Posts tagged Not

Control urge to eat junk foods


I went for my health checkup and the blood results showed that my bad cholesterol is very high, which I need to reduce immediately.

For my blood count to increase, I am eating well. However, how to hold my urge for eating junk foods?




The Bach Flower Remedy CHERRY PLUM helps to control our impulsiveness, while the switch word HOLD develops control in us.

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Ignore Astrological Predictions

Sushma Pandey

I am bit confused about predictions.

Your reply shows me the correct path – which says that one must not take predictions for granted but try to work on them to change our destiny.


Stop not trying.

When you think that “I cannot have this” or “I cannot have that” then you stagnate. Stagnation makes one rot.

Movement is the DIVINE ORDER. What is movement for us human beings?

Doing. Doing is Karma. Karmic is the result of Karma.

When you fully concentrate on the work on hand, not eyeing on the result, that productivity is a joy to experience. That joy only is Divine.

Don’t eye on what is going to happen. Our duty is to do. The result is the reward.

If your mind is fully on what you do, instead of the result, every result (the effect of karma or doing) is a REWARD!!

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Find a new project or job


Since three months, I am trying to search for a new job.

Now, my company says that I need to resign tomorrow as I am not ready for relocation.



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Be Successful With Your Decisions


I got a better offer now. But, my current company is not ready to accept resignation and relieve me. They want me to continue.

The new company is after me to join them immediately. Even, I want to join them.

How do I come out of this situation amicably?




Thanks you to your divine advices, my life becomes easier to manage.

I decided to continue with my current organization and I would like to be successful with my decision.



Start the day with THANKS and end the day with THANKS


When one is confused between two options, the Bach Flower SCLERANTHUS helps us to come out of confusion.

Not to regret after taking a decision, HONEY SUCKLE is the remedy.

Sorrow-filled Nights


My sleep is affected in night.

Sometimes, I wake up at midnight, without a reason. Again it takes more time to sleep. Plenty of sorrows are coming in mind at that time and I am crying.

Because of this, I am not able to wake up in the morning on time. My daily routines are affected resulting in tension while getting ready to office. 

Suggest remedies to have a good sleep and wake up early in the morning.


Buy the Bach flower remedies “WHITE CHESTNUT, WALNUT, CRAB APPLE, and RESCUE REMEDY”.

Put 5 pills of each in a cup of water and take that remedied water before going to sleep.


Basic remedy to sleep well: WHITE CHESTNUT, WALNUT and CRAB APPLE

Not able to control one’s own emotions: RESCUE REMEDY

Alternatively, you may buy SLEEP WELL pills from the center, which contains Bach flower remedies and some bio-salts.

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Teenage Rape Victim


A girl was raped during her teenage.

After marriage she developed depression. She gets mad at her children. That’s not a regular feature though.

At times in a month – periodicity is once a month or week: WHITE CHESTNUT.

Behaviour – she sometimes does nothing: WILD ROSE.

She gets mad at children: CHERRY PLUM.

To heal the traumatic event happened: STAR OF BETHLEHEM.

The above mentioned behavior was there for many years: WALNUT.

I asked her to take Star of Bethlehem separately once a day, for a month and rest of the (Bach Flower) remedies in water and ask her to sip it 6 to 7 times.

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Keeps saying no for marriage


Even though my son is getting old, he keeps saying ‘No’. What to do?


Give him Bach Flower Remedies SWEET CHESTNUT and CHESTNUT BUD (not to avoid getting married) regularly.

Arranged Money without Taking Loans


Hello Naranji,

First of all thank you for all the help extended.

With regular chanting of “FIND COUNT DIVINE ORDER NOW”, I was able to arrange money for a site that I have been allotted.

I was short of 1.5 lakhs and the money got arranged without taking external loan. Things flowed easily to me.

Thank the switch word, divine and you for all this.

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How to criticize others?


By nature I am very candid and not diplomatic.

Also, I am very open to negative feedback too, when someone is giving me a feedback – at home or at work.

However, at home (mine is a joint family), everyone dislikes me since I am very frank. Although, I am very efficient with house work and do not compromise on my duties.

One of my boss (I have 2 bosses) was very good to me and appreciated my work etc, until a while ago when I was frank in expressing some work-related issue.

Now one boss is still ok, since he knows that I am good at work and I am very frank – that is my nature.

Another boss is all angry with me and at every meeting makes sure that he puts me down or talks negatively when it comes to my work.

Can I chant something please, especially that both my husband and my boss should start appreciating me?


If you want to maintain your candidness, you can get these only.

You do not point out the mistake only. You point out the good points also. If you want to point the mistake then do it with love.

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Children Not Afraid of Darkness Anymore


Within two days of giving (Bach Flower Remedy) ASPEN and MIMULUS, my son started sleeping on his own bed.

Now, he can walk into a dark room and not run in panic due to darkness or being alone.

The remedies have worked miraculously! Thank you so much Naran!!

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