Posts tagged Wealthy
Magic of Abundance CD
I am sorry that I am writing so late but have been immersed into too much work. I had shared with you in the abundance workshop in Mumbai on how ABUNDANCE CD helped my region achieve our sales targets.
We had a huge sales target for the month of March, being the financial yearend we need to do deficit of all other months.
On the 27th of the month, we had achieved only 50 % of our target and I was desperately writing switch words to bring new customer to center. Then it struck to me to use ABUNDANCE CD available in the center.
Since then it was pure ‘MAGIC’.
As we put the cd in the auto mode it played for 12 hrs every day in the office and daily. In the next 4 days we achieved our remaining target smoothly and effortlessly.
Also, a very important point I need to mention here. I sprayed (Bach Flower Remedy) WALNUT water every 1 hr in the premise. This made the staff positive, efficient and as go getters’.
I prostate to you with infinite blessings and thanks, not just for achieving the target but for all the solutions that you had given me, for all of my problems, by making them vanish.
I am so grateful to have you in my life as my Guide and my Mentor.
Lots of Love and Light!!!
God Bless!
Thank You! Very Nice!! Walnut – a good, needed supplement, for the ABUNDANCE CD!!!
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Be Happy Be Wealthy:
Receive abundance in many forms:
How to become wealthy?
To become wealthy we need to be happy….
Why we need to be happy?
Lakshmi will not come when there is worry or fear.
If there is joy, she will come because Mahalakshmi represents Supreme Delight and Love.
At this present age, we are sure we are not happy. Otherwise, we will not come for the abundance class, if you are happy.
There is some problem or other. You cannot say you are 100% happy. The purity of happiness is not there.
Do you have the happiness of a child?
The heartfelt smile is not there in us.
Where have we lost that joy and happiness?
We would have been happy when we were a child.
To know more on why we need to be happy…read the blog:
How to become happy? Is there a simple technique?
Can you explain this technique with a case history?
Good luck!!!
Why we need to be happy?
Why we need to be happy?
To be wealthy, we need to be happy.
How we can make ourselves happy? Read the blog on changing mental compartments here:
What is the basis of changing mental compartments?
Whenever you think that there is no source for money or today there is no money, especially for business persons, at that time you have to do this exercise.
Because, whenever there is fear or worry Lakshmi will not come. Therefore, you have to change your mental attitude.
It is one of the best NLP programs.
This is how brain stores everything…
Worry will be in one compartment…
Fear will be in some other compartment…
And joy will be in other compartment.
Some event is happening outside. Immediately, your reaction goes to the any compartment which you are used to.
For example, when there is no money immediately you will have fear – some type of fear, and worry.
If the event invokes fear means, immediately the brain will go to that compartment and will make you feel like that.
You won’t feel differently as you don’ have the habit of reacting differently.
If you do this exercise, then immediately there will be a shift in your thought pattern and emotional mind.
You can do this for any type of situation where you want a change in the (mental) situation.