Mantra Healing

Lalitham Sudarshnam


The mantra can be chanted:

  • For knowing oneself – self-revelation (Dharshan)
  • Removes obstacles – including known and unknown obstacles (can be present in your life – for example, even after all your efforts you there seems to be no solution on hand).
  • For Black Magic
  • For Shade Sani – ****** – it means delay restriction and obstacle (when there is obstacle, in darkness for example, we fall; therefore, ****** means darkness). Sudarshnam comes in the speed of light and dispels the darkness.

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I have gone through your blogs. Lalitham mantras are fantastic and working well.

My family’s deity is Lord Muruga. For this can I chant “LALITHAM SUBRAMANYAM LALITHAM KUMAARAM LALITHAM SHANMUGAM”?

M has the power to go in easily, which I read it from your site only. Hence, this idea has aroused to me. Please clarify.


Your coining is wonderful. I think Lord Muruga is suggesting this through your question.

Whenever we want to have anything for us, we also should think in what way it can be useful for others. Through your coining of words, I am asked by the divine to explain.

Lalitham makes us always secured. Kumaaram protects us like Mother. In other words, when our mother is there beside us, we feel safe; we are confident; we are assured to get what we need (it is not “what we want”).

The one beauty with this combination is that you can chant this at anytime and surrender intending “He knows when to fulfill anything (for me) at the right time”.

Shanmugam is strengthening our link with the Mother Earth.

“GAM” is for steady abundance.

When it is coined with “Sha” your receiving capacity will increase. 

“SUBRAMANYAM” (don’t say Maniam, but say Manyam) acts both on our Manipura and Heart chakras, releasing our ego and replacing it with Love.

When all the three “LALITHAM SUBRAMANYAM LALITHAM KUMAARAM LALITHAM SHANMUGAM” is chanted what will happen?

You will get the feeling that you are the child of God. What else we need in this life?

Best of luck

Any types of blocks can be removed


Raj was a student of mine. His brother-in-law had a heart problem.

When they did the scanning they found out that his lungs had fluid and unless it is removed, the heart block cannot be removed. Five times it happened and without any progress in sight.

He searched through my blogs and found that the mantra, “SRINIVASA ARAVINDALOCHANA” can remove blocks in lungs.

He asked his sister to chant it in a glass of water and give it to her husband. Additionally, he told her to whisper the mantra near the ears of her husband.

She did both.

Next month, when the doctors decided to do the operation, they did all the reports.

To their surprise they found out both the blocks in lungs and heart is not there anymore. They didn’t believe that patient took no other treatment except for taking the mantra-charged water.

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Bring in a feeling of security

Bagavad Gita Book

अच्छेद्योअ्यमदाह्योअ्यमक्लेद्योअ्शोष्य एव च

नित्यः सर्वगतः स्थाणुरचलोअ्यं सनातनः

Healing Notes on Bagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 24


Uncleavable, incombustible, it is not liable to be drenched or dried up; eternal, all-pervading, stable and unmoving. It is forever and forever.

No pain (fire) can kill you; no sadness (water) can drown you; no worry (air) can dry you; no event (space and earth) can break you.

Survival fear is always there in our thinking… To feel secured is the desire of every human being.

In life, relationships make us insecure; our working place makes us insecure.

How to bring in the state of security?

For people who are unstable in their profession…

Who have lower back pain…

Who have fear of death for unknown reason…

Who have unknown fear …

And people who are fearful of in-laws …

And for people who feel unstable…

Listen to the Verse 24 of SRIMAD BAGAVAD GITA, or read it 11 times.

Any audio version of this verse can be looped and listened continuously.

You can paste the verse in paper and keep it under the pillow.

This brings back the feeling of security –the original SAT which is forgotten by the mind.

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Lalitham Lambodaram


If there is an unresolved problem and there is no end to the problem, chant “LALITHAM LAMBODARAM”.

If you say Lambodaram it will remove all obstacles – whatever type it may – spiritual or life problems.

Who doesn’t have obstacles anyway?

What is the meaning of it?

It’s a combination of Bija mantras – which are the Shakthi behind the chakras.

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Ravi Kiran Ruchi Karan Paripooranan

Like Sun, Shine, and Stay at the Top

Ravi means Sun in Sanskrit.

This mantra heals Tamo Guna (type of characteristic or personality), which stands for laziness, lethargy, and procrastination.

For stability (of life) also, this mantra will work.

When you are not sure of the position in the office, or when you are afraid you will be transferred, this mantra will help.

To open one’s eyes of those who is going on wrong path, this mantra can be used.

This mantra is also for abundance. That is, it will stop the loss. Any loss making business if we keep chanting this mantra will help us to handle it.

I would not say loss would be wiped out completely but first loss will be stopped; then profitability would start coming. Business will also become stable soon after.

Question – When someone is going on wrong path, can we chant for the person – to open their eyes? Can we just say their name and chant this mantra for them?

Answer – Yes, that is right. That is all we can do. Or you can also chant over a glass of water and give it to that person. Any mantra can be chanted over a tumbler of water and given daily.

This mantra is based on Bhagavat Geeta, 16th chapter, 23rd Sloka. Though, in that, these words would not be there. To make one person to go on right path this is the mantra.

Lalitham Sridharam


LA and LI in Lalitham activates the Basic chakra, while RUM in Sridharam activates the Solar Plexus chakra.

Meaning of Lalitham

LA and LI are Bija mantras. Lalitham means energy. It will remove karma.

As chanted in Lalitha Sahsaranamam, Lalithambigai can burn away all the previous karmas. Only a person who is the most compassionate of all (mother) can burn the karmas.

What is required inside us to burn our karmas?

We need compassion to burn our karmas. Lalitham means most compassionate mother and the compassion has made her as the most beautiful mother.

If we chant Lalitham, our capacity to love others will increase. When the heart is bubbling with love by chanting Lalitham, we can also become as beautiful as Lalitham.

Meaning of Sridharam

Sridharam means Vishnu and Vishnu is sought by Lakshmi – the goddess of wealth. It will fetch us abundance of money, happiness and comforts.

It’s not enough to chant only Sridharam. Lalitham is required to burn away all our karmas first. Sridharam then opens our eyes to abundance.

Dham will get comforts

For any Basic Chakra related problems – like back pain for example, chanting Lalitham Sridharam helps.

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Benefits of Lalitham Bhaskaram


It’s a good coinage of mantra. If you chant them, you will get the following benefits:

There will not be any turning back life situations. Always you will move forward in life.

Like Bach Flower Remedy GENTIAN, there won’t be any regression or setbacks, whether it’s your life or your career.

Demotion and degradation affects the basic chakra. Then you become fearful. This mantra works on (balances) the BASIC CHAKRA.

Lalitham Baskaram works on the SOLAR PLEXUS chakra as well. Therefore, confidence will be built.

When a person is promoted, confidence will be built up in them. In turn, when you have confidence you will get promoted.

We will get clarity.

You can get out of any confusion.

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No matter how big the physical problem, it will heal. It will heal any physical problem. In cases when doctors are not able to diagnose or in cases where doctors who complicate the case. This mantra “Kunjitha Padam Sharanam” will work in those cases. Those who have experienced it are also present here.
If we hear someone is in the hospital or if someone is physically very unwell – this will work. We can write it and keep it also for them if they cannot chant.


It heals Tamo Guna. That is, laziness, lethargy, procrastination. To open one’s eyes, who is going on wrong path, this mantra can be used. For stability also it will work. When you are not sure of the position in the office, when you are afraid you will be transferred. This mantra will help. Thus this mantra can be used for one’s stability.

This mantra is also for abundance. It will stop the loss of any business. First loss will be stopped and then profitability would start coming. Business will become stable.
When someone is going on wrong path, we can chant for the person to open their eyes or we can chant over a glass of water and given to that person.Any mantra can be chanted over a tumbler of water and given daily to others.
This mantra is based on Bhagavat Gita, 16th chapter, 23rd Sloka; these words would not be there. To make a person go on right path -this is the mantra.


There is one more mantra – Thiruneelakantam given by Uma (a student). She told that it will remove Karma, but what I have seen by practicing is that it is controlling infections very nicely. It also heals any sex problems.
For severe cough, cold and fever – we can chant this.


Sada – means Surya (Sun), Swaha – means Namaskar. It is only sun who can burn all our karmas. What does it mean to burn of all our karmas?  All your good and bad karmas will be wiped out so that you will not take birth again. To reach that level, we have to keep on chanting this mantra.
If someone is in death bed, we can chant this mantra for them so their karmas gets wiped out and they go to a better place.
This is for preventing the evil eye. We can chant this when we go somewhere.


Now, there are a lot of speculations about the world coming to an end. Whether it is going to be right or wrong, we do not know because as per Gita, it is already done.  So let us not worry about it. It might not happen also. On the other hand, we also have a mantra for the safety of this world. It is also to create a green environment and for making a green world. If world is green then it won’t get destroyed or come to an end.  if this mantra is recited on a daily basis, we won’t have any difficulty for food till last minute. Abundance will be there. When I say “there won’t be difficulty for food”, it is meant that one may have plenty of money but one may not be able to eat. Eat well till last breath, think about God and finally attain the lotus feet of God. For that, body should be alright. Philosophy or religion or spirituality cannot be done on empty stomach.

Pranava Roopini – The Shakthi or energy behind Om, Hreengara Roopini – Word “Hree” will bring rains and thus it brings in abundance, Sachitaananda Roopini – one who is always happy – Sachitaanandam, Surya Mandala Vaasini – one who protects the world is sun god. This means – The one person who is responsible for the protection of this galaxy, Nithyam Namamyaham – I prostrate to you daily. Ham means I (me). This mantra will definitely turn the world into green. Have full confidence and trust (in the mantra).


Ramachandran got his name because ‘Ramachandran’ is the word which can dispel all worries. That word only has that power. If you want to get rid of a worry, ‘Ramachandran’ can only do. Not just ‘Rama’ alone, only ‘Ramachandran’ can do that. This particular Nama was uttered by Sita. It dispels worries and distress. Ramachandran Purushottaman can be chanted lot of times. There won’t be worries. Worry won’t come near you.


This mantra is to make you be happy always.  Whatever be the outside circumstances, whatever be the situation one can be happy inside. For all of us, this is enough. Baskaram means Surya – we are bringing him inside, we are seeing the atma (inside) outside in the form of Surya. So when we see the Atma inside itself, we get happiness – it would automatically come. Prabodham means happiness.


If you chant these daily, fear of death will not be there, the additional benefit is that, there won’t be any fire accident. Even if there is fire, no one will die. Everyone will be safe and alive. This can be told to children and for those who tell a lot of lies. For those who are getting spoilt in bad company.  We can chant this for them. They will be brought back to good books. This mantra will help and be useful not to fall into bad company and not to do bad deeds.

Mantras Benefits

Benefits of Bhajans Singing

If the mind is attached to the body then we always think about it. Then whatever happens to the body is more painful to us. Therefore, we had to detach the mind from body? How? By listening to Bhajans or doing Keertans is one way of releasing body from mind and completely disassociating from it.

As long as you’re concerned about body, there will be shyness in our approach. This can be removed with help of Bhajans.

Bhajans are nothing but Namas or a string of Mantras.

Bhajans are one way of directly talking to god and relating the god within oneself. So it’s good to sing the Bhajans loudly. There need not be any shyness in chanting the Namas.

Speciality of Namas is, each of them work with different parts of the body. Kesava mantra, acts on Hara chakra. Kesavam Narayanam is a cleansing mantra. Madavam Madavan activates both right and left hemispheres of the brain. If you chant Madavam Madavan there won’t be any paralysis.

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