Naran's Products

Switch Words – Audio Podcast available @Rs.1000/-

Switch Word Audio Podcast – Naran S. Balakumar’s unique approach on Switch words

This audio podcast contains 6 set of audios on switchwords to handle various life situations.


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1. What is a switchword and how it works on various levels??

2. Redefine the aim of your life

3. Achieve any desire easily

4. Switchwords to increase money flow 

5. Shift from loss to profit

6. Balance income and expenses

7. Immediately manifest money

8. Free your self from bad situation

9. Stop paying interest for loans

10. Transform setback into a benefit

11. Attract more clients

12. To come out of debts

13. To be free from worry & problems

14. Overcome dilemma

15. To develop good communication

16. Handle your day to day challenges easily with switchwords

17. Switch words (Supportive healing) for physical problems like diabetes, high BP, dengue fever


and much more…..


To purchase this audio podcast, contact your admin or send email to

For Autistic children, Delayed speech, Rebellious teenagers

Shankaraya Mayaskaraya Mantra CD – A boon for autistic children, aged people, rebellious teenagers. (To purchase, this audio mp3, send email to )
For Autistic Children
Play the Shankaraya Mayaskaraya audio for 1 hour daily in the home.
Give the mantra charged water to the child daily for 1 year.
Delayed Speech in children
Play the Shankaraya Mayaskaraya audio for 1 hour daily in the home.
Give the mantra charged water to the child daily for 1 year.
This mantra activates all sensory organs and help the child to speak.
For Aged people
As one grows older, the connection between the brain and the sensory organs becomes weak.
Vision, hearing abilities go down and also one likes to eat less.
It’s important that one sees and hears correctly.
In Alzheimer’s and Dementia, the brain cells begin to gradually die and the connection between the brain and sensory organs goes down.
This mantra helps in these conditions, helps to sharpen the sensory organs and age gracefully.
This mantra helps to age with wisdom.
What is wisdom ?
Not to show anger impatience, intolerance. This mantra helps to age mentally emotionally with wisdom and to understand life better with wisdom and experience life better.
Dosage: For those suffering from Alzheimer’s or Dementia give the charged water daily three times.
Every time it’s played, it can be treated as one dose.
That means playing three Times a day.
For Autistic children
Three doses
For disobeying teenagers three doses.
Otherwise generally one dose.
Parents of autistic children and disobeying children should also take(share)
How to prepare mantra charged water?
Place a glass or bottle of water in front of the speakers and play the cd for 1 hour. This mantra charged water can be sipped throughout the day.

To purchase this audio @rs.350/-, mail to

June 19 – Mantras for Total Wellbeing – Recorded workshop

This workshop video recording also contains powerful mantra 

 – To activate liver and its secretion
 – To activate stomach, pancreas, spleen
 – To activate small, large intestine
 – It balances all the harmones like insulin, Glucagon, epinephrine, cortisol and very good for diabetic patients
 – A powerful mantra for absorption, assimilation and elimination of waste products from the body.
 – To purify the blood
 – To balance the sugar metabolism
 – To develop robust bones
 – To develop bone marrow
 – To develop, increase and sustain the Tejas of the body
 – Ultimate total vitality
Cost : Rs.600/-
Contact any of the following regional admins for payment mode and details.
  Ms.Irene – Mumbai: + 91 98212 33349
  Ms.Kamlu – New Delhi : +91 99999 98944
  Mr. Ravi – Bangalore : +91 99168 13601
  Mr.Pavan- Hyderabad : + 91 98490 59601
  Ms.Uma – Chennai : +81 70 4448 0979 (Whatsapp message only)

June 19 – Mantras for Total Wellbeing – Recorded workshop

This workshop video recording also contains powerful mantra
– To activate liver and its secretion
– To activate stomach, pancreas, spleen
– To activate small, large intestine
– It balances all the harmones like insulin, Glucagon, epinephrine, cortisol and very good for diabetic patients
– A powerful mantra for absorption, assimilation and elimination of waste products from the body.
– To purify the blood
– To balance the sugar metabolism
– To develop robust bones
– To develop bone marrow
– To develop, increase and sustain the Tejas of the body
– Ultimate total vitality

Cost : Rs.600/-
Contact the following regional admins for payment mode and details.
Ms.Irene – Mumbai: + 91 98212 33349
Ms.Kamlu – New Delhi : +91 99999 98944
Mr. Ravi – Bangalore : +91 99168 13601
Mr.Pavan- Hyderabad : + 91 98490 59601
Ms.Uma – Chennai : +81 70 4448 0979 (Whatsapp message only)

Absolute Peace meditation is Just Divine


I have purchased lot of audios of sir, each audio has its own value, but “Absolute Peace ” is just divine.

It instantly makes me calm.

No thoughts. No fear. No negative thinking.

I experienced peaceful day and peaceful night´s rest.

It makes me feel stronger as I keep listening the cd daily.

From my personal experience, I recommend everyone to have this audio to experience and be at peace.


Absolute peace.jpg

To Purchase this meditation in mp3, send email with your name and location to


Cleared all my debts with help of Abundance CDs

Kiran Shinde

Following the post “Received money without borrowing”:

Thanks for the 4 Abundance CDs I bought it from you. I was able to clear all my debts with help from the CD affirmations.

The mantra LALITHAM SRIDHARAM is wonderful. I chant it daily for 108 times. It has helped me a lot.

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Repay your debts faster:

Property Purchase and Selling:

Debt-Free Mantras:

When you feel depressed or sad

Naran S Balakumar

We always expect something good to happen and then we feel happy.

When exam results are coming tomorrow, one feels very anxious.

If one has a visa interview tomorrow, he will feel tensed. Once he gets the visa, he will feel happy.

In the energy world, it is different.

You feel happy and then something (to be happy about) will happen.

Before achieving anything, be in the state of happiness. You don’t need anything to be happy.

Don’t wait for something outside to happen so that you feel happy.

Fill up your heart with happiness always.

One can listen to ‘HUMMING BIRD’ CD when they feel depressed or sad.

Play the CD for 5-6 hours at home.

‘To feel happy’ is the main theme of the animal spirit guide Humming Bird.

Study Pack

Naran S Balakumar

Once the child sits to study, he/she may not able to focus. There may be distraction.

To have focus, attention and to learn the subject easily, give the Bach Flower Remedies WATER VIOLET, OAK, CHESTNUT BUD, and CLEMATIS.

This combination along with MUSTARD has to be given. MUSTARD can be taken to understand any subject.

For most of the children, Physics and Maths are the problem. To understand these, MUSTARD is the remedy.

PS: Study Pack Remedy is available in the center.

Equanimity and Calmness CD

Naran S Balakumar

Whenever you are highly worried or angry, bring back the mind to equanimity and do anything.

Sometimes you feel that chanting is not working, you go on changing to other techniques.

At that point of time, when you feel that something is not working, listen to this CD and do the healing. It will be perfect.

Money Combo

Naran S Balakumar

Remedies to bring in Money


2nd day – MIMULUS, RUBY




6th day – ASPEN, AGATE


Wash the stones and put the Citrine stones in a glass of water. Keep it for 24 hours and spray it inside the house.

You can drink the Citrine water. It reduces the blood sugar.

You will never be insufficient of money.

You can also keep the Citrine in a bowl and keep it in the house.

Abundance CD

It has to be played in the house for 5-6 hours.

Chakra Balance CD

If played in the house, the chakras of the house will be balanced.

Inner Smile CD

It is useful for consistent and constant income.

Please note Gem Remedies and CDs are available in the centre.


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