Posts tagged diabetes

Quick Formula Healing


This is common for both Self-Reiki and Healing Others.

Draw the symbols: On the problem area, Nearest related chakra, Solar plexus Chakra and 3rd eye Chakra.

Healing Knee – example one

Let us say you have pain on the right knee.

Give Reiki as follows: to Knee (the part that is suffering), to Basic Chakra (the nearest and related chakra to the part), to Solar Plexus Chakra and to Third eye Chakra.

Let us say your spouse has diabetes. Then write the name of the person, and the words Liver, Solar plexus and Third eye on a piece of paper and give Reiki to it.

Healing Eyes Swelling – example two

Give Reiki as follows: over your eyes (the part that is suffering), to Third Eye Chakra (the nearest related chakra to the part), to Solar Plexus, and again to the Third Eye Chakra


Fever: give Reiki to whole body, especially back of the head, on the back of the head behind your mouth.

For any issues with Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT): the nearest chakra is throat Chakra

Eyes: Third Eye Chakra, Solar plexus Chakra and Third Eye again

For Healing Others

Take a toy, decide some part of the toy as the part of your friend, and give Reiki to it.

On left hand, visualize as though you are bringing each organ, give it Reiki, after healing, affirm, “Organ go back to your place of my friend”.

On paper write the problem and heal it with Reiki. For example, if your friend has leg pain, write the affirmation, “His leg pain has totally healed”. Thus, write it as though it has happened.

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Reduce your sugar


Because the family has diabetes then we think we will get it too, which is a WILD ROSE state.

Thus, Wild Rose is the base remedy for diabetes because such persons say, “My father/mother has diabetes, so I too have it”.

The Bach Flower combination to be prescribed is: WILD ROSE + CRAB APPLE + OAK.

It will reduce sugar and will be especially helpful for diabetes wounds – unhealed wounds.

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Move on to a better position in life


To CHANGE one has to MOVE.

MOVE BACK, MOVE AWAY: not to do a shameful act, move away from it: Walnut is the remedy.

MOVE-IN means to Enter – for example, to enter into an agreement.

When an agreement is signed, chant “WALNUT and WALNUT”

Nobody will break the agreement. They will adhere to the policy of a gentlemen’s agreement.

When somebody makes a commitment to you, think about Walnut and he will not move away or depart from the commitment.

To make progress – to MOVE UP: WALNUT

We have to consider the opposite meaning of a particular expression to find the negative mental state and then to figure out the deeper action spheres of the Flower Remedies.

The opposite meaning of the word Enter is Depart or Remove: fear of removal from service, there will be no dismissal if you take WALNUT.  Walnut will eliminate fear of removal. So you will feel safe and secure.

To prevent amputation, give WALNUT. It will be prevented.

The doctors had advised to remove Sajeevanam’s mother’s leg, as she was suffering from acute diabetes. She took Walnut for two days.

The doctors felt may be they will wait for some more time, before they consider amputation again. Amputation also means Disconnection. Walnut prevents disconnection.

If a wife doesn’t want to divorce, with help of WALNUT she can achieve her objective.

If you feel that you are not connected to the family and say, “I don’t belong here. I am out of place,” thanks to WALNUT it will happen.

You will make the necessary adjustments and changes required for the new place. This is required for a newly married girl.

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