Posts tagged heals

Help is Permanent

R Mohan

When I phoned up Naran, he asked me to chant the mantra “NITHYA SANAADHANA”.

After chanting this continuously, I found I am becoming less and less anxious.

Every time I fall sick, I used to feel afraid on how will I manage similar situations after I get older, when Naran mayn’t be around to give me remedies?

When I told Naran about this, he said the mantra will restore and reinforce our innate trust in the Divine and went on further to explain about The Bhagavad Gita Sloka 24 of Chapter 2, from which the above Switch Words are taken.


Ten years, before when you met me were you aware that you will need my help to solve your health issues today?

However, god knew that. That’s why he arranged a meeting with me in 2003.

I am only a tool of god. Tomorrow, if you need help again, in my absence, you will find somebody to help you – who again is a tool of god.

Here, the only thing that matters – which is important and permanent, is GOD. He is the NITHYA SANADHANA – he exists permanently.

Lord Krishna uttered these words in the battle field, explaining to Arjuna that our souls are permanent while our lives and the bodies we take are temporary.

So why fear and worry?

Let us say, you are planning to go to Hyderabad next month, and book a flight today. This indicates that you firmly believe and trust – that you will be alive next month. Isn’t it?

Thus, the fear is in one part of us, while trust is in another part. That inborn trust you will get by chanting this mantra.

This mantra heals the fear of flying and fear of closed places.

Read the story about a person who couldn’t move after falling down, to understand the hand of divine in our lives, who comes to us in many forms – especially flowers and animal spirit guides

“Don’t worry if there is no help”:

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Healing Notes on Bagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 24:

Children are intelligent than their parents


Whenever I sit to do mudras before sleeping, my daughter too sits with me but does only Thumb with little and ring fingers (Safe and Secure Mudra).

If I request her to do chin mudra she says no and leaves me. So, I stopped interfering in her meditation techniques. Why is she not doing chin mudra?

She sings with me Namashivayam for 5 times, rhythm with or without CD. Durgama also she sings along with the CD if she is awake by then as I play it by 5.30 am.

I can see the changes in her (touch wood). She listens to me, and obeys me when I request her.

She is completing her homework soon. I allow her to watch cartoon only for 45 minutes and she is okay with it. I am happy with her. I did the accepting exercise for her.

Whenever I try to heal her Solar Plexus and Hara chakras she pulls my hand tightly to her body strongly. Do I need to give more time to heal these chakras?

I am also using harmony pack. I can see the difference.

My husband who used to get irritated for helping me in my daughter’s dressing for school, is now helping me, without me asking or requesting.

The left out harmony water I am pouring to Tulasi plant as we don’t have any other plant. And I can see the plant is healthy and growing tall and fresh.

Thank you, it’s all because of your remedies and your blessing.


Chin Mudra will keep us awake, while Safe and Secure Mudra will make us have a deep sleep.

Children are intuitive enough to know where they need energy. So she is forcing the mother to give Reiki to those areas.

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Healing through Pancha Mudra Pranayama Part II


Procedure to do the Mudras

Doing the Mudras

Except for Poorana Mudra, for all other Mudras keep your hands on the lap. For Poorana Mudra, keep them touching the navel.

They have to be performed in the order listed. The duration has to be same for all the mudras.

One has to sit erect, either in a chair or on the ground in a yogic posture of your liking or simply squatting. Idea is to keep your spine erect while doing the Pancha Mudras.

These mudras activate five different types of Prana in our body namely – Prana, Apanan, Vyanan, Udanan & Samanan.

Follow this Breathing Technique

Do all the Pancha Mudras in the order of Chin Mudra, Chinmaya Mudra, Adi Mudra, Meru Mudra and finally Poorana Mudra.

While doing the Mudra, do Pranayama following the counts:  –

 Inhale: 4, Hold: 1, Exhale: 5 Hold: 2.

This will be considered to be one round. Do 7 rounds of breathing for each Mudra.

It will take totally a maximum of 7 to 9 minutes

Compulsorily do it every day

Give 15 minutes gap after tea and 30 minutes gap after food.

Breathing helps…

Breathing is connected with both Pranic Body as well as Mental Body. The Pranayama heals the Pranic body and makes oxygen available to our bodies.

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Healing through Pancha Mudra Pranayama Part III:

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Healing through Pancha Mudra Pranayama Part V:

Heal Your Heart Chakra


Our life is ruled by three chakras – Basic, Hara and Solar Plexus Chakras.

Yet, beyond them, we manage to express our love. We get close to people. We offer our thanks to all. All that because of one chakra and that is the Heart Chakra.

Heart Chakra is the fourth in line. It’s closer to Solar Plexus Chakra. On the chest, from breast draw a line. That’s the point where Heart Chakra is situated.

It is responsible for creation of heart and blood circulation.

It’s the reservoir of love. This chakra is reflected when we experience joy and enthusiasm with our friends and relatives.

If love is there, hate will be there too. If hate is filled in a place, then it’s a hell. Love is heaven and it increases our prana.

Heart chakra is mentally connected with love.

When you desire to make profits out of relationships (or anything for that matter with selfish intentions), we lose energy in this chakra.

If there is a relationship without a love, then it’s of no use, says the Heart Chakra.

We love our children and parents. We love somebody and hate somebody.

Hatred and sadness decreases energy and then we feel we can’t love anybody. We fight at office. When we come home, we should show love. Instead we fight.

If there is less energy in heart, we feel there is no love in life. We feel sad and think that nobody is there for us. With Heart Chakra, we need to love. Otherwise, we will deplete it!

Even if nobody loves you, love god, yourself, others and the world is the message from Reiki. If we GO for love, then the energy level of Heart Chakra expands and balances it.

When we get imbalanced due to Basic, Hara and Solar Plexus Chakras, then the energy level in those chakras shrink. But in the case of Heart Chakra, it’s never gets overfull. It can expand to any level.

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Relationship Mantras:

Ravi Kiran Ruchi Karan Paripooranan

Like Sun, Shine, and Stay at the Top

Ravi means Sun in Sanskrit.

This mantra heals Tamo Guna (type of characteristic or personality), which stands for laziness, lethargy, and procrastination.

For stability (of life) also, this mantra will work.

When you are not sure of the position in the office, or when you are afraid you will be transferred, this mantra will help.

To open one’s eyes of those who is going on wrong path, this mantra can be used.

This mantra is also for abundance. That is, it will stop the loss. Any loss making business if we keep chanting this mantra will help us to handle it.

I would not say loss would be wiped out completely but first loss will be stopped; then profitability would start coming. Business will also become stable soon after.

Question – When someone is going on wrong path, can we chant for the person – to open their eyes? Can we just say their name and chant this mantra for them?

Answer – Yes, that is right. That is all we can do. Or you can also chant over a glass of water and give it to that person. Any mantra can be chanted over a tumbler of water and given daily.

This mantra is based on Bhagavat Geeta, 16th chapter, 23rd Sloka. Though, in that, these words would not be there. To make one person to go on right path this is the mantra.

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