Child Care

Improve your child’s determination to study


My son whiles away his time watching TV.

He does not intend to study at all and does unwanted things all the time.

Naran S Balakumar

Give him the Bach Flower Remedies SCLERANTHUS, HORNBEAM and WALNUT to develop his will power and determination to study.

These remedies are available in most of the Homeopathy shops.

Buy them in the form of pills. Put six pills of each in a bottle of water. Let your son sip water from the bottle.

The reasons to prescribe these remedies are:

  • To avoid distractions in the form of watching TV, and doing unwanted things other than studies, prescribe SCLERANTHUS.
  • To develop mental strength and to come out of tiredness, prescribe HORNBEAM
  • To develop good habits in any form, prescribe WALNUT

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Naran S Balakumar

If we prescribe Scleranthus for school-going children…

A SCLERANTHUS child postpones doing things, as he is indecisive and thinks, “I have lot of time to complete the job, so I will do it later”.

Children waiting to complete their mid-term holiday assignment saying they have 10 more days to finish, and then will finish it just the night before school starts. This happens after every holiday term.

He is an 11th hr. specialist. Will sleep late and will get up late.

Positive Scleranthus will do things on time. Therefore, for studying children SCLERANTHUS is a good Bach Flower Remedy.

In nutshell, a Scleranthus person is leading an aimless life, doing unimportant things in unimportant times and giving an impression that he does not do anything of value.

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The child is unable to remember

Naran S Balakumar

If see the following patterns in a child, give him Bach Flower Remedy CERATO three doses per day for about one month and it will help the child:

  • He writes the correct answer, erases it and then writes the wrong answer
  • The child will not be able to reproduce whatever he has memorized
  • When a child is unable to remember tables, Slokas etc.
  • In the classroom, even though he knows the answer, he will not raise his hands, when asked a question because of doubt whether his answer is correct or not
  • My son always seeks my help in doing the homework. Each time after writing the answer, he will ask me whether it is right or not.
  • He bombards us with questions of why nature
  • He does everything half-heartedly

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My son is so lazy


My child is always sleepy, and has a tendency to sleep in the midst of conversation, while watching TV or in the classroom.

Naran S Balakumar

The child needs the Bach Flower Remedy CLEMATIS.


My son is so lazy that he will never wake up in the morning in time; suppose we do not wake him up, he will go on sleep until 10 or 11 a.m.

Naran S Balakumar

Give him the Bach Flower Remedies SCLERANTHUS and CLEMATIS each, three doses per day, for 21 days.

One dose of WILD ROSE will also help him to get internal motivation to study well.


Day dreaming, absent minded and constantly searching misplaced articles. Poor memory for details, visual or hearing problems, telling lies frequently, going into stories.

Naran S Balakumar

Give the child CLEMATIS.


My child plays alone most of the time: MIMULUS, CLEMATIS

He has lack of attention in studies – he is careless: CLEMATIS, and CHESTNUT BUD

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Naran S Balakumar

An AGRIMONY person has a desire to wander. Meaning he will always prefer to stay out of the house.

When you find teenagers not returning home on time, give them AGRIMONY. They will return to house on time.

Sometimes, they will lock their room and speak on their mobile.  Moreover, without their parent’s knowledge, they will go under the blanket and speak on their mobile.

How you can catch them doing that? Give them (Bach Flower Remedy) AGRIMONY, you will find out.

With Agrimony, nobody can hide.

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Mantra for Self-Confidence

Naran S Balakumar


So many problems from all sides will make us feel depressed. This mantra can be helpful in that situation.

“I can’t do” – indicates a lack of Self-Confidence in us.

This mantra will instil confidence in oneself, mental strength and will power.

Children nowadays are apathetic to studies and indifferent to so many things. Wherever there is apathy or indifference, this mantra will help.

Chant over a glass of water and give it to them.

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For common cold, cough and flu which flower remedies should I take and which one should I give to my two-year old daughter for prevention from flu due to change in weather?


For prevention, WALNUT and CRAB APPLE can be used along with gem essences of RUBY and PEARL.

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Children and Teenagers Addicted to TV and Mobile

Naran S Balakumar

The parents feed the children by putting the TV on right from the age 2. The children knew only TV. That’s why the addiction habit develops.

Give them the following Bach Flower Remedies:

SCLERANTHUS – not knowing the importance of studies, wasting their time over TV and mobile.

WILD ROSE – totally into TV/ mobile; not bothered about anything else

VERVAIN – always thinking about TV/mobile.

WALNUT – habit breaker

CHERRY PLUM – to control the temptation

In addition, (Gem) CAT’S EYE – keep the picture of cat’s eye so that the mind does not get imprisoned with only one thought TV, games etc…

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He will save your children from any calamity

Naran S Balakumar


If the mantra is chanted then the fetal development will be good. No premature baby will be delivered.

This mantra will also safely save your children from any calamity. Lord Krishna protected Parikshit from Bruhmaastra.

This mantra makes you understand that we are bound by the divine will.

When Lord Krishna delivered Bhagwat Gita, in the course of the conversation, he took Vishwaroopam. Arjuna cannot see the Godly figure at all. He became panic.

“Lord Krishna! Please once again become my friend. “

Every ego of Arjuna got annihilated. When Arjuna saw the Vishwaroopam of Lord Krishna, he chanted this mantra.

It means – “You are the only protector of this world. You are the ruler of this world. You are one in all and all in one (i.e.) Bootha Bhavana”.

Saying that mantra, Arjuna prostrated to Lord Krishna.

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Healing Mantras for Your Children

Naran S Balakumar


To go in the right direction; not to fall in the bad company or to save a person from bad company


To develop mental strength; to study and to come up in life; to have a goal in life

Lalitham Lambodaram

Obstacle remover for studies; to make up the arrears


To prevent untimely unwanted death

Chant this mantra for the child aged 1 to 5 years.

Hantri means kill/break.

Sarva Vyadhi – The cause of the disease.

Even there is an untimely death as per horoscope, Kalahantri rewrites the Mruthyu.

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