Posts tagged sisters
Does horoscope decides going abroad
Sushma Pandey
If a person’s horoscope deny oneself abroad chance, will the switch word chanting help such a person to go abroad?
One of my cousins has been told that he can never go abroad as his stars/planet doesn’t favour him. But, he is very inclined to go abroad and make some income for himself and his two younger sisters.
Will the switch words change his destiny and he too can go abroad?
To make some income for himself and his two younger sisters, ask him to chant the Switch Words.
Everybody has a horoscope. Every life is destined. There is no doubt about it. But the future is not fixed.
There are 7 different future holograms. Of the seven, as per the present decision, one will happen.
Healing is a way of surrendering. Surrender and do the healing. Everything will happen, if the Divine decides.
You don’t come to a conclusion. Let the divine decide what to give.
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Yesterday, my Gynecologist performed a small abortion on me, to remove the left over foetus material which had remained tough.
I hardly had any pain as I was chanting “OM PRAAM PREEM PROWM SAHA SHANESHCHARAYA NAMAHA” all through the procedure.
After that, I chanted “WALNUT, RESCUE REMEDY”.
As soon as they shifted me to the ward, I was able to get up myself and use the toilet all by myself. My doctors and sisters present looked at me with dropped jaws. It made me smile
But, I can’t tell those scientific believers such things about divine. So, I kept it to myself, the secret of my recovery.
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