Mantra Healing

Receive the Grace of Lakshmi

Naran S Balakumar

“SURYA NARAYANAM LAKSHMI NARAYANAM” is the mantra for memory, and property.

Suryan means light. Lakshmi is always with Narayanan. You will not find Lakshmi very easily, though she is in the heart of Narayana. That is you will not get the real grace of Lakshmi.

So how can I get the grace of Lakshmi?

When we take the light of Suryan, Lakshmi will come. Why she comes?

How Suryan can show Lakshmi to this world?

Lakshmi is in the heart of Narayana

There is a history behind this as to how Lakshmi came to this world?

When the Devas were churning the sea, Lakshmi appeared. Suryan was present in the world even before the appearance of Lakshmi.

At that time Suryan was the Lakshmi. The name of that Lakshmi was “SURYA PRABHA TEJO ROOPA”. It means “With this light I see the full grace of Lakshmi”.

What is the grace of Lakshmi?

It is happiness. Those who have money are not happy. Even others are also not happy. That happiness is missing somewhere.

The moment you get happiness, you will get everything.

This Lakshmi mantra is chanted in the Abundance CD.

Why this mantra gives us happiness?

NAM in the mantra will activate the solar plexus chakra. If you want happiness then the solar plexus chakra must be active. Therefore, we require NAM.

Solar plexus represents fire element. My internal sun, which is the solar plexus chakra, needs to be active.

If you are not able to get happiness from anything then by chanting this mantra you will get the happiness. How?

It is because all outside things are tools for happiness (and not the source of happiness). Money is a tool for happiness. Marriage is a tool for happiness, and so on.

However, happiness is energy inside us. If that happiness has to come out then this mantra NARAYANAM has to be too chanted.

Satyam Shivam Sundaram


Generally, we get attached to those to whom we are suggesting (to heal them) and start monitoring their progress.

Is this ok?


It is your mistake to monitor the progress.

Everything is progressing.

Every event is happening perfect. You do not judge.

It is beyond the perception of the lower mind.

Everything is in Divine Order (SATYAM). Observe (SHIVAM) the Beauty (SUNDARAM).


How to release your anger easily

Naran S Balakumar

Relax your shoulders. Sit comfortably with hands in any position. Just relax. Take a long, deep breath. Continue to take a long breath.

Chant the mantra that was created by Lord Krishna, “ATMAVAN BHAVA”. Now, you can release your anger easily.

Mind always listens to command words.

The command (switch) word given by Krishna makes you to merge with Atman. If you chant this as a mantra, your mind will be merged with the soul.

When you are concerned about money, worried about future or when you are upset then chant “ATMAVAN BHAVA”.

Temperature reduced


As suggested by you, I chanted the mantras, “OM KREEM NAMAHA, OM HREEM NAMAHA” and in addition I took the Drawing Pills that I got from center, for my fever and infection.

Now, I feel better. Thanks!

Naran S Balakumar

Om Kreem Namaha is the cleanser; Om Hreem Namaha brings down temperature or heat.

Drawing pills contain Hepar Sulph Silicea and Gunpowder each in 6x potency. They are ideal for any infection either viral or bacterial or fungal.

Heal benign vitreous floaters

Jad Jason

I have Benign Vitreous Floaters; w/c makes me a weakest person, experiencing depression, hallucination because of my floaters.



Prayer for one and all


I’m looking for a daily prayer that can cover paying gratitude to all the elders including our ancestors and other elders, friends, near and dear ones – in short, all those who  have touched in our lives so far.

Also, I want to include the universe and other living beings, God’s and Angels.

Is there any short mantra that covers all these aspects?



Help is Permanent

R Mohan

When I phoned up Naran, he asked me to chant the mantra “NITHYA SANAADHANA”.

After chanting this continuously, I found I am becoming less and less anxious.

Every time I fall sick, I used to feel afraid on how will I manage similar situations after I get older, when Naran mayn’t be around to give me remedies?

When I told Naran about this, he said the mantra will restore and reinforce our innate trust in the Divine and went on further to explain about The Bhagavad Gita Sloka 24 of Chapter 2, from which the above Switch Words are taken.


Ten years, before when you met me were you aware that you will need my help to solve your health issues today?

However, god knew that. That’s why he arranged a meeting with me in 2003.

I am only a tool of god. Tomorrow, if you need help again, in my absence, you will find somebody to help you – who again is a tool of god.

Here, the only thing that matters – which is important and permanent, is GOD. He is the NITHYA SANADHANA – he exists permanently.

Lord Krishna uttered these words in the battle field, explaining to Arjuna that our souls are permanent while our lives and the bodies we take are temporary.

So why fear and worry?

Let us say, you are planning to go to Hyderabad next month, and book a flight today. This indicates that you firmly believe and trust – that you will be alive next month. Isn’t it?

Thus, the fear is in one part of us, while trust is in another part. That inborn trust you will get by chanting this mantra.

This mantra heals the fear of flying and fear of closed places.

Read the story about a person who couldn’t move after falling down, to understand the hand of divine in our lives, who comes to us in many forms – especially flowers and animal spirit guides

“Don’t worry if there is no help”:

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Healing Notes on Bagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 24:

Chanting Order of Bija Mantras


In which order do we need to chant the bija mantras?

In one place it is given as, “Om Lum Namaha, Om Vum Namaha, Om Rum Namaha, Om Yum Namaha, Om Hum Namaha”

Whereas in the Naran Heal site, the following order is given, “Om Hum Namaha, Om Yum Namaha, Om Rum Namaha, Om Vum Namaha, Om Lum Namaha”.


The order from HUM to LUM can relax and stabilize the mind.

The order from LUM to HUM can be useful for all physical problems. It will energise the organs.

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When problem source is not known


Let us see how to dissolve our karmas through Bija Mantras.

There is a problem. However, source of the problem is not known. Karma is the only source. There are no other sources.

Irrespective of the karma or reason behind the cause of the problem, how we can remove it?

Contain the karma

Let us see the meaning of the Bija mantras OM LUM NAMAHA and OM VUM NAMAHA.

Lum means earth – a vessel, say an earthen pot. It denotes earth element.

We put water into the pot. Water element is always connected with our Karma. Through water element our desires are created. Because of our desires we get problems.

What is the source of desire – Water?  So, I put water into the vessel. It means my karma is contained in the vessel.

How to remove the karma?

OM RUM NAMAHA – by fire element, we can remove it. This comes from Manipura Chakra. It will vaporize the water. When the fire burns, the water vaporizes.

The vaporized water will go into space – the universal energy – turning into light and love.

When the cause is put in the earthen pot and burnt, the water or karma is vaporized and transmuted into space and light. This is the way to resolve our karmas.

So, if we cannot resolve a problem then we can chant, “OM VUM NAMAHA OM LUM NAMAHA OM RUM NAMAHA OM YUM NAMAHA OM HUM NAMAHA”.

If I do so then we mean,

Om Vum Namaha – the cause of the problem or karma

Om Lum Namaha – I put it in the earthen pot

Om Rum Namaha – which I burnt it

Om Yum Namaha – it gets vaporized into space and

Om Hum Namaha – changing into light and love

How to combine with intention?

For this problem I don’t know the cause. So I am using this technique to solve it.

I visualize the problem, which I am putting as the cause of the problem inside the water contained in the pot and then I burn the pot with fire.

After I finished visualization, I can chant the mantras.

Getting Successful


Wherever I go, I chant “LALITHAM LAMBODARAM”.

I am getting successful.

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