
Life is Divine

“I Trust Life” – from the “I Love Myself” Workbook


1.       So far divine has taken care of you in this life. In what ways you are divinely guided or helped?

My Life is Divine

I trust life means, I trust Divine. Life is Divine – the one energy which is leading my life.

How can you cultivate the trust in the Divine?

So far we have lived our life, which has been taken care of by the Divine.

This we can understand by the happening of certain events and situations. In certain important events you would have felt the presence of Divine.

2.       You must identify such events and situations. You must identify, in what ways you were helped or guided?

This we can understand only when we go deeper and find out.

Sometimes, your life has been saved by the Divine. In some situations, you would have cancelled your journey and that plane or train would have met with an accident.

Our very presence proves the existence of Divine

My very presence is because of the Divine, somebody is giving me something, and I am living. My very living is the proof that some Divine is protecting me, nurturing me, nourishing me, and guarding me.

Healing has come to us and it’s a great boon

Everybody cannot come into the healing profession.

How ignorant people are? Who has brought me in this line? Which has made me learn so many healing techniques?

So then, I am not an ordinary human being. The Divine wants to me to learn more and move spiritually at the same time.

In this profession, we cannot find out concrete profit. But lot of changes will take place in our mind, in our life and the way we look at life.  

If a problem comes for a common man then he will start worrying, go to temple and pray. But, what we will do?

We will do the necessary healing and that too with a mentality of non-attachment to the result.

Why do we need to have a fear of future?

When the Divine is doing so much for me, why not divine will protect me in future also? Why should I fear about my future?

Whenever the fear or worry comes, repeat the words, “I TRUST LIFE”.

When you say these words, you feel confident, thinking, “So far the Divine has protected me. Even here afterwards the Divine will protect me. Therefore, why should I worry?”

How to solve your problems?

If there is any problem means we are not submitting ourselves to the Divine Order and we fail to see the Divine Order in operation.

When we fail to see the Divine Order in operation, we lack in love.

When you chant the switch words, “CONCEDE CLEAR CENTRE FIND DIVINE ORDER”, it completes the love, and problem is solved.

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