Posts tagged spouse

Manage a negative-minded spouse


My brother has lost all hope as his wife is not co-operative, negative-minded, and selfish, blaming personally and never satisfied how much you do for her.

Tell some remedy or mantra for my brother so that he can handle the situation. My brother just wants to give divorce to his wife.

It’s really difficult for him to control the situation as she blames him for everything but then when he asks her for divorce, she doesn’t want to give to him.


Ask your brother to take flower remedies CHICORY, CRAB APPLE and CHERRY PLUM, 2 pills of each, one after the other, three times a day. He has to keep himself cool.

Ask him to chant “TOGETHER DIVINE”.


To remain calm and composed: Cherry Plum

To get the problem out of one’s life: Crab Apple.

The wife does not want the husband; at the same time denying to get separated from him: Chicory

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Quick Formula Healing


This is common for both Self-Reiki and Healing Others.

Draw the symbols: On the problem area, Nearest related chakra, Solar plexus Chakra and 3rd eye Chakra.

Healing Knee – example one

Let us say you have pain on the right knee.

Give Reiki as follows: to Knee (the part that is suffering), to Basic Chakra (the nearest and related chakra to the part), to Solar Plexus Chakra and to Third eye Chakra.

Let us say your spouse has diabetes. Then write the name of the person, and the words Liver, Solar plexus and Third eye on a piece of paper and give Reiki to it.

Healing Eyes Swelling – example two

Give Reiki as follows: over your eyes (the part that is suffering), to Third Eye Chakra (the nearest related chakra to the part), to Solar Plexus, and again to the Third Eye Chakra


Fever: give Reiki to whole body, especially back of the head, on the back of the head behind your mouth.

For any issues with Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT): the nearest chakra is throat Chakra

Eyes: Third Eye Chakra, Solar plexus Chakra and Third Eye again

For Healing Others

Take a toy, decide some part of the toy as the part of your friend, and give Reiki to it.

On left hand, visualize as though you are bringing each organ, give it Reiki, after healing, affirm, “Organ go back to your place of my friend”.

On paper write the problem and heal it with Reiki. For example, if your friend has leg pain, write the affirmation, “His leg pain has totally healed”. Thus, write it as though it has happened.

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One drop of love will change him

A patient of Naran remarked about her spouse. He gave the following reply to her. These exercises however can be done anybody who wants to live harmoniously and be happy with them.


Look at oneself first

This is Drama of Life and if one understands, we will come to know, realize and understand that we have to bring in change in ourselves only.

We have to direct the mind towards oneself and then towards others. This is the basis of all healing modalities.

The nature always expects us to move towards perfection.

In this process, one understands not only the DIVINE ORDER, but also realizes that one has to rise above the mind and its tantrums, and become spiritual.

All healing methods help a person to understand his/her own potentials.

Others are mirrors of yourself

Before trying to change the other person do this exercise on you first.

Take a piece of paper and write about him first. Whatever you wanted to say about him write it.

  • Insert the word ‘I’ wherever you have put ‘He’.

For example, “He never takes the treatment properly and he escapes”, should be rewritten as “I never take the treatment properly. I escape.”

Change what all you have written about him Into I.

  • Now affirm, “I never take the treatment properly. I escape. In spite of this, I accept myself totally”.

Do three rounds of tapping for each sentence.

  • Do the forgiving exercise for them. “I forgive you …. (Name) you please forgive me and release me”.
  • Send Reiki to him daily.

Problem is the source of solution

Whoever is causing problem to you, can only give you solution.

Whoever irritates or angers you, can only give you peace. 

You cannot change your husband. You want him for your status and security. Then you have to heal yourself. Forgive.

  • You only have to make your life peaceful. For getting peace with such a person, you have to shed your ego and heal yourself.

Heal your controlling tendencies

Heal your anger and controlling tendency.

We always like people who comply or who just listen to us or obey us implicitly. That is why we want all the people to do this and that as well as agree with us, whatever we say.

When there is slight disagreement, dissent or difference of opinion, we may not like the person.

This dislike of the person who disagrees and the like of the person who agrees create conflicts in life.

  • Both are born from our controlling tendency – desire to control or change.  Release your desire to control and change others.

You have the power to heal him

What your husband needs attention, love and tolerance. Understand that he is mentally deranged, unlike we who are sane. The sane people are supposed to protect and understand such people.

When you ignore, chide, or send your husband away, who will take care of him?

The God has sent him to you, because you know Reiki.

God has sent him to you, because you know forgiving exercise and you know how to release your karma.

God has sent him to you because you know how to change yourself through flower remedies.

Heal him. This is how god has made him. One drop of love will change him. One iota of kindness can change.

Heal him from the heart. Sympathize with him. If he is the cause of your mental agony, how much he is suffering within mentally. Just help a man who needs help. Pray for him.

He is not a curse to you. He has not become your husband because of your bad karma.

He has come to you for healing. He is a grace for you.

Through him you spiritual journey starts! I hope you will start the Journey!!

Winning Switch Words Part III


Switch Word(s) Description
On Not getting stuck up in a situation

No interruptions

Get creative ideas

Stay alert and awake when you work during late nights

Off Sleep well
Reach Find the lost article
Reach Divine Order To come out of long-held negative beliefs
Release Resistance If healing doesn’t happen even after several attempts add these switch words to the healing combination of remedies (during chanting)/ switch words
Release Resistance Find Buyer Count Now Done To find a buyer for your property hasn’t yielded any results even after many efforts.

Buyer is not a switch word.

Slow Care Wise people act slowly and carefully, so to become wise these switch words
Stretch On To able to continue doing the task you are currently doing comfortably, especially when you are tired
Thanks To show attitude of gratitude
Together To work out a good relationship with others

Have a balanced mind

Get co-operation from colleagues

To find resolution and resolve conflict with others

Together Find Centre Divine Love To find love within and in-turn attract love in your life
Together Divine To improve relationship with your spouse

Bring peace into the family when there is on-going quarrel

Together Find Divine Love Attract love and people
Together Find Divine Order Count Now On To get a salary hike

To find money and order out of a situation

Together Reach Divine Love Centre Attain Soul Love
UP To manage your depression
With To become compatible with a person
Why It’s an afformation. You ask the brain why something you want has happened. It will find that out for you and make it happen.

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Winning Switch Words Part I:

Patience alone can help us


If he shows anger on me, according to him, I should behave like a matured wife. I should behave same as in normal condition, in a polite way.

He loves me through my politeness. These are his expectations.

Can I change myself through this way, because if he becomes angry I can’t handle him politely?

At that time, I feel bad why he should get angry on me. And I don’t like his bad behavior either.

However, if by changing my behavior, my relationship takes a good way, then I am ready to become polite.


When he gets angry, be in the SAFE and SECURE MUDRA and chant “CHERRY PLUM, IMPATIENS”.

Our endurance and patience only can help us.

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Exercises for Program Your Life

Read the 1st part of the article here:

Read the 2nd part of the article here:


For the following imaginary life situations do the releasing techniques mentioned in the articles referred above:

  1. Power cut, when you are having your dinner.
  2. When you leave the house to drive to Airport, you realize your car key is missing.
  3. You are a branch manager of a bank; gave a loan believing that the client would submit the document the next day. For the next three days, he didn’t.
  4. You are invited to lecture on a topic. You prepared well and delivered it. After the event, many in the audience said that they knew the stuff already.
  5. Feelings and thoughts about an unreasonable spouse/co-worker/servant
  6. When a cop demands the driving license, you proudly showed it. The cop retorted, “What is this! You are showing an expired license!”
  7. You have ordered for a takeaway. Friends have arrived, but not the dinner. The caterer phone switched off.

Not able to get accommodation

Client: For the past three or four months we are trying to get the accommodation for type 5 quarters. We are currently staying in type 3 quarters (smaller house).

My husband is a government employee and we are due to type 5 quarters (it’s a bigger one) for several months.

Naran: You are not able to get that.

What are the feelings you are having?

What if you don’t get it?

Client: I am unhappy about it.

Naran: How you are maintaining that unhappy feeling?

You have been saying you are not getting the apartment that is due to your husband.

What is the thought that goes on in your mind?

Whom you are blaming for this situation?

You have to consider all of them.

What are you doing about the situation?

Client: We are trying for the same. But for several reasons like – the type 5 apartment is not available and the houses are given based on priority, and we are not getting the apartment yet.

Naran: What are the other thoughts you are getting?

Why you are not getting the accommodation?

Who is responsible for that?

What are the feelings you get – like for example, “It is not unfair that houses are given first to senior people”?

List all of them.

Whatever you thoughts and whatever you had said about the individuals concerned – the people who had to allocate the house for you, just list them out. Release each and every one of them.

What are advantages going to type 5?

What disadvantages staying in type 3?

Write them out. Why I want to move away from type 3 quarters? There has to be some reasons. List them out, one after another.

There is one problem over which you might be thinking about. We need to unearth those thoughts.

Now work on your “Likes and dislikes”.

Presently there is lack of space means that it’s a dislike isn’t it? Therefore, you don’t like the current house. Then how will you get a new house?

As long as you don’t like the present house, which means you are rejecting the present house, you will not get any new house.

It’s a rule, “Accept the present that you don’t want, to get the one you want”.

Therefore, you to need to accept whatever are available to you currently and you release all the dislikes that you have about your present house.

You are continuously cursing that the space in the current house is not enough.

What will happen if you continue to do complain?

Even if you move to bigger house, eventually you will be faced with lack of space. How?

Your husband will get more books and some of your relatives will move in. In the current house, her husband has completely filled one room with books.

Another rule: same reaction will get you a similar result, if not the same result.

Say “I release my desire to go to type 5 quarters”.

This is very important.

Unconsciously you have the resistance to go to type 5 quarters. Therefore, say, “I release my resistance to go to type 5 quarters”.

What is meant by resistance to type 5 quarters?

There is a desire to be in type 3 quarters. Unconsciously,   you want to be in type 3 quarters because there is some advantage staying there.

Client: The advantage staying in type 3 quarters is that we are staying in the ground floor.

Naran: You have a desire to be in ground floor. This desire stops you from moving to type 5. Release that desire to be in type 3 quarters.

For all (troublesome) situations we are the reason behind it.

Whether she gets type 5 quarters or not, that is a different issue. Clean the clutters of your mind.

If you have the feeling, “Let it come when it has to come” then only it will come to you.

Instead, till such time (until you get the type 5 quarters) a fight goes inside, spoils your mood and you feel tensed all the time.

In addition, always you are angry about concerned authorities and criticizing the government officials. Release each and everything.

In the morning (before you came for the class) you would have picked up a fight with your spouse. You can release that even now (thus past is healed).

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Pluses and Minuses:

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Addiction to drink


Treatment through Bach Flower remedies

No will power to discontinue drinking: ROCK WATER

Gives the reason for drinking by blaming his parents/ spouse: WILLOW

Says to get release from business worries, and other such problems:      AGRIMONY

Drinks if somebody offers a drink: CHICORY

Morning he promises he will give up drinking, evening he takes it: SCLERANTHUS

Can’t refuse to drink if somebody offers it: Centaury, WALNUT

To break from drinking habit – base remedy: WALNUT

Feels ashamed next day morning to face his people: ROCK WATER

Steals money to fund his drinking habit: CHESTNUT BUD

Feels guilty after he drinks: PINE

Abusive – physical and shouts at others after drinking: VINE, CHERRY PLUM

Note: One or more remedies have to be given based on the reasons cited above.

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You can chant the ‘I am sorry’ mantra like a mad person internally, even while fighting with your spouse. 

There should always be compromises in life. After chanting we will get to know what we have to compromise.

Small compromises make big differences.

Whoever wants healing, wants to be a good person, wants peace in the family, have to do this continuously.

Always the present situation or the present condition is the perfect situation/condition (for healing). There is nothing better than that.

So we have to chant this mantra continuously.

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