Posts tagged clarity

Degraded her Designation


Girija is a personal assistant to a general manager. Suddenly she was asked to become a telephone operator.

Her ego was hurt. She thought they have degraded her designation.

The Bach Flower Remedy Willow would have been ideal for her here. However, she chanted “LALITHAM BASKARAM”.

After that, they didn’t ask her to do the telephone operator job.

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Benefits of Lalitham Bhaskaram


It’s a good coinage of mantra. If you chant them, you will get the following benefits:

There will not be any turning back life situations. Always you will move forward in life.

Like Bach Flower Remedy GENTIAN, there won’t be any regression or setbacks, whether it’s your life or your career.

Demotion and degradation affects the basic chakra. Then you become fearful. This mantra works on (balances) the BASIC CHAKRA.

Lalitham Baskaram works on the SOLAR PLEXUS chakra as well. Therefore, confidence will be built.

When a person is promoted, confidence will be built up in them. In turn, when you have confidence you will get promoted.

We will get clarity.

You can get out of any confusion.

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