Sita Rao

Any issues in thighs points to transition in our lives.

A patient had pain from thigh to knee on the left side of his body for nearly three months. Neuron medicines had no effect on the pain.

I asked him whether he is planning to change to different business, from the traditional profession he is doing currently – selling stationery.

He said, “Yes. I am also confused about my decision.

“My wife says that with the earnings from our traditional business alone, my father could perform the marriage of his three daughters. Why should I leave that?

“Though I want to do a different business, my wife’s words put a brake to my action”.

I told him that his body also says so, “Why do you want to change to a new profession?

“Keep your hand on the left knee and affirm that I will continue to do my father’s business”.

He did. And to his surprise his pain went off while he was affirming!