Knee is the guiding self – it’s the parents’ self. Only parents’ related issue will come in the knees.

I might be repeating what my father had done or I might be lacking a resource that my father had. Your body reminds that to you through a pain in the knee.

Case History 1: Just 1% mismatch between Son and Father

Right knee refers to one’s relationship with father, while the left knee points to mother.

A person had problem with his right knee. I asked him whether he had any issues with his father.

He replied that “by all means everything is ok with my father. He is a role model for me. I follow him by the book.”

I asked him to tell me where he doesn’t follow his father. You might have followed him 99%.

But one percent you may not have followed him. Find that out and follow that practice. Your father wants you to follow that too.

He replied there is one difference between them. While his father was close to his mother, he is not close to his wife.

I told him to take care of his wife and love her as his father did to his mother.

Whatever be the circumstances, daily affirm within, “I totally accept and love my wife as she is” and implement it in practice.

This is your father’s message through the right knee pain.

Please note here that not all sons who had thrown out his parents may get a pain in the right knee, while somebody might get it. It depends on their karma. Only when the pain comes, the issue should be addressed.

Case History 2: Postponement of Marriage

Girija’s father is no more. For one year I couldn’t figure out a solution. She took some remedies. She did an operation too. But nothing relieved her pain.

She loves a person and the latter loves her so much, that he wanted to marry her.

But, she was postponing it. I asked her when her father did marry. He got married when he was 38 years old. But he died at the age of 40.

What’s the message here: get married earlier. You are already 31. You don’t want to end up like your father.

Otherwise you may loose your husband or he might die earlier. Don’t repeat your father’s life.

Body guides us so beautifully!