Posts tagged present

Our future is not determined


Let me give an example to make you understand that our future is not determined

In a typical office there is a conflict and arguments between office manager and the staff.

A staff member will have two options.

Either he can straightaway throw his job by getting angry and argumentative.

Many a time we succumb to our emotions and they guide your actions. We all know that. If you are able to be only like this, then the result is determined as what we expect to happen.

Or you can do the following, based on NLP:

Step One: Identify the emotion.

Let us say, we get angry. 

It’s ok. If we say then, “This is my anger”, it will be automatically gets reduced. This is one way of handling your emotions.

Step Two: Create the outcome you want.

Now ask the question, “What do I want from this situation”.

Analyze, “What’s my present state”. 

Then ask the question, “What do I want” or “What is the desired outcome I want here”.

Now we are forming a strategy here.

For example, if the strategy to create a situation is formed by the staff member then he won’t resign.

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You can chant the ‘I am sorry’ mantra like a mad person internally, even while fighting with your spouse. 

There should always be compromises in life. After chanting we will get to know what we have to compromise.

Small compromises make big differences.

Whoever wants healing, wants to be a good person, wants peace in the family, have to do this continuously.

Always the present situation or the present condition is the perfect situation/condition (for healing). There is nothing better than that.

So we have to chant this mantra continuously.

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Lakshmi is ‘Supreme Delight and Love’.

How to bring that in our lives?

There is a technique for that.

Whenever you feel sad, worried and fearful about money then do the following exercise.

There must be some period in your life where you would have been joyful and happier, and happiness born out of innocence. You would have enjoyed a joy of innocence.

Take that period as well as the current worrying period. Worry can be about anything.

We need to interchange them.

There is a technique in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), by which you can immediately shift your emotions.

Visualize a white screen in front of you.

That white screen is your brain.

Normally, how brain stores the images?

All the worries in life will be in one compartment.

Similarly, all the joys will be in another compartment.

Likewise, all your anger will be in some other compartment.

Similarly, all persons you like will be in another compartment and those persons whom you dislike will be in another compartment.

Like this, you can segregate all your emotions.

Close your eyes. Visualize a white screen in front of you.

Think about the joyful period in the past. You have look in which part of the white screen – in which compartment, you have stored it. Feel the joy within yourself and identify the place it is stored.

Where is my present state of worry, anger, sadness or grief?

We found two compartments.

Both of them are in different places. Bring the worry compartment into joy compartment. You cannot bring it directly. Take a round-about route.

Now, automatically your worry will be transferred into joy.

There is a period of abundance of money and a period of lack. Sometime you had money and now you don’t have much.

Do it once. Bring the worry into joy compartment and not the other way around.

By this way, you can turn your enemy into friend.

Increase your love energy


My husband is wearing Blue Sapphire ring in his right hand middle finger since 12 years and says that things started getting better after he is wearing.

I am wearing Diamond ring in my left hand ring finer since 4 years. I am also keeping Kunzite gemstone with me, which you had given to me since 4 months.

Is there any reason behind all these me not getting Job also preventing my pregnancy?


This involves another person; I cannot comment on this. DIAMOND anybody can wear.

KUNZITE will not give you any negative effect. It is a light pink stone meant to forgive and increase your love energy, so that there is cordiality between you and your husband.

Are you wearing this as a chain? How are you instructed to use?


I have not yet made the pendant but you had instructed me to keep it with me until I make one and use as chain.


DIAMOND and KUNZITE will do no harm for you.

Search for solution within. Ask yourself “Why am I not pregnant?”

Do you think you are 100% not responsible for your state of affairs?

The divine is more intelligent than all of us. Surrender to the divine to get anything in your life.

Do not be obsessed about what you are not having. Think about what you have got so far from the Divine and thank the divine for what all you got.

When you are content and satisfied with the present, you will get what you want.

Take the flower remedy GENTIAN and WILLOW.

Best of luck!!!

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Imaginary Fears

The fear group consists of four remedies – Aspen, Mimulus, Red Chestnut and Rock Rose.

Fear of imagination

I am giving this story so that you will learn how to use the flower remedy in a particular situation.

There is a newly married couple.

They went for the customary activity of honeymoon. They went to Kodaikanal. The girl couldn’t sleep in the hotel room.

She was trying to put on the lights, while her husband was trying to put off them.

She told him that she can’t sleep without the lights on as it was her practice right from childhood.

And that too in the Kodaikanal, which was 6000 feet above the sea level, when she saw the darkness outside, she felt afraid and needed the lights to be on.

However, as her husband is tired, he slept off easily.

When she put off the lights, she heard a whisper in her ears. She got startled – especially by the darkness outside seen through the windows.

Her fears got increased and her pulse rate became very high. The leaves of the plants grown outside the house looked like ghosts to her.

Again, when she put on the lights, she became normal. Any fear of darkness or fear and worry about ghosts or anything unspecified is ASPEN fear.

It is because in darkness, you always get imaginary fears. All sorts of imagination will happen.

This combination is the standard one I give for ghost busting.

I give this combination also for any unnatural deaths – either by murder, suicide or accident. Then that place will be a haunted place. Definitely, their energy will be present there.

This combination will help them to evolve into the next stage (of life).

If you feel not comfortable about the place or have a premonitory feeling that something bad is going to happen that day, then Aspen is the remedy to address those feelings.

Wherever you couldn’t specify the cause of the fear and say “I don’t know the reason for my fear” – Aspen is the remedy,

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