Posts tagged machine
Why ring finger represents water element?
How ring finger doesn’t represent earth?
If ring and middle fingers are activated by pressing them with the tip of the thumb, then urine flow will increase.
By doing it, a particular Mudra is activated and kidney is activated too. That’s why ring finger represents water.
Earth will not move. It is stationery. If earth is represented by ring finger, as per the books, then how can it increase urine flow? It cannot.
While water is moving, earth is non-moving. That’s why I have changed the ring finger into water element.
One more thing, water always represents life and relationships. Exchange of rings happens from the ring finger, when we get married. That’s why it represents water (element).
Activating fire element
Instead of touching the tip of the ring finger with tip of the thumb, keep the ring finger at the base of the thumb. Water flow will reduce.
If water is not distributed – reduced, fire element will increase.
When fire is increased, catabolic activity will take place and is very useful for weight loss. Extra fat will be eliminated.
Considering this fact, don’t do this (Fire) Mudra for 24 hrs continuously and next day check your weight in the weighing machine
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What you said is true… that inanimate objects also have some energies and feelings. I experienced it twice at least, which I observed.
My washing machine is huge, turbo sized, so I thought I can put heavy loads. One day, I over stuffed it knowing it is heavy load. It stopped in between giving process error. I tried moving things around still it said it is unbalanced.
So, I was talking to it, rubbing my hand and said “I am sorry. I overstuffed. I am giving you Reiki now. Please wash it this time. I will not give heavy load again”.
I turned it on again and it finished the full cycle without any problem
Recently being human, I forgot and overstuffed it again but it was not very heavy load. It did not run for more than 2 minutes. No matter what I did. I tried to drain it and spin so clothes do not get spoilt overnight. It did not work.
It was so adamant. It kept giving process error and did not budge. I told it “I am so sorry, it is my mistake. I will give you Reiki, and can you please just rinse and take out water… no need to wash also. Just drain the water, spin it and give to me, I will wash as two cycles again tomorrow. Can you do that for me?”
Then I turned it on again at rinse. It worked!! It drained and spin without any noise and issues.
I am now careful not make it upset
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