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Healing through Pancha Mudra Pranayama Part I
The basis of Pancha Mudra Pranayama…
Pranayama helps us to reduce no of breaths per minute. As Prana should go to all parts of the body, we require Mudras.
Pancha Mudras are…
They are Chin Mudra, Chinmaya Mudra, Adi Mudra, Meru Mudra and finally Poorana Mudra.
Chin Mudra…
When you do Chin Mudra, the Prana flows downwards. The breath goes to navel and then to legs. It’s good for lower back and for elimination.
Chinmaya Mudra
This activates the Prana – Samanan, which flows from navel to throat upwardly. It is good for digestion.
Adi Mudra
It initiates the Prana called as Udanan, which flows from throat to brain. Thinking capacity of the person improves.
Meru Mudra
This Mudra activates the autonomous nervous system. It stimulates the spinal cord and good for the back too.Poorana Mudra
By doing this Mudra, we make the Prana travel all over the body. It means which ever part of the body lacks Prana; it will be supplied by this Mudra…
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A balanced life!!!
Your wants have to be in balance
Wherever you need harmony you can use the word TOGETHER. It is a very special switch word. It goes deep into the life of person. It stimulates the values in us.
However, most of us do not know what we want. He will be working as a temporary worker but he may want freedom. Employment and freedom cannot go together. If you want freedom and independence then you should have your own business.
However, for doing business, he needs security and so he cannot invest in business. Like this, we are always in conflict in our lives.
Some people want to earn more money, but he cannot because if earns more money, his family life may be affected and so on.
Different parts of life
For all of us a balanced life is needed. What is that?
One is personal; one unknown person is there inside all of us. I can only know myself. That is the personal life in which physical life will be there too. You cannot be healing others continuously unless you are healthy. So, physical health is one part of life.
The second part of life is our social life and relationships. That is, relationship with others – either relationship with the family or society.
The third part is professional.
Thus, the first part of life is physical or personal, the second part is relationships, the third part is professional and the fourth part is spiritual.
Our conflicts of interest
All these four are not balanced in any of us because our interests are in conflict with each other.
Our physical health will be good but relationships will not be good. If relationship is good, his professional life will not be good as he may not go to the office.
When you take a decision for one part of life, it may imbalance the other part of life. When you decide to go to a foreign country, you will lose your family life.
For that reason, you cannot sit at home saying that for you, your family is important and therefore you will skip work.
In the same way, when you think money is important then you have to forego your family life.
Ultimately, you are working for your health, which is lost by working hard, going at 6 am and coming back at 12 midnight.
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