Posts tagged away

Retired From Government Service


Ramachandran retired from his government services. He got a sum of five lakhs of rupees towards his final settlement.

Ramachandran was always thinking about his office. I gave him WALNUT (for transition) and HONEYSUCKLE (not to think about the office) separately. 

Chandran a friend of Ramachandran asked him to deposit a sum of five lakhs of rupees in a benefit fund, where Chandran is working and he had meet his target.

Ramachandran said yes. He wrote the cheque and asked his friend to collect it in the evening, as the time then is auspicious.

Around 11 am, Ramachandran heard the news that his uncle has passed away. Therefore, he left for Coimbatore.

“Life events happen without asking us. We are always concerned about our children, our environment and us.

However, for divinity, every molecule in this Universe is important. It would have preferred him not to give the cheque.”

He informed Chandran from the bus stand, that he would come back and give the cheque after two days.

Nevertheless, Chandran insisted that he needs it to complete his target ASAP.  Ramachandran pleaded his inability to give the cheque.

Ramachandran came back after 3 days, just to realize the closure of the benefit fund due to lack of funds.

He mentioned to me that one of the flowers has stopped him from paying the money and losing it. 

I told him, “It is Honey Suckle.”

Before taking any important decisions, take HONEYSUCKLE, for example in the case of letting out our homes or leasing it.

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Have a Lucky Day:

Plan for Life

From the workbook on “I Love Myself”


I know I have a plan for my life and I enjoy fulfilling it

You write your life plan for the next five years.

Keep it under the feet of Divinity.

Weekly have a look at this and take actions accordingly.

Every week you can analyze whether you are moving according to the plan or moving away from the plan.

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Lalitham Sridharam


LA and LI in Lalitham activates the Basic chakra, while RUM in Sridharam activates the Solar Plexus chakra.

Meaning of Lalitham

LA and LI are Bija mantras. Lalitham means energy. It will remove karma.

As chanted in Lalitha Sahsaranamam, Lalithambigai can burn away all the previous karmas. Only a person who is the most compassionate of all (mother) can burn the karmas.

What is required inside us to burn our karmas?

We need compassion to burn our karmas. Lalitham means most compassionate mother and the compassion has made her as the most beautiful mother.

If we chant Lalitham, our capacity to love others will increase. When the heart is bubbling with love by chanting Lalitham, we can also become as beautiful as Lalitham.

Meaning of Sridharam

Sridharam means Vishnu and Vishnu is sought by Lakshmi – the goddess of wealth. It will fetch us abundance of money, happiness and comforts.

It’s not enough to chant only Sridharam. Lalitham is required to burn away all our karmas first. Sridharam then opens our eyes to abundance.

Dham will get comforts

For any Basic Chakra related problems – like back pain for example, chanting Lalitham Sridharam helps.

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To CHANGE one has to MOVE.

MOVE BACK, MOVE AWAY: not to do a shameful act, move away from it: Walnut is the remedy.

MOVE-IN means to Enter – for example, to enter into an agreement.

When an agreement is signed, chant “WALNUT and WALNUT”

Nobody will break the agreement. They will adhere to the policy of a gentlemen’s agreement.

When somebody makes a commitment to you, think about Walnut and he will not move away or depart from the commitment.

To make progress – to MOVE UP: WALNUT

We have to consider the opposite meaning of a particular expression to find the negative mental state and then to figure out the deeper action spheres of the Flower Remedies.

The opposite meaning of the word Enter is Depart or Remove: fear of removal from service, there will be no dismissal if you take WALNUT.  Walnut will eliminate fear of removal. So you will feel safe and secure.

To prevent amputation, give WALNUT. It will be prevented.

The doctors had advised to remove Sajeevanam’s mother’s leg, as she was suffering from acute diabetes. She took Walnut for two days.

The doctors felt may be they will wait for some more time, before they consider amputation again. Amputation also means Disconnection. Walnut prevents disconnection.

If a wife doesn’t want to divorce, with help of WALNUT she can achieve her objective.

If you feel that you are not connected to the family and say, “I don’t belong here. I am out of place,” thanks to WALNUT it will happen.

You will make the necessary adjustments and changes required for the new place. This is required for a newly married girl.

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Letting go the unwanted:

Bach Flower Approach to Cancer Treatment


My husband was recently diagnosed with bowel cancer. So far, the doctor has told us that he needs to do surgery and chemotherapy.

What SW and Bach flower remedy can I chant? I am really scared. We have 3 children. We are worried about our finances as well.


The switch words “CONCEDE CLEAR WITH LOVE old undead cells FIND new cells” can be chanted. 

“SUN DIVINE FORCE” can be chanted over water and be given to the patient.

Cancer is the physical state, where there is nothing but “destruction and annihilation”. SWEET CHESTNUT is the only remedy that can help.

When it is diagnosed, people become panicky, for which ROCK ROSE is the remedy.

Cancer is always hidden – AGRIMONY.

Cancer is called malignant, for which WILLOW is the remedy.

CRAB APPLE will dissolve the undead cells.

The vitality of the patient should be built with CENTAURY and OLIVE.

To heal the deep mental depression, MUSTARD is the remedy.

The mind always wants to deny and escape from the situation, for which AGRIMONY and CHESTNUT BUD are the remedies.

Prescription for Patients


This combination can be given one day; alternating with CENTAURY, OLIVE and MUSTARD on the next day.

RUTILE QUARTZ can be put in water and kept overnight. It can be given in the morning. It will increase the oxygen availability of the cells.

WATER VIOLET can be given to the patient also when going to the hospital. He will be taken care of well by the doctors.

Prescription for Family Members

The situation for the family is a unique and should be handled.

To handle the mental state of the family members, and to manage money: ROCK ROSE (for terror and the thought “Where to go for money”), RED CHESTNUT (worrying about the person who has cancer) and WATER VIOLET to manage the predicament.

Pictures of SQUIRREL and (gem) CITRINE can be kept in the hand bag.

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Rutile or Rutiliated Quartz:

Blurry Vision


I am a Pilot. I have to keep my eyes near to the LCD screens in the cockpit and cannot change my eye distance from them also.

This makes them heavy and my vision has also got blurry. My eyes cannot focus properly.

What I mean to say is when I look at near objects and then far away objects, the far away objects look blurry to me for some time.


PRAN MUDRA you can daily for 30 minutes at a stretch.

Get the EYE TONE pills from the centre. Take 3 pills 3 times a day. It will set right your problem.

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Your in-laws are your parents


I am married a few months ago and have problems with my mother-in-law. She is the possessive type.

When my husband, she and I go out, she wants to sit in front in the car. Whenever my husband and I go out for a vacation, she would call him and ask him to come back.

She decides everything for us and we have no freedom as husband and wife. My husband follows her blindly without questioning.

How am I to solve this problem? I want my MIL to leave us to enjoy our marriage life.

I love my parents very much and I want my parents to stay near me and I want to take care of them forever.

At the moment my dad is jobless and he is always sad because of that. I hope he can get a job somewhere near my place so that my family will always be next to me. And, I want my parents to live long.


Write your parents name. Draw a circle around the names. Draw one more circle around the first one. Write in the gap, “SWEET CHESTNUT, WALNUT, GREEN TOURMALINE”.

Love your mother-in-law as much as you love your parents. What all you want to do for your parents, do for your mother-in-law.

Change your thinking and stop resenting. Do this for one month.

Thank her for allowing you to be with your husband. Daily thank her like this.

In the night, chant “TOGETHER CHANGE NOW” till you sleep.

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Golden words are to be repeated


As guided by you in the past few weeks, I am calm and peaceful by myself. Now that the marriage is round the corner (of my niece – husband’s brother’s daughter), I need to attend.

All the past incidents of harassment, sarcastic remarks, aloofness etc. of my husband’s Anni is coming to my mind and I need enough strength to face it all this time.

I want to raise above all this silly behavior of others and come out successfully, to neutralize my karma.



Chant “I am sorry. Please forgive me”, as many times as possible.

Your anger and resentment – whether it is right or not – will upset your stomach, which in turn increases your insecurity.

Take the flower remedies AGRIMONY, WILLOW and CHERRY PLUM.


Since yesterday, I am practicing as advised by you. I do not understand, why, often I get this thought flashed in my mind that I need to move away from my husband?

I do not know if it is a natural process. It is a soul-searching experience for me. I need your divine help and guidance.


Soul searching is to happen within. It does not depend on outside person or event.


I attended the marriage and chanted the Switch Words as advised by you.

I am back to Bangalore.

I am trying to find the golden nugget … May be my spiritual awareness is not enough to find one.

As I have disclosed to you before, I have this urgent need to go back to work in UK. I have contacted my ex-colleagues, friends, and contacts and passed on my resume.

Initially, they were very encouraging, told me to help me out with a job.

But as days went by, there is no communication from them regarding my application status.

Also, I have applied many jobs. It is Apply, Apply, but no reply.

I am chanting “TOGETHER DIVINE FIND JOB COUNT NOW ORDER DONE” and also recently after reading one of your blogs regarding chakra cleansing, I have chanting Bija Mantras (OM LUM…)

In between, I am chanting forgive exercise to my husband too. Please advise, what can be chanted.


Move away with love in the heart and not in resentment



I am writing this mail, rather after a long time. I am following the chants and forgive exercise as advised by you.

There are lots of changes in me. I am able to forgive many things now.

Though, I still remember the events, which had caused me so much anger, hurt and other negative emotions.

After forgive exercise, these emotions have drastically reduced to an intensity of zero!

I am now able to appreciate the switch word “CHOCOLATE” as suggested by you.

The golden nugget in my case is to get re introduced to healing techniques through you.

Thank you very much for your Grace and support you have extended to me.

The top most emotional layer of healing has taken place. As a result, my relationship with my husband has improved.

As regards to finding a job, this is the next layer to be dealt with. I am chanting and many times writing the Switch words.

CRYSTAL has strengthened my intention of job seeking.

I am now more confident and beginning to understand what I want. My previous emotional state of confusion together with mixed feelings is no more. I am more calm and focused.

Our friend – WOLF is bringing me some leads for job searching and I am working on it.

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