
Healing a physical problem

You can heal any physical problem using EFT/Tapping along with other healing approaches.

For any problem, find out the symptoms of them.

Tap and affirm “I accept myself totally for all my symptoms”

How long it has been there? Before 5 years it was not there. If you are free 5 years back bring that resource now then affirm, “I choose to be as itching free as I was 5 years back”

The words we use are maintaining the pain/disease. Watch the expressions and release them one after another.

If it has been there right from childhood and as there was no history of health before, we mayn’t be able to use no of years back as expression here.

Instead, you could use the health resource of another child you know, “I choose to see the child free from rashes as …” (mention the name)

In addition, ask the mother of child to visualize the scenes of pregnancy period and tap as well and affirm,“I accept myself totally”