Find You Career and Purpose in Life

Need right business for me


My long time desire is to start a business & become a successful business man. But, I am not able to start a correct business which is suited for me.

So, please tell me switch words which will help me to start a new business?


Chant “WILD OAT, HORNBEAM”300 times daily for one month.

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Solution is within you:

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Take Care of Your Career


I want to ask you some remedies for my son Aryan. He is very lazy and keeps procrastinating important things like studies.

I am worried about his career as he is very childish at times. He is soon going to give entrance exams. I am bit worried about him.





Procrastinating studies: SCLERANTHUS

Develop career: WILD OAT

Develop the habit of studying well: WALNUT

Make the child do praise-worthy things: BRING PRAISE DIVINE

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Bring miracle into your life:

An Incredible Story:

Dream Job:

Plan for Life

From the workbook on “I Love Myself”


I know I have a plan for my life and I enjoy fulfilling it

You write your life plan for the next five years.

Keep it under the feet of Divinity.

Weekly have a look at this and take actions accordingly.

Every week you can analyze whether you are moving according to the plan or moving away from the plan.

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Working out the plan:

Resolve your financial issues:

Finding one’s purpose in life:

Confused about your life path


Animal Spirit Guide Wolf is required when you are confused about your life path (life mission) – when you are in cross roads.

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Pat yourself in a big way:

Enrich your mind:

Choose the right course:

A model for healing others


I am asking this for my Sister’s son, who was dyslexic. He could not finish his 10th standard. But, he is Artistic enough to do Modeling Acting.

His Parents wants him to get some job but he wants to become a Successful Model- actor as he has good physique.



Ask him to chant this around 1000 times. Whenever he finds time, he can do it.


My Sister has asked if she can chant these words on behalf of her Son.


  • Mentally keep the person in your left palm. Keep the right palm about 18″ to 20″ away from the left hand.
  • Go on chanting the switch words bring the right hand slowly steadily towards the right hand and finally when it touches the left palm, end the chanting.
  • Thank the person and say, “please go back to your place”. Thank the switch words.


To release the resistance inside: CONCEDE CLEAR CENTRE

To bring out the talent within: REACH DIVINE

How to prioritize what you want from life?


My husband has taken a home loan. He has already paid a lot. How to pay the loan soon?

I want to get a good permanent job?

I also want to recover from my Mother Tongue Influence (MTI)?

I am sorry for asking more.


Prioritize your wants.

How to prioritize your wants – an exercise

We are going to do a NLP technique here.

So you have six wishes including to what Pampi has. They are:  Permanent Job, Learn English, Pay back the loan, Giving birth to a Child, Buy a new Car and Take a European tour.

Imagine god is in front of you and you tell him your immediate wants.

He asks you, “I can grant you only five wishes. Which one of yours, you can afford to let go?”

You say, “I can say no to the European Tour”.

Label no: 6 for the European tour.

God asks you once again, “Sorry! I am going back on my word. I can fulfill only four of your wishes. Tell me which one you would like to let go?”

You say, “I am not happy about your going back on your word. For now I can live with my accent”.

So label no: 5 for Learning English.

God is opening his mouth once again. Before he asks you the question, you answer him, “I will let go buying a new car. I will manage with my current one”.

Label buying a new car as no: 4.

Then you reluctantly agree to let go for getting a permanent job. The new person (child) in the family will need more attention. So label getting a permanent job as no: 3.

Anyway, you had been paying the loan for last 5 years. And it will need at least three more years. So before god asked you, you were ready to say no to loan. Label it as no: 2.

So now having birth to new child has been labeled as priority no: 1.

The new list based on priority becomes:

  1. Give birth to a Child
  2. Pay back the loan
  3. Permanent Job
  4. Buy a new Car
  5. Learn English
  6. Take a European tour

God says, “Now, work towards priority no: 1. I will grant that wish to you. Once you get it, by then may be your wish number two or three would have been fulfilled too. Immediately after getting them, start working towards other wishes. You will be sure to get them”.

Socializing is easy


I have never ever got any credit or appreciation of my deeds in my whole life.

If I work with my husband he takes all the credits from everybody.

If I am working with my friends then they receive all the credits.

I don’t know why, so many times I can see easily that people are getting jealous of me and without any reason pulling me down or back biting me.

I just don’t feel like to make any close friends now, and don’t feel like to open up with anybody.

I love to be social and like to get credits of my honest work.


Write in a piece of small paper, “WATER VIOLET, HOLLY, ROCK ROSE”, keep it in your left hand, close the paper with the right hand and chant this daily 100 times.


Water Violet, Holly and Rock Rose are Bach Flower Remedies.

To help you to do well in your profession and considered as a specialist and to mix well with others: WATER VIOLET

To be appreciated: ROCK ROSE

To overcome jealousy and back-biting as well as to open up to friends without suspecting them: HOLLY

Tried many but nothing worked


I was looking for some positive mantras and switch words in the Google and accidently found out your blog, which turned out to be lucky for me.

I am a 22 year old guy and believer of spiritual things and miracles by the divine from an early period. But as of now, my life took a different turn.

I always wanted to become a musician as because I consider this to be more than anything in my life. But, as years are passing by, my dreams of becoming a musician are fading away.

I can see my studies and my sister (my family) on one side and my dreams on the other side.

I am trying hard but I do not see myself standing as a musician. Neither can I sing well (no matter how much I try) nor play the guitar like a good musician (playing it from last 4 years)

It may not be a big problem in comparing with the other problems that I have read in this blog…but for me fulfilling my dreams is like finding out the secret to eternal happiness…


Chant “OAK”

Write OAK in a notebook also 50 times daily


Working harder is not enough. Work smarter says Oak.  The Bach Flower Remedy OAK will make you work smarter.

Became an expert in your field


I planned to study astrology 2-3 times before.

I started and then suddenly I am not able to continue. But, now I am going to start the class on March 1st 2013.

Please provide me solutions so that I can understand, remember the techniques so that I can become good astrologer with good predictions.



Have two pills of each three times daily. You can take the pills one after the other.


To be an expert in your chosen field: WATER VIOLET

Master the subject: MUSTARD

Study well: OAK

Learning flower: CHESTNUT BUD

Accomplish your goals

Naran S Balakumar

The Bach Flower Remedy PINE can be taken as a positive resource, to achieve anything, to complete a goal or to complete a deal.

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