentration is on work. Extend this ownership and you will find others as divine.

Work is divine. Doer of the work is divine. Done for what / the result is divine. Done for whom?  That person is divine.

There is only love in the heart. There is only joy in the heart. There is only peace in the mind.

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