Posts tagged secure
Blissful Office Atmosphere
I am facing many problems in office such as missing of files and important documents.
Some of my colleagues are not talking to me without any reason. Some colleagues talk to me very rudely.
Work distribution is on partial basis. My seat is overburdened than other seats. Sometimes I feel politics all around.
If there is any strong and effective switch word to overcome all these problems and for smooth and secure running of job under a blissful and light atmosphere.
As you advised me, I chanted it.
Today’s day was better than other recent passing days.
Thanks a lot.
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Managing the Current Economic Downturn:
Ask Right Questions Find Right Solutions:
Get increase in salary
Ashok Kumar
I want to increase my salary in my current job as early as possible.
The Safe and Secure Mudra will help one to be secured in a job and assist in promotion too. And the Switch Word UP will help to get the raise in salary.
Program Your Life Part II
Read the first part of the article here:
Be with your feelings
Focus on the feeling, with Adi Mudra.
Say, “Yes, there is … (mention the feeling here, for example, a feeling of sadness)”
“I welcome this … (feeling)”. But, can I let go this feeling?
If you get the answer “yes”, then just say, “I let go of this … (feeling)”
Is the feeling is still there? Ask the mind, “Can I let go just 10% of the feeling?” If the answer is yes, then proceed further and let go another 10%.
Still you are unable to come out of stagnation.
Now, observe your thoughts.
Can I release this thought?
If the answer is yes then say, “I release … (thought)”
If the answer is “no”, then ask another question, “Is this thought useful to me?”
“No.” means you need to let go of the thoughts. Release all the thoughts one by one.
Find out which desire is behind the emotions.
Is it the desire to control or change the person or event, or the desire for approval or the desire to feel more secure? Ask the mind again.
If there is desire to control or change ask, “Can I release the desire to control?”
Yes means, “I accept my desire to control but I let go this desire to control”.
Is there any desire for approval? (Desiring for praise, recognition)
If yes means, “I just release this desire for approval.”
Is there any desire to feel more secure? or is there is any fear?
If yes means, “I release this desire to feel more secure; or i release my lack of trust ”
After some time, there will not be any feeling or thought. Peace dawns. Now take the required action.
Read the final part of the article here:
Move on to a better position in life
To CHANGE one has to MOVE.
MOVE BACK, MOVE AWAY: not to do a shameful act, move away from it: Walnut is the remedy.
MOVE-IN means to Enter – for example, to enter into an agreement.
When an agreement is signed, chant “WALNUT and WALNUT”
Nobody will break the agreement. They will adhere to the policy of a gentlemen’s agreement.
When somebody makes a commitment to you, think about Walnut and he will not move away or depart from the commitment.
To make progress – to MOVE UP: WALNUT
We have to consider the opposite meaning of a particular expression to find the negative mental state and then to figure out the deeper action spheres of the Flower Remedies.
The opposite meaning of the word Enter is Depart or Remove: fear of removal from service, there will be no dismissal if you take WALNUT. Walnut will eliminate fear of removal. So you will feel safe and secure.
To prevent amputation, give WALNUT. It will be prevented.
The doctors had advised to remove Sajeevanam’s mother’s leg, as she was suffering from acute diabetes. She took Walnut for two days.
The doctors felt may be they will wait for some more time, before they consider amputation again. Amputation also means Disconnection. Walnut prevents disconnection.
If a wife doesn’t want to divorce, with help of WALNUT she can achieve her objective.
If you feel that you are not connected to the family and say, “I don’t belong here. I am out of place,” thanks to WALNUT it will happen.
You will make the necessary adjustments and changes required for the new place. This is required for a newly married girl.
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Letting go the unwanted:
It is truly amazing
Black Tourmaline truly is amazing!
I have just got one for myself and anytime I have aches and pains in the body and I place it on the corresponding Chakra and pain is gone within few minutes!!!
Overall too, I feel more energized with positivity, don’t feel dull especially due to the seasonal change.
Another important thing is I have come to notice is that I feel safer and secure with my Black Tourmaline on me, like when I am driving or working late hours etc., because of its ‘Feel Good’ factor.
Now, I don’t like stepping out anywhere without my Black Tourmaline ‘Angel’. Even if I do forget it, I can immediately sense that something is amiss and I am forgetting something
Thank you Naran for the infinite Divine help!