Elbow means embrace. If you have a problem there, then you can’t give love to anyone.

Pain in Left Elbow

Keerthi Prasad developed a pain in the left elbow. In addition he was coughing for 15 years.

Left side means receiving – love. Suppose you don’t receive love from somebody or if you give more space to a person then you will suffer in the left elbow.

Keerthi’s pain shows that he is not receiving his due love from his family.

Who is the culprit – his family or him? In his case he is the one.

For 15 years he never laughed. He will not look at his wife while talking to her.

He will keep finding fault with the cleanliness of house. By constantly criticizing and showing his anger to his wife and children, he maintained a stoic distance from them.

There was disharmony in the house. They hate him so much that they don’t want him to be in the house.

“If the house is in order probably I may not be alive”, his wife says.

Sometimes the person living with you will say what the body is saying to you.

I gave him Harmony pack – Beech for criticism, Willow for aversion and anger, and Walnut to change and adjust to his family (not the other way around).

He is a changed person now. His two children are very happy because they see him smile. Pain is almost reduced now and it’s bearable.

Cough represents anger. It’s more with him. Wet cough – recent anger and dry cough – anger is chronic.

Pain in Right Elbow

Venki, a thirteen years old kid, whenever he takes a pen to write something, he gets pain in his right arm – his writing hand.

If there is pain in the right hand – “take care of me” is the message. With the pain in his right hand, he is telling his parents to take care of him.

What’s the problem here?  He is terribly angry with his parents.

While he was talking with Naran, he was holding his left elbow. Elbows are used to embrace others.

Right hand holding the left elbow – left elbow means he wants some love and appreciation and he desires for it.

Venki is studying in 8th standard. Not even once any of his parents attended his school.

He comes first in athletics and a class topper in Tamil, his mother tongue.  He is average in other subjects. No appreciation from his parents.

His parents told him, if he gets 1st in other subjects, like Math and science then they will come to school.

His body is saying that his parents have not shown any love and appreciation. “Hey! Parents take care of me!  I need to be loved”.

Why he gets a pain in the right hand then. Observe where his hand is going. It touches the left elbow.

Observe the gestures as well as the pain. They have more value than just mere words.

He was prescribed Chicory (longing for love) and Willow (for his anger against parents).

His parents were advised to give the emotional security that the child needs.