
Be Happy and Energetic


Many thanks for all your help to me it has made a difference.

I am unable to overcome my sadness and crying.  I realize I have to accept the situation. I also need to be happy and joyful.

My husband is coming home on 13th for the time my sons visit. My son is coming home on 14th and a family holiday has been planned from 22nd to May 2nd.

I need to be able to handle the situation with a happy disposition and with energy. However, I am very tired all the time.

I wish we could be reconciled and a happy family with love and trust.  

I wish my son is happy-safe, free of addictions, and desire and will to study well. 

I am also starting a business. I wish the energy to carry it through and make it a success.

I am presently at Prashant for a two week of Yoga Ayurveda Therapy.  

I am looking forward to your advice.


Take the flower remedies CENTAURY, WALNUT, OLIVE, WILD ROSE and HORNBEAM to feel energetic and tonified.

In addition, do as per the instructions in “Becoming Happy is in Your Hands”:

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