
My sleep is affected in night.

Sometimes, I wake up at midnight, without a reason. Again it takes more time to sleep. Plenty of sorrows are coming in mind at that time and I am crying.

Because of this, I am not able to wake up in the morning on time. My daily routines are affected resulting in tension while getting ready to office. 

Suggest remedies to have a good sleep and wake up early in the morning.


Buy the Bach flower remedies “WHITE CHESTNUT, WALNUT, CRAB APPLE, and RESCUE REMEDY”.

Put 5 pills of each in a cup of water and take that remedied water before going to sleep.


Basic remedy to sleep well: WHITE CHESTNUT, WALNUT and CRAB APPLE

Not able to control one’s own emotions: RESCUE REMEDY

Alternatively, you may buy SLEEP WELL pills from the center, which contains Bach flower remedies and some bio-salts.

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Sleep Well with Mudras: https://healbymudra.wordpress.com/2011/11/30/sleep-well-with-mudras/

Alpha Inducing Meditation CD: https://healbymeditation.wordpress.com/2010/01/22/alpha-inducing-meditation-cd/