Posts tagged habit

No control over drinking habit


I have an issue with drinking too much and was wondering if you would suggest a mantra and Bach flower remedy to get rid of this habit.


Take the flower remedy CHERRY PLUM.

Put 5 pills in a bottle of water. Every time you want to drink, drink the water from the bottle.

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2 pills of each three times daily


Break the habit: Walnut

Control temptation: Cherry Plum

Overcome unsteady mind: Scleranthus

Overcome irritation and annoyance when not smoking for a long time: Impatiens

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Purpose of Tapping

(From Multi-Dimensional Healing June 27 Workshop)


Simple way of tapping/EFT

Pull the entire 10 fingers one at a time as well as the gamut point (it’s the hollow place between the front little and ring fingers).

For any type of problem, pull each finger and tap on gamut, and affirm “I accept myself totally”.

What does the affirmation means?

It means that I accept my life situation, the event, as well as my feelings and my thoughts.

How to make sure we are not influenced by a situation?

Situation is one percent, our reaction is 99%. It becomes bothersome or problematic because of our own mind.

You are watching an accident on the road. A person riding a motor cycle had met with an accident.

The mother of the person, who was watching it happen, will react more strongly than others. Same event but reactions are different.

Our habit is to react emotionally. If we don’t have connection to the situation, I am not affected. Who gives this link? Isn’t it the mind?

If you do tapping then you will come out of the panic situation.

Why should you come out of the panic situation?

Then you can help, as you have a calm and tranquil mind. You will react calmly and do the necessary. Instead we overreact and spoil the whole thing.  

My husband stopped drinking


Raji: I am married for 8 years. I have a daughter who is 7yrs old. When I became pregnant, I got separated from my husband.

Naran: Are you still separated?

Raji: No. We are living together for the last one year.

Naran: What is your problem since you had been together?

Raji: My husband is an alcoholic. Once in 3 or 4 days, he gets drunk as well as daily consuming Pan Parag (a tobacco product).

Naran: Since how long he has been an alcoholic?

Raji: According to my in laws he started drinking from his graduation days.

Naran: Explain his behavior after he gets drunk?

Raji: He will get angry at me and my daughter; will shout.

Naran: What does he shout about?

Raji:  He will say, “Nobody respects me. There is no respect for me even in my own house. My daughter does not respect me. My friends, my employees, and my parents don’t respect me either. I will teach all of them a lesson”.  

After the outburst, he will start weeping.

Naran’s Analysis

To be respected is the key word for ROCK WATER.

He is weeping. By losing control of himself, he weeps. Therefore, add CHERRY PLUM.

Rock Water will ultimately turn into either CHESTNUT BUD or VINE.

Discussion (cont…)

Naran: How is his behavior when he is not under the influence of alcohol?

Raji: His behavior is quite normal only. He shows his love for his daughter. In fact he sincerely made efforts for our reunion.

(Naran questioned further about her husband’s profession)

Naran: What is he doing?

Raji: He is running a Screen Printing unit. But it is not doing well.

Naran: How does he manage to pay his workers and take care of the family then?

Raji: He is honest in paying out the dues. Somehow, he will manage to pay the workers first, and then gives me money once a week.

Naran’s Analysis

Honesty – ROCK WATER

When one tries to be honest, in spite of adverse circumstances, self-control is employed to the maximum in one area.

He is so self-controlled in the area of finance that he loses self-control in some other area. Thus when he drinks, he loses his control and starts weeping.

Discussion (cont…)

Naran: Suppose if he can’t pay his dues, then how does he manage?

Raji: Naran, one more thing, I have forgotten to tell you. Every month before paying the rent, he would abscond.

Naran: Why?

Raji: He cannot pay the house rent by first of every month. Therefore, he feels ashamed to meet the house owner. So he would not stay in the house during the first week of the month.

Instead, he would stay with his parents for 4 or 5 days, arrange for the money, and will return back home after paying the rent. He has been doing this for a long time. Though, he would never cheat anybody.

Naran’s Analysis

 Honest and at the same time an escapist. This is the case of a ROCK WATER person turning into CHESTNUT BUD character. On the due date, he would abscond (Chestnut Bud).

Key Words for Rock Water

To be respected:  Ego and pride; self control, honesty.

Self controlled, honest person expects self respect. As a principle, he would never cheat.

Here the husband doesn’t get respect. His ego is hurt when he is insulted. He loses his control when he drinks.

One more interesting point is Rock Water father will face a Cherry Plum daughter.



Put the combination in the common drinking water, so that everybody will get the healing effect.

Feedback after 15 days

Raji: From the second day onwards, he stopped Pan Parag, and after a week he has stopped drinking.

Stop! Craving for food!!


Give the Bach Flower Remedy CHICORY, as greediness is expressed through food. Add it with ROCK WATER and CHERRY PLUM.

WALNUT should be taken separately.


Rock Water is prescribed for thinking, “I want to be strict with myself. I want to be self-disciplined”.

Cherry plum is for temptation and Chicory to come out of self-gratification (compensatory behavior).

Cherry Plum is added as they will feel, “I want to control my craving”.

Rock Water and Cherry plum go together, because if somebody says, “I want to control”, then they will lose their control”. 

Walnut is given to form a habit of eating properly.

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Simple ways to meditate Part I


Meditation is an experience that nobody can teach you.

Neither can we go to deep into meditation suddenly as it’s a practice and a habit that is formed over a period of time.

Meditation means, to remain silent. Though, thoughts keep appearing.

If any thought is present then it’s not meditation. How to remain thoughtless though?

Remaining silent with releasing techniques

How to remain silent in spite of thoughts?

Mind can cling to picture or a mantra.

Do we have a mantra for silence? There is no mantra for silence.

However, there is a technique to create silence. The technique is as follows:

  • When a thought comes don’t resist it. Say inside you, ‘this is my thought’. Thus, you disassociate yourself from the thought.
  • Then ask the question to yourself, ‘Can I let go this thought?’ It will go. You can also say “release”. Then it will go.
  • Now, there will be at least a one second gap between thoughts. This is equivalent to one hour of meditation. In general, we never have a gap between thoughts. In general we might have ten thoughts in one second.
  • If you do not want the “let go” step, then form your own mantra or word. When we say that mantra, we create a gap between the thoughts.
  • When a thought comes, interrupt it with the mantra and you will become silent. When another thought comes, say the mantra. The silence in between the mantra is meditation.

Need for pranic and physical bodies to be in coordination

Our pranic body and physical body have to be in coordination. Otherwise, we can’t meditate.

If we regulate our breathing pattern or do pranayama then they will be in coordination.

This is because both breathing and prana have the same origin. When breathing is regulated, prana is regulated too.

Pranic body has to be clear of impurities

When the pranic body is clean, then the meditation can be done successfully.

Why so much impurities in the pranic field?

It’s due to the mind. My own sadness and worries create these impurities. With the help of pranayama, one can clean these impurities.

Read the second part of the article here:

Talking while sleeping


I talk in the sleep. I am very unhappy with this as I am not having full sleep. I feel exhausted and I have that hangover the next morning also.

My sleep talk irritates my husband a lot as most of the times I wake him up while he is sleeping or he wakes-up with this disturbance.

I have this habit since childhood.


Take the flower remedies WHITE CHESTNUT, ASPEN, WALNUT and CRAB APPLE.

Put 5 pills of each in a cup of water and have it before sleep.


ASPEN: unknown fear during sleep.

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Develop the habit of doing well


I gave Bach flower remedies MUSTARD, OAK, CLEMATIS, and CHESTNUT BUD to my son. I started giving it before his exams. For nearly 3 weeks I gave him.

Yesterday, he got his results. He got slightly better marks this time. Even his teacher told he has improved.

Now, his school will start from April 1st. he will go to 9th STD. I want him to study nicely this year. He should get nice marks and he should be happy. Please advise me whether I have to continue with the same pills.


Continue the same.

Give WALNUT separately.

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Need a Fair Treatment in Court


Mother Kaushalya told Rama when he was leaving for the forest that he will always be protected by Dharma (fairness) and Satyam (truthfulness) and will shadow him throughout the journey.

Both Dharma and Satyam have separate consciousness – which means that they are energy entities and therefore you can call them anytime for help.

Let us say in the court proceedings, you want fairness in favour of you.

You can directly talk to Dharma and Satyam and ask them, “Please be with me for next eight hrs”.

They will be with you and will get the verdict in favour of you.

When Satyam and Dharma accompanies a person nothing can go against the person.

Call Dharma and Satyam and affirm, “As it prevailed with Rama, please be with us”.

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My husband has smoking habit and he doesn’t want to quit. How can I take him out of it?


Daily take the flower remedies RED CHESTNUT and VINE and tell him.

He will be convinced that you are telling out of positive concern for him.


Over concern for others: RED CHESTNUT

Demanding others: VINE

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