Posts tagged gratitude



Today, I listened to your SPECIAL MANTRAS CD while travelling to office. I felt immense gratitude in heart while listening to the DIVINE VOICE (I mean it).

There were some SPECIAL changes happening within when I completely concentrated with closed eyes and listened to “VALLABAM GAJAANANAM EKADHANTHAM”

As I had expressed my worry during our session in Mumbai that my entire marriage story/receipts in a file given to the lawyers was lost in mid-March by them.

This shattered my faith in lawyers, who happens to be very good to me and my parents, yet politically smart.

To my surprise, my lawyer calls me today the moment I enter office, when I stop the Mantra CD midway.

He told me that another lawyer has brought the file as he had forgotten the file in his room which they had not SEARCHED. My file was all alone, unhampered, and safe.

I regained my faith in my lawyers and totally BELIEVE NOW that they will get me JUSTICE.

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Meditation and Healing CDs from Naran:

When troubles pass we forget the blessings


Dear Naran,

Today, I visited your website after many days and was pleasantly surprised to see the blog back. I looked at some of old mails to you and the way you have responded in my times of need.

It is amazing!! What all experiences and times you have been there with me!!! I have confided in you at times more than anybody else in the world. How much you have given me!!! I love you!!!

I am so deeply grateful for all love and support in the face of the perpetual troubles – big and small. 

Ever since I found your blog, my life has almost invisibly and gently improved for the better. I have had many miracles, many blessings, many glorious experiences and I am so grateful for every one of them until this point.

I look forward by your blessings, the blessings of all compassionate beings, enlightened beings and gods. When troubles pass, we forget the blessings. It’s an eternal human frailty.

So, when I feel a moment of pure gratitude, I want to thank you and not leave in unsaid…god bless you!!

I look forward again to read your blogs. I wish you happiness, health and love.

Do keep your love and blessings on me and my loved ones. LOVE THANKS PRAISE DIVINE

Life need not be taxing

Client, February 25, 2014

Good morning to you – whenever I face any problem I think Naran will help me.

I am facing some block – Salary team has rejected my proofs towards house rent. They are asking for PAN No of Land lord. I am not able to provide as my LL does not have.

As per IT Tax, where there is no PAN no, the LL can give a declaration that they are not assessed for tax. I have given them the same. They have raised an objection.  I have represented. Please let me know what I must chant to see that my representation get accepted or I will be losing about Rs.25, 000.



Client, April 4th, 2014

I join my hands in utmost gratitude and thank you for your valuable divine guidance – Salary team has accepted my proofs. And the problem is solved.

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Don’t beg from the divine


You have asked me to write “release resistance find divine order count now” for 51 times daily. I do that. I chant Ambika Sloka like mad, beg wolf every day and still no job interviews.

I ask loads of people but no one helps me–what more should I do? I need a job as soon as possible and am helpless. I beg divine so much and what more can I do?


Don’t beg from the divine. Take it from the Divine.

Daily in the morning say three times,” I thank divine for giving me a job of my choice. Then forget about it.


Why is this happening to me? The only thing I ever ask god for myself is a job. I help loads of people and never I think ill of others and genuinely pray for people – why am I being punished?


You will definitely get a job. Instead of having a victim feeling, have the attitude of gratitude.

Instead of “why me” question, understand God is doing everything perfect. He will do everything at the right time.

What is the right time? Think and thank the divine that you have had already right time.

Every day, morning, say, three times, “I open up all parts of my mind and align them to resonate to the Divine grace of money. I thank the Divine for providing me the job of my choice now. I release this intention to the all providing divine field.”

Forget about this and concentrate on something else.

Daily in the night think back and thank god for everything that happened in your life. Each and every incident leads to the other. Nothing is unwanted or not needed.

Whatever happened – bad or good – thank the divine for that.

Shed tears of gratitude towards your parents, your friends, relatives, your house and your environment, the air you breathe, the dress you wear, the food you take, the water you drink.

Do you know how many, how many persons are behind your one day food? Thank all those persons – right from vegetable grower, seller, his storage place, vendor, and his cart – so many are there.

Think about the link of the persons to your one day food and thank everyone. 

Why not this internet which connects you and me? Thank the Internet too.

Build up the energy of love in your heart and start living with contentment. You will get the job.

If your victim feeling can help you to get the job, be in that state. Otherwise be in a state of gratitude.

You are not helping anybody. You are privileged – you are selected by god – to help those people. You are indebted to them.

Help them with full heart. But don’t expect anything from them. If you do the help without expecting any appreciation, you will advance the Time.

  • FORGIVE LOVE THANK is the mantra for your life.
  • To come out of victim feeling, take Bach flower remedies WILLOW and PINE each two pills two times a day for one month.

Best of luck

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Thank you for the Divine Help

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