Posts tagged difference

One drop of love will change him

A patient of Naran remarked about her spouse. He gave the following reply to her. These exercises however can be done anybody who wants to live harmoniously and be happy with them.


Look at oneself first

This is Drama of Life and if one understands, we will come to know, realize and understand that we have to bring in change in ourselves only.

We have to direct the mind towards oneself and then towards others. This is the basis of all healing modalities.

The nature always expects us to move towards perfection.

In this process, one understands not only the DIVINE ORDER, but also realizes that one has to rise above the mind and its tantrums, and become spiritual.

All healing methods help a person to understand his/her own potentials.

Others are mirrors of yourself

Before trying to change the other person do this exercise on you first.

Take a piece of paper and write about him first. Whatever you wanted to say about him write it.

  • Insert the word ‘I’ wherever you have put ‘He’.

For example, “He never takes the treatment properly and he escapes”, should be rewritten as “I never take the treatment properly. I escape.”

Change what all you have written about him Into I.

  • Now affirm, “I never take the treatment properly. I escape. In spite of this, I accept myself totally”.

Do three rounds of tapping for each sentence.

  • Do the forgiving exercise for them. “I forgive you …. (Name) you please forgive me and release me”.
  • Send Reiki to him daily.

Problem is the source of solution

Whoever is causing problem to you, can only give you solution.

Whoever irritates or angers you, can only give you peace. 

You cannot change your husband. You want him for your status and security. Then you have to heal yourself. Forgive.

  • You only have to make your life peaceful. For getting peace with such a person, you have to shed your ego and heal yourself.

Heal your controlling tendencies

Heal your anger and controlling tendency.

We always like people who comply or who just listen to us or obey us implicitly. That is why we want all the people to do this and that as well as agree with us, whatever we say.

When there is slight disagreement, dissent or difference of opinion, we may not like the person.

This dislike of the person who disagrees and the like of the person who agrees create conflicts in life.

  • Both are born from our controlling tendency – desire to control or change.  Release your desire to control and change others.

You have the power to heal him

What your husband needs attention, love and tolerance. Understand that he is mentally deranged, unlike we who are sane. The sane people are supposed to protect and understand such people.

When you ignore, chide, or send your husband away, who will take care of him?

The God has sent him to you, because you know Reiki.

God has sent him to you, because you know forgiving exercise and you know how to release your karma.

God has sent him to you because you know how to change yourself through flower remedies.

Heal him. This is how god has made him. One drop of love will change him. One iota of kindness can change.

Heal him from the heart. Sympathize with him. If he is the cause of your mental agony, how much he is suffering within mentally. Just help a man who needs help. Pray for him.

He is not a curse to you. He has not become your husband because of your bad karma.

He has come to you for healing. He is a grace for you.

Through him you spiritual journey starts! I hope you will start the Journey!!

Children are intelligent than their parents


Whenever I sit to do mudras before sleeping, my daughter too sits with me but does only Thumb with little and ring fingers (Safe and Secure Mudra).

If I request her to do chin mudra she says no and leaves me. So, I stopped interfering in her meditation techniques. Why is she not doing chin mudra?

She sings with me Namashivayam for 5 times, rhythm with or without CD. Durgama also she sings along with the CD if she is awake by then as I play it by 5.30 am.

I can see the changes in her (touch wood). She listens to me, and obeys me when I request her.

She is completing her homework soon. I allow her to watch cartoon only for 45 minutes and she is okay with it. I am happy with her. I did the accepting exercise for her.

Whenever I try to heal her Solar Plexus and Hara chakras she pulls my hand tightly to her body strongly. Do I need to give more time to heal these chakras?

I am also using harmony pack. I can see the difference.

My husband who used to get irritated for helping me in my daughter’s dressing for school, is now helping me, without me asking or requesting.

The left out harmony water I am pouring to Tulasi plant as we don’t have any other plant. And I can see the plant is healthy and growing tall and fresh.

Thank you, it’s all because of your remedies and your blessing.


Chin Mudra will keep us awake, while Safe and Secure Mudra will make us have a deep sleep.

Children are intuitive enough to know where they need energy. So she is forcing the mother to give Reiki to those areas.

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Husband is angry, while I am smiling


I am chanting “OM HREEM TAHA” and also giving it to my family members. I feel good.

I am even chanting it holding my husband’s photo and my daughters too, as ours is a short-tempered family. I am feeling a difference in the way we are handling things.

When my husband is angry I am smiling and answering. Sometimes, he is ignoring my comments.

However, I see good results. How many days shall I continue doing this?



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Frame of LOVE


Within a day of using the symbols you told me to use, i.e. Love and Joy (Symbols 66 and 67), I could find a marked difference in my state of mind.

It moved into positivity, calm and loving kindness to all including all who I felt had injured me so much that I felt quite silly about any anger I was holding.

Thank you very much.

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Be Happy and Energetic


Many thanks for all your help to me it has made a difference.

I am unable to overcome my sadness and crying.  I realize I have to accept the situation. I also need to be happy and joyful.

My husband is coming home on 13th for the time my sons visit. My son is coming home on 14th and a family holiday has been planned from 22nd to May 2nd.

I need to be able to handle the situation with a happy disposition and with energy. However, I am very tired all the time.

I wish we could be reconciled and a happy family with love and trust.  

I wish my son is happy-safe, free of addictions, and desire and will to study well. 

I am also starting a business. I wish the energy to carry it through and make it a success.

I am presently at Prashant for a two week of Yoga Ayurveda Therapy.  

I am looking forward to your advice.


Take the flower remedies CENTAURY, WALNUT, OLIVE, WILD ROSE and HORNBEAM to feel energetic and tonified.

In addition, do as per the instructions in “Becoming Happy is in Your Hands”:

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Establishing harmony WITH a person


WITH means is to be compatible with the opposite or concerned person.

TOGETHER DIVINE WITH … (Name of the person), when you want the other person to agree with you

When you want a harmonious atmosphere chant CLEAR TOGETHER DIVINE WITH. If you chant this switch word combination, the atmosphere will change beautifully.

The meaning of CLEAR is light. When there is light in a place, there cannot be darkness (problem or disharmony).  CLEAR has been in use since thousand years. CLEAR is a very powerful word.

No need to chant the names of the persons to be healed

Don’t bother about the names of the persons who need harmony. Just chant CLEAR TOGETHER DIVINE WITH.  Still it works beautifully.

At the subconscious level of the mind there is no ‘you’ and ‘me’. Everything is one. At the subconscious level there is no differentiation, all are one. The difference is because of the body, and of the mind’s association with the body. That’s why we see the difference between each other

So you don’t have to add the names of the persons to be healed, when you chant the words. You can simply chant CLEAR TOGETHER DIVINE WITH. Automatically harmony will settle in.

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