Posts tagged Switch words

Be Successful With Your Decisions


I got a better offer now. But, my current company is not ready to accept resignation and relieve me. They want me to continue.

The new company is after me to join them immediately. Even, I want to join them.

How do I come out of this situation amicably?




Thanks you to your divine advices, my life becomes easier to manage.

I decided to continue with my current organization and I would like to be successful with my decision.



Start the day with THANKS and end the day with THANKS


When one is confused between two options, the Bach Flower SCLERANTHUS helps us to come out of confusion.

Not to regret after taking a decision, HONEY SUCKLE is the remedy.

Surprised It Worked Out So Well


I have many household things I need to sell for the best possible price within a week. I hope you can advise me.




I want to report that I had buyers for almost all my items. These funds helped me greatly during a more difficult time.

I will also say that the things I didn’t sell are those I felt in my mind that did not have any real value for anyone. So, I know it was only my own mind which prevented me from selling it.

I was surprised that it worked out so well since I had never sold before! Thank you!!


Best of luck!!!

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Without Worries You Can Quit Your Job

Case History

Kanchana had problems in her work place – a call centre. She consulted Naran.

He asked her to quit the job ASAP and to find a new job he suggested her to chant, “I AM SORRY. PLEASE FORGIVE ME. OPEN SAVE DIVINE DELIGHT COUNT NOW DONE”.

He added the switch words “Count Now Done” to the new I am sorry mantra as she is looking for a job.

She started chanting. On the same day, she came across a friend, who suggested an opportunity in a Data Center as a data entry operator.

She went for the interview and got the job, within 24 hours of quitting her job.

Interestingly after her interview was over, one of the person, who interviewed her, came running after her.

Asked her whether she is an engineer and on confirmation from her said, she could continue as long as she wants until she finds a new job.

In fact, he promised to give her some references for potential jobs in IT companies.

Divine Peace for Your Country


I wish we all could have a chant to heal the country smooth for political issues and…. surrounding the borders is all enemies. We all Indians pray for quick solution.


Write the place where you want peace. Do the circle method and write AGRIMONY in between the circles.

Chant AGRIMONY by holding the paper on hand daily for 10 minutes.

Or you can download a picture of AGRIMONY (Bach) flower and paste it on the paper, written with the name of the place.

Agrimony is a peacemaker.

Pray daily “Let India and Indians BE OPEN to the LOVE, BEAUTY and GRACE of the DIVINE PEACE”.

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The Peacemaker:

Release the Enemy Within

R Mohan

Whenever I find any overwhelming emotions in the form of anger or hurt, I find saying the switch words, “TOGETHER BOW CONCEDE ADJUST FORGIVE PRAISE THANKS” very useful.

If I simply look at the feeling and say those words, the emotions simply vanish away.


Look at the emotions and say, “I release that part of my mind that is angry. I activate that part of mind that forgives”.

Another example is, “I release that part of me that vomits. I activate that part of mind that stops vomiting”.

You can also do this with whomever you are having problems.

For example, “I release the part which is resisting being harmonious with. I activate the part that brings in harmony, peace and love with so and so”.

This way you can do for any aspect of life. The reason it works is, we have several parts operating– each part taking us in a different direction.

The moment we become aware of it, the healing happens faster.

R Mohan

After employing the technique for a while, one thing I notice however is a sense of fear.


When one skin (emotion) is peeled off, another skin (another emotion) appears. Affirm, “I align the fearing mind with my fearless consciousness”.

Post-Script (R Mohan)

While I was getting help from Naran (for my anger), during the same time, I provided the same suggestions to M (for her hurt):

Naran says that we come across people with the same problems as we are facing then.

So, we should not worry whether we are providing right solutions to them or not as our solutions apply to them as well.

No Support to Buy a House


I am living outside India. I planned to buy a house in my hometown or anywhere.

But, I am not getting any support from my parents or relations, as they all are ignoring my requests.

So please help me with switch words so that I can buy a good house without any problems.




Get/acquire something immediately: FIND DIVINE NOW

Come out of the hopeless situation of finding no support: GORSE (Bach Flower Remedy)

Healing and Happiness Comes to Me in Many Forms


Dear Naran,

Hope you are doing well. I am following your healing techniques, switch words, Lalitham mantras, and bija mantras diligently.

I just wish you to know, that I have a temporary job in Singapore now.

The pay is not so good but “FIND COUNT DIVINE” and “SRINIVASA ARAVINDALOCHANA” has helped me to live in abundance and small amounts of money have trickled through, when I had chanted “FIND COUNT DIVINE”.

For example, one day, I had to shell out on taxi fare, which is too much for my budget. Since, I had no choice, but to spend I started chanting “TOGETHER DIVINE FIND COUNT”.

Immediately, I got a call from a person, who said that he is doing a health-related survey for Singapore government and he will pay me if I allow him to conduct a survey!

It all took about 40 minutes of my time and I was paid for it! I spent for the taxi fare, and the divine heard my pleas through “FIND COUNT…” and compensated for my expenses.

In one of your own blogs, you had mentioned about switch words for job “QUIET CLEAR GO ADD END BRING GIVE TAKE job COUNT NOW DONE” and after chanting, I got this contract job.

I am doing well in my job. FORGIVENESS exercise has mellowed my Boss.

OAK, WALNUT and ELM has helped me to learn new things and also to complete my tasks on time.

Help is pouring from colleagues, because I am totally new to this field and no mistakes are allowed here.

By Divine’s grace, my mental and physical health too has improved.

The mantra “VALLABAM GAJANANAM” has helped me to time manage.

The Bach Flower remedy HORNBEAM has cleared my Monday morning blues.

“RELEASE RESISTANCE TOGETHER DIVINE” has become a family saga! Looks like everyone in the family are aligned with one another and harmonious.

Citrine for Abundance

R Mohan

Ram, the manager of a hotel I used to visit regularly approached me, while I visited the hotel.

He asked me, did I write the circles for Vasu, the owner of the hotel. I said yes.

I asked him why he was enquiring about it. He replied that last few days there is a significant improvement in their hotel business – about 15 to 20% increase.

I had given to Vasu a week earlier, a piece of paper with the switch words written “TOGETHER COUNT DIVINE CITRINE” (based on the suggestion of Naran) using the circle technique and the name of the hotel.

The reason, I believe it has worked was that the manager has simply noticed the paper with few circles drawn and something written inside it. And he has no clue about gem remedies or anything about healing stuff.

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Found My Gold Earring

Biswasri Datta, Mar 6th

My wife has lost a gold earring today and two months back she had lost a gold locket during traveling.

Naran, Mar 5th

You will not get (the gold locket). Chant “GORSE, SLOW CARE” daily.

Biswasri Datta, Mar 6th

I got back my wife’s earring with in a night after chanting “CERATO, CHESTNUT BUD, ROCK WATER” as mentioned in the blog, “Secret to Find the Lost Objects”:

This is really a miracle only because of you.


If Mr. Datta is not to get it back than why he should chant?


The switch words (SLOW CARE) will help him to be careful in the future. The Bach Flower GORSE is suggested for the hopeless situation of not getting back the ornament.

Idea is to come out of the current mental state, so that we will not be in the same situation in the future.

Reduce Your Pain


My husband is having severe pain in left leg (thigh), since last 3 days and its increasing day by day.


Chant “CALM BEAR DIVINE GLORY” over a glass of water and give him.


The switch words will help one to CALMLY BEAR the pain, thanks to the DIVINE and heal the attention, you needed (GLORY).

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