Posts tagged 27
Purpose of Tapping
(From Multi-Dimensional Healing June 27 Workshop)
Simple way of tapping/EFT
Pull the entire 10 fingers one at a time as well as the gamut point (it’s the hollow place between the front little and ring fingers).
For any type of problem, pull each finger and tap on gamut, and affirm “I accept myself totally”.
What does the affirmation means?
It means that I accept my life situation, the event, as well as my feelings and my thoughts.
How to make sure we are not influenced by a situation?
Situation is one percent, our reaction is 99%. It becomes bothersome or problematic because of our own mind.
You are watching an accident on the road. A person riding a motor cycle had met with an accident.
The mother of the person, who was watching it happen, will react more strongly than others. Same event but reactions are different.
Our habit is to react emotionally. If we don’t have connection to the situation, I am not affected. Who gives this link? Isn’t it the mind?
If you do tapping then you will come out of the panic situation.
Why should you come out of the panic situation?
Then you can help, as you have a calm and tranquil mind. You will react calmly and do the necessary. Instead we overreact and spoil the whole thing.
Your Agenda Vs Divine Agenda
Suri walked into my office with a dejected face. He was worried that he is in trouble, for he hasn’t achieved last month’s sales target due to his own personal commitments.
He is worried that his manager will blast him during their next monthly meeting.
I said his worry is based on his own agenda, while the divine’s agenda might be different, He thinks his manager would question about the dip in sales, while divine mayn’t make the manger raise the topic at all.
Instead of expecting to have problem and keeps on worrying about it, he is overriding the divine agenda and mentally forcing the manager to bring the subject.
So, I asked him to stop thinking about the subject, and prepare his usual monthly report that he normally prepares for the monthly meeting.
I also suggested him to chant the names of the Bach Flower remedies, “ELM, OAK, CHESTNUT BUD”.
I gave Elm and Oak to be ready for any unexpected questions and Chestnut Bud not to repeat the mistake once again.
The monthly meeting happened. His boss never even mentioned about the sale’s target and moved onto other issues.
Let us be silent and allow divine to work its agenda.
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