Posts tagged able

Fear of punishment

A child aged 10 years old, had a meeting with Naran S. Balakumar, regarding a problem that she could not handle by herself.

Naran: What is going on?

Child: I am afraid that my School Principal will punish me, because my friend is accusing me, that I had stolen her money.

Naran: Did you steal the money?

Child: No, I did not.

Naran: Why cannot you convince your principal that you did not steal the money?

Child: No, I will not be able to that. My fear is that tomorrow my Principal will call me during the prayers, in front of all the school students. Then he will punish me, without doing an enquiry.

Naran: What do you want to happen?

Child: This issue should not come up in the prayer meeting.

Naran, S. Balakumar did tapping on her, until she was 100% relieved from her thoughts and fears.


For some reason, the meeting did not take place! This will not be a surprise, if you are an ardent EFT user. Such surprises and unexpected things happen, when you use EFT!!

Lot of syllabus to cover


I have got exams shortly and lots of syllabus to cover. I am not able to concentrate and study.

Plz advice switch words so that I am able to study hard and clear the exam.


Write 398 in a piece of paper and keep it under the pillow.

Chant “662 SLOW CARE” 50 times over a glass of water and drink this water two times a day.

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Generate more business


Ravi is a teacher for accounts.

He had two students, while he needed a minimum of at least 20 students to manage the show.

Of course, a 50 of them will help him to do well and more than 100 to be a successful businessman.

To get more students, he was asked to visualize as though he has employed a few teachers, taking the classes– as he won’t be able to handle 100 students by himself.

In addition, he had to visualize paying them their salary.

He had to visualize him taking class without worrying about collecting money from the students.

Within a week of visualization, a batch of 10 students joined and in a month 10 more.

“Don’t visualize about receiving money, instead visualize giving them” – is the New Rule of Abundance – NARAN.

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Treat your husband like a friend


No matter what I do, I am not able to tolerate my husband at all. I don’t know what to do.


You are able to treat your friends or for that matter your siblings and parents, well irrespective of their failings isn’t it?

Release the expectations on role of a husband as well as feelings you have about your husband.

Affirm, “I accept and treat him as a friend instead of a husband”.

You will be able to tolerate him better 

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Recreate the Life You Want


I am Helpless and Living In Hell! How can I create my world?

As long as I believe that I and My Mind are one and the same, and accepting whatever mind creates, my life is helpless and hell.

As long as I am not aware that I can RECREATE or REPROGRAM my life, I lose all the power.

Not knowing that I can reprogram my mind and life is ignorance.

Our mind is full of emotions, thoughts, and reactions. As long as they alone make up our mind, we don’t have any choice but to live our lives without any power.


When there is awareness, when we come to know that we are not our mind, a new POWER surges in. 

We will be able to RECREATE our own world to an extent with this little awareness. We can then become POWERFUL and take our lives into our own hands.

Releasing is a self-empowering tool, which changes our outlook about our lives.

What is this technique all about?

It is simply a process of letting go and releasing the emotions and thoughts as and when they arise.

How to implement it?

It is very simple. Whenever we tend to react, just say, “I let go this feeling”.

E.g., “Fear, can you please go? This is not the time for you. For the time being please go out. This is not your place either.”

See what happens. The mind becomes baffled and the emotion flees.

Do not react, but release and act

Reactions destroy our peace of mind. Once our uncontrollable emotions and thoughts are let off, we will find a peace deep inside us.

Releasing is a technique for allowing us to change on the spot.

Releasing allows us to handle any problem by releasing and letting go and thus stops the inner mental struggle.

Reactions intensify the mental struggle. Releasing gives us a new outlook. Reactions repeat the same drama.

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Choosing from two actions


When you want to do two things at the same time and you want to decide which one to do.

Find both positive and minus points for both the actions. Release them two days before doing them

Then you will be able to come to a decision.

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Not able to get accommodation:

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Connect with Great Saints

Naran S Balakumar

Healing connection with Paramacharya

Last weekend, I was cleaning my attic.

I happened to find the photograph of Paramacharya Chandrashekarendra Saraswati. It showed his devotees doing Kanaga Abhishekam on him. It is a prayer to seek wealth and welfare.

The photo was kept unclean. So, I felt bad and send Reiki to Paramacharya using the Silver Triangle as a sign of apology and prayer.

I didn’t know what the message is for me here, because I believe strongly that divine gives us messages and guidance through many forms.

So, I simply prayed to Paramacharya, seeking whatever healing required by me, my family, and my patients.

Connection between the lost child and her parents

Only last month, I read an article about him in a Tamil Newspaper.

The story goes like this.

An old couple approached Paramacharya. They were childless and wanted to do something back to the society – either in the form of taking care of expenses of some poor girl (as marriage expenses are taken care of by the brides’ family in this part of the world) or adopt a child.

Therefore, they sought his guidance.

Paramacharya asked them to contact the poor family waiting to meet him outside his abode.

The old couple had a daughter who was about to get married and were looking for some financial help to get their daughter married.

When enquired about their daughter, the daughter’s father told the old couple that they found the girl in a railway station about 15 years back.

What was surprising was that the girl was nothing but the daughter of the old couple themselves. The man is her father and the lady was her step-mother.

It is his daughter from his first marriage.

After, his first wife passed away, he married his current wife. On her insistence, he left the daughter in a railway station that is far away from their home, so that she will be lost from their lives.

And, he never had a child through his second marriage.

The girl was picked up by the poor couple, who were childless themselves and took care of her from then.

How Paramacharya did know this? Nobody knew that fact. But, somehow he connected the abandoned daughter with her legal parents.

Connection with right gynecologist

Kala was about to have her second child. She has major complications and couldn’t find a solution to fix them.

Unfortunately, each doctor she consulted had given her different warnings, which confused her further. So she was worried and said she had to meet me immediately.

The time she came to see me, a couple was waiting for me to consult me for the first time.

When I found out that the lady is gynecologist, I asked her to help Kala. The doctor obliged to see Kala immediately and gave the right consultation that was the need for the hour.

The doctor refused to take any money as she felt that only divine has made her to come to my clinic and meet Kala. I insisted that she take 200 rupees as a token of energy exchange.

However, I told her to keep it with her and not spend it, as I have understood the message from divine – here Paramacharya, that divine is offering to the doctor, a gift of wealth and welfare in the form of 200 rupees.

What is the connection with Reiki past healing and Saints?

Whenever you want to seek the guidance and blessings of Saints and Sages, or Gods for that matter, you put them in the altar in the form of silver triangle and do your prayers by drawing Reiki symbols.

 You will be able to receive their grace and rays of love from them.

While doing the prayer, make an affirmation, “I OPEN to GRACE and RAYS of LIGHT and LOVE of …. (NAME of the SAINT)”

Lead your life with joy and enthusiasm


Every day when you wake up in the morning, do you wake up enthusiastically? We don’t.

That is what is required from us. It is the demand from our Liver.

Start your work always enthusiastically with a child-like joy’ is message of the liver. It also says, ‘Welcome every day as a new day’.

Let go of your failure attitude

Many of us say, “However much I tried I am not able to succeed in my life! There are so many blocks around”.

Be positive and be optimistic’ is another message from the Liver. It says, ‘There are no obstacles. There is less perseverance on your part’.

‘Never say die’ attitude of Liver

Liver contains millions of cells. Out of these cells, even if 90% of the cells die, the liver functions normally. That is the best example of optimism – a ‘Never say die’ attitude.

If you think that you have failed then you are spoiling the liver and de-energizing it.

Sometimes, we also say that while others are progressing, we are not doing well. We say that with resentment and anger. ‘All are doing fine but I am not’ – when you say these words you are killing the liver.

Welcome every day as a new day

Liver represents wood (based on Chinese classification) or air element. Plants look fresh and new every day. They always welcome the day as if it is a new day for the entire life.

Whenever you want new life, you can thank your Liver and give a smile to it. You can also do a ‘Shhhhh’ sound, during your exhale.

Release your anger

All our anger settles at the Liver. When we condemn ourselves or when we have anger and resentment, the toxins gets accumulated at the Liver.

To remove these toxins you have to do the sound healing with sound ‘Shhhhh…..’ during exhaling. Inhaling through and then while exhaling say the mantra.

Completing the job on hand is the key

Do not postpone’ is also the message of the Liver. Once you start the work, you should not stop in the middle. You have to contribute one hundred percent to it.

When you reach the peak level you have all the enthusiasm in life. You will have the joy to do the work and you will be contributing hundred percent to the work.

When you are doing the work with full enthusiasm you will reach the peak. Then you are only in the giving mode and not in the ‘giving and receiving’ cycle.

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Need right business for me


My long time desire is to start a business & become a successful business man. But, I am not able to start a correct business which is suited for me.

So, please tell me switch words which will help me to start a new business?


Chant “WILD OAT, HORNBEAM”300 times daily for one month.

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Not able to get accommodation

Client: For the past three or four months we are trying to get the accommodation for type 5 quarters. We are currently staying in type 3 quarters (smaller house).

My husband is a government employee and we are due to type 5 quarters (it’s a bigger one) for several months.

Naran: You are not able to get that.

What are the feelings you are having?

What if you don’t get it?

Client: I am unhappy about it.

Naran: How you are maintaining that unhappy feeling?

You have been saying you are not getting the apartment that is due to your husband.

What is the thought that goes on in your mind?

Whom you are blaming for this situation?

You have to consider all of them.

What are you doing about the situation?

Client: We are trying for the same. But for several reasons like – the type 5 apartment is not available and the houses are given based on priority, and we are not getting the apartment yet.

Naran: What are the other thoughts you are getting?

Why you are not getting the accommodation?

Who is responsible for that?

What are the feelings you get – like for example, “It is not unfair that houses are given first to senior people”?

List all of them.

Whatever you thoughts and whatever you had said about the individuals concerned – the people who had to allocate the house for you, just list them out. Release each and every one of them.

What are advantages going to type 5?

What disadvantages staying in type 3?

Write them out. Why I want to move away from type 3 quarters? There has to be some reasons. List them out, one after another.

There is one problem over which you might be thinking about. We need to unearth those thoughts.

Now work on your “Likes and dislikes”.

Presently there is lack of space means that it’s a dislike isn’t it? Therefore, you don’t like the current house. Then how will you get a new house?

As long as you don’t like the present house, which means you are rejecting the present house, you will not get any new house.

It’s a rule, “Accept the present that you don’t want, to get the one you want”.

Therefore, you to need to accept whatever are available to you currently and you release all the dislikes that you have about your present house.

You are continuously cursing that the space in the current house is not enough.

What will happen if you continue to do complain?

Even if you move to bigger house, eventually you will be faced with lack of space. How?

Your husband will get more books and some of your relatives will move in. In the current house, her husband has completely filled one room with books.

Another rule: same reaction will get you a similar result, if not the same result.

Say “I release my desire to go to type 5 quarters”.

This is very important.

Unconsciously you have the resistance to go to type 5 quarters. Therefore, say, “I release my resistance to go to type 5 quarters”.

What is meant by resistance to type 5 quarters?

There is a desire to be in type 3 quarters. Unconsciously,   you want to be in type 3 quarters because there is some advantage staying there.

Client: The advantage staying in type 3 quarters is that we are staying in the ground floor.

Naran: You have a desire to be in ground floor. This desire stops you from moving to type 5. Release that desire to be in type 3 quarters.

For all (troublesome) situations we are the reason behind it.

Whether she gets type 5 quarters or not, that is a different issue. Clean the clutters of your mind.

If you have the feeling, “Let it come when it has to come” then only it will come to you.

Instead, till such time (until you get the type 5 quarters) a fight goes inside, spoils your mood and you feel tensed all the time.

In addition, always you are angry about concerned authorities and criticizing the government officials. Release each and everything.

In the morning (before you came for the class) you would have picked up a fight with your spouse. You can release that even now (thus past is healed).

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